Roosh Valizadeh
2019 by Roosh V
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
Table of Contents
To my sister
You hate women! This accusation has been thrown at me hundreds of times. Because Ive been critical of women in my writing, and Ive wanted to improve them in some way, I must therefore hate them. Personally, I know I dont hate women. Ive spent a big chunk of my life learning how to better connect with them, and Ive given advice to tens of thousands of men with the aim of making women feel attracted to them. Its still impossible to refute the accusation that I hate women, because you cannot prove to someone that hatred disguised as critique does not lie buried within your soul. If one follows this line of reasoning, anyone who has criticized anything at some point must have done so out of hatred, meaning that I also hate men, every country Ive traveled to, exercise, pugs, and even myself.
My hatred of men must be especially strong because most of my work has had the aim of unlocking inner barriers that prevent them from becoming stronger, more interesting men that women find attractive. This work stems from my own transformation from a 22-year-old college graduate who knew nothing about women to a 39-year-old man who has had just about every imaginable experience with them. My advice to both men and women is ultimately borne from idealism: if men can embrace their natural masculinity, and women can embrace their natural femininity, things would be better for everyone, and we could avoid the negative aspects of modern culture, such as meaningless hookups and sterile relationships. Perhaps my ideal of how the sexes should relate can never be achieved, but I think we can get pretty close.
At this point, Im supposed to convince you that Im an expert, and that you will be doomed to a life of unhappiness and loneliness if you dont follow my advice, but I am not an expert. I have no fancy psychology degrees. Im merely a man who has lived richly without delusions and come to see the truth of male-female bonding. My hope is that youre about to read what you have subconsciously identified as the truth but have not been able to articulate. I doubt Ill reveal anything that isnt already contained within your being. The task of a teacher is not to implant new ideas into a students mind but to set out reality so plainly and clearly that the student naturally discovers the truth on his or her own.
Lady marks the first time Im writing directly to women instead of men. This is a challenge for me because each sex prefers a unique style of communication. Men prefer direct communication that is dense in facts and logic. We place a high value on the quality of information as opposed to the quantity. Women are different. They engage more in indirect communication that is full of hints, suggestions, and metaphors that contribute to an overall mood or feeling. A conversation with a woman is like a ballet that can have multiple interpretations, a fact that has frustrated men for millennia. Women prefer to receive communication indirectly, dropped delicately from the noise, while avoiding negative emotions that make them feel like they are being threatened or judged. Men prefer to get to the point quickly and directly, at the risk of hurting the feelings of others or even their own.
In preparation for writing this book, I skimmed other books that were written for women. The writing was quite soft and flowery, with an annoying over-abundance of metaphors. Within each page I found myself saying Get to the point! but I understand that the point isnt the pointits more to do with keeping the female reader in a favorable emotional state. As a veteran writer, I think I could mimic this style, but I fear you will miss my conclusions or misinterpret them. Therefore, you may encounter passages that challenge your mood, your worldview, and how you see yourself as a woman. Your first instinct will be denial, that what Im writing is simply not true, and then you will feel angry. You may even yell He hates women! as a self-protection mechanism to avoid accepting that you may possess flaws or blind-spots that are hurting you. This is okay. Accept the information you want and discard the rest that feels painful, although Im confident that, in time, you will be able to accept the truths I share.
In life, there is a time for hearing sweet little lies, as the Fleetwood Mac song tells us, and there is a time for knowing the truth so that you can improve your life. I would rather tell you the hard truth and have you resent me for it than tell you sweet lies that merely entertain you or dont challenge you enough to solve your problems. That said, if at some point you throw this book across the room and send an email to me saying that you wish I would die, I wont take it personally. Im writing this with a softer hand than I use in my books for men, but it will ultimately be up to you to judge whether it was soft enough.
Ill end this prologue by sharing why I decided to write a book for women, years after becoming infamous as the worlds biggest misogynist, a term the Washington Post has used to describe me. First, I kept getting emails from women thanking me for my writing. Most of them were in their late twenties or early thirties, and had reached a stage where they had uncovered the lie that they would be fulfilled by dedicating most of their lives to careers for the purpose of accumulating material possessions instead of focusing on family. These emails, which have increased in frequency over the years, tell me that I would help women better if I addressed them directly.
The second reason Ive written this book is that the men Ive aided with self-improvement are faced with a culture where women havent improved themselves, and who have in fact declined. Im telling men to increase their value to be the best men they can, but after they complete this tough personal journey, they venture out and discover that women are worse than they were a few years ago. Sadly, there are no positive role models for women in entertainment, mass media, government, and the universities. These institutions teach women how to be impulsive, masculine, vulgar, and promiscuous while pushing them to become enslaved in the rat race to prove that they are as good as men or that they dont need a man. This makes it virtually impossible for a woman to create a loving family.
I admit there is something amusing about the worlds biggest misogynist attempting to help women be happier, but it makes sense from my perspective. If the establishment is harming women by encouraging them to lead a degenerate lifestyle that is a one-way ticket to getting hooked on anti-depressant pills, the opposite of what it says may very well be the answer. If the establishment is promoting a feminist author for her book on female empowerment, and she appears on all the mainstream talk shows, you should do the exact opposite of what she says. On the other hand, if the establishment is rabidly denouncing a writer as being hateful to women, without providing a logical reason why, that man may be speaking the truth.
Ultimately, my mission with this book is to help you have a better life as a woman, at the risk of hurting your feelings or forcing you to accept that youve made mistakes in the past. As a man who has made countless mistakes, particularly in my pursuit of casual sex for more than a decade, I know that its what we learn from our mistakes that will enable us to live better lives. Its okay to accept that weve messed up in the past, but now are getting on the right path, wiser than before. So lets get started.