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Foreword: The Art of Living
How to stay young, healthy and live longer? Remember that youth is Gods seed of love Planted in the human form devine. Indeed youth is the Divinity within man, Youth is the life Spiritual, the life beautiful. Its the only life that lives and loves, the one life eternal.
Pain thought, fear thought and grief thoughts create the ugliness called Old-age. Joy thoughts, love thoughts love thoughts and ideal thought create the beauty called Youth. When you eat the animals they get killed, get pain, get fear at the highest level and those extremely strong emotions comes to every cells of them. When we eat them, we eat their fear, their pain and their grief. We eat the ugliest things into our body everyday and still want to stay young. Age is but a shell, within which lies the gem of reality, the jewel of Youth: Practicing and acqiring the conciousness of childhood visualize The Devine Child Within. (Great Master) Have you ever wondered who exactly are we? What are we meant to do, think, and eat? Well, what if I told you that you can debunk those non-vegan We are made to eat meat claims?! Thats right. (Great Master) Have you ever wondered who exactly are we? What are we meant to do, think, and eat? Well, what if I told you that you can debunk those non-vegan We are made to eat meat claims?! Thats right.
We humans are naturally herbivorous creatures, and here are a few reasons why. Firstly, these canine teeth people always joke about DONT EXIST. Compared to other carnivorous beings, our canines, as well as our claws (fingernails) are as sharp as a butter knife. Instead, we have flat molars in the back, like those of other herbivorous creatures, which allow us to grind down fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other wholesome foods, as well as fingers and thumbs for gathering. Even more so, a meat-eater has a jaw that specifically goes up and down in other to tear up meat and flesh properly; however, we have jaws that yes, do move up and down, but also side to side. The purpose of the horizontal motion of a jaw, as mentioned above, is not for ripping flesh but for grinding foods falling under a plant based diet.
Another piece of evidence can be found in our bodys makeup: Our intestinal length as well as our stomach acidity. Did you know that the length of our intestines is extremely smaller than that of natural carnivores? Know whats the point of this you might ask? Having shorter intestines like meat-eaters allows natural, raw meat to travel quickly through an animals body before it can rot or cause any infection. Instead, longer intestines have the purpose of retaining food longer, such as complex foods that can digest and provide the body with multiple nurtients. Moreover, humans stomach acidity is considerably less than that of a carnivores meaning its not capable of quickly digesting flesh or killing bacteria as is at digesting pre-chewed fruits, veggies, and grains. Apart from the unavoidable, physiological claims mentioned above, taking a look at how this diet can harm our environment will be sure to make you think twice. Think about the chain effect of eating meat.
Where does your meat come from? How is it produced? Did you know that cutting back on or completely eliminating meat in your diet can save endless environmental factors? Being vegan for just one week saves 8,000 gallons of water, 300 pounds of grain, 150 pounds of Carbon Dioxide emissions, 325 square feet of forestry, and about 5 animal lives. Seems unbelievable? Not really. Its just that we as humans never see the effects of our simple actions. In order to get your steak dinner, you have to cut down football fields worth of trees in order to have space for the factory farm, collect endless amounts of grain and water to overfeed and nourish the livestock, and then emit hundreds of thousands of pounds of toxins into the air from the killing machines that are running in the factory. To make it worse, imagine it in this way: Losing those factory farms brings back fields of trees and plants to grow natural foods and fruits, which also saves the factorys Carbon Dioxide emissions and increases the oxygen and clean air. Not to mention the pounds of water and grain that are used to unnaturally fatten these living beings could be given to starving children all around the world.
Putting everything in perspective really allows us to think things through. Its no longer an ignorant thought of a piece of meat on your plate for dinner, but instead the thought of everything that that piece of meat costed. Knowing these physiological and environmental factors are sure to plant that seed of curiosity and doubt in your head: Are we really meant to be meat eaters?
Veganism vs. Half Veganism
Ultimately, veganism is a lifestyle as well as diet choice that many people partake in for moral and health reasons; however, a step higher than vegetarianism yet lower from veganism half veganism has arisen, and for good reason. Veganism is the act of living a completely cruelty-free, compassionate lifestyle and usually following the belief that one can live their life without having to harm another being. Vegans will remove all animal flesh and animal products from their diets, including meat, chicken, fish, milk, cheese, butter, eggs and so on.
Some, if not most, vegans also try to cut back on any clothes products made from animals or animal-tested makeup. But what about those who are consciously trying to make a difference, but they cant go 100% vegan? Instead of being discouraged and continuing a normal diet, many have become half vegans on the way to hopefully becoming 100% vegan. Now, a half vegan will live with more wholesome, plant based diet which excludes all flesh foods as well, but here and there they might mainly indulge in dairy products including butter, cheese, or eggs. Remember, any change is better than no change whether it be half vegan, fully vegan, meatless Mondays, dairy free or even meat free! Are All Spices Good Spices: Dos and Donts When being vegan, spices atop and in your foods can be everything! Many people dont realize before turning vegan that food and its taste doesnt really depend on the flesh itself as it does the texture and spice of the food. You can take a piece of tofu for texture and spice it as you would a hamburger patty and voila! Anyways, when it comes to the number one spice, salt, theres a lot to say. When being vegan, many say to watch your iodine levels, which can easily fall below that of non-vegans; however, this can be fixed by consuming a bit more salt in your food.