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Rick Steves - Rick Steves Best of Spain

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Hit Spains cant-miss art, sights, and bites in two weeks or less with Rick Steves Best of Spain!
Expert advice from Rick Steves on whats worth your time and money
Two-day itineraries covering Barcelona, Madrid, Toledo, Granada, Andalucias White Hill Towns, and Sevilla
Over 60 full-color maps and vibrant photos
Ricks tips for beating the crowds, skipping lines, and avoiding tourist traps
The best of local culture, flavors, and haunts, including walks through the most interesting neighborhoods and museums
Trip planning strategies like how to link destinations and design your itinerary, what to pack, where to stay, and how to get around
Suggestions for side trips to Montserrat and Figueres, Basque Country, Santiago de Compostela, El Escorial, Segovia, Salamanca, Cordoba, and Spains South Coast
Experience Spains Old World romance and New World excitement for yourself with Rick Steves Best of Spain!
Planning a longer trip? Rick Steves Spain 2018 is the classic, in-depth guide to exploring the country, updated annually.
Time for a quick getaway? Colorful Rick Steves Pocket Barcelona is perfect when you have a week or less.

Rick Steves: author's other books

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Rick Steves BEST OF SPAIN - photo 1
Rick Steves BEST OF SPAIN - photo 2
Rick Steves


Like a grandpa bou - photo 3
Like a grandpa bouncing a baby on his knee Spain is a mix of old and new - photo 4
Like a grandpa bouncing a baby on his knee Spain is a mix of old and new - photo 5
Like a grandpa bouncing a baby on his knee Spain is a mix of old and new - photo 6

Like a grandpa bouncing a baby on his knee, Spain is a mix of old and new, modern and traditional. Spain means massive cathedrals, world-class art, Moorish palaces, vibrant nightlife, whitewashed villages, and glorious sunshine. Spain has a richness of history and culture. From the stirring sardana dance in Barcelona to the sizzling rat-a-tat-tat of flamenco in Sevilla, this country creates its own beat amid the heat.

Spains charm really lies in its people and their unique lifestyle. Even as the Spanish embrace modern times, their daily lives focus on friends and family as they always have. Many still follow the siesta schedule, shutting down work during the midday heat to enjoy the company of loved ones. In the cool of the evening, Spain comes back to life. Whole families stroll through the streets and greet their neighborsa custom called the paseo. Spaniards are notorious night owls. The antidote for late nights? The next days siesta.

You can see many European countries by just passing through, but Spain is a destination. Learn its history and accept the country on its own terms. Gain an appreciation for cured ham, dry sherry, and bulls-tail stew. When you go to Spain, go all the way.

In this book, Ive broken Spain down into its top destinations, offering a balanced, comfortable mix of exciting cities and cozy townsalong with the sights and experiences they offer.

The biggies on everyones list are exuberant Barcelona and bustling Madrid, the nations capital. Buzzing with energy, Sevilla features flamenco and nightlife that doesnt quit. Granada has Spains finest Moorish sightthe grand palace of the Alhambra. And no visit to Spain is complete without exploring its smaller towns, from historic Toledo to the sleepy whitewashed hill towns of Andaluca.

Beyond the major destinations, Ill briefly cover what I call the Best of the Restgreat destinations that dont quite make my top cut, but are worth seeing if you have more time or specific interests: the Basque Country, Santiago de Compostela, Crdoba, and the South Coast.

To help you link the top stops, Ive included a two-week itinerary (later in this chapter), with tips to help you tailor it to your interests and available time.

Spains second city and the proud capital of the Catalan people Barcelona - photo 7
Spains second city and the proud capital of the Catalan people Barcelona - photo 8

Spains second city and the proud capital of the Catalan people, Barcelona bubbles with lifefrom the tangled lanes of the Barri Gtic to the trendy boulevards of the Eixample. The cradle of modern art, and home to Gaud, Picasso, and Mir, the city itself is a dynamic work of art in progress, with everythingenthralling sights, man-made beaches, and a fun street scenecontinually evolving. Join the parade of people and become part of the show.


The Ramblas Barcelonas grand tree-lined pedestrian-friendly boulevardspills - photo 9

The RamblasBarcelonas grand, tree-lined, pedestrian-friendly boulevardspills gently down from the heart of the city to the harbor.


The huge unfinished church of Sagrada Famlia with its Sequoia-sized columns - photo 10

The huge, unfinished church of Sagrada Famlia, with its Sequoia-sized columns and fantastical Neo-Gothic decor, feels both medieval and futuristic.


Barcelonans crowd into lively bars to feast on tapas small portions of olives - photo 11

Barcelonans crowd into lively bars to feast on tapassmall portions of olives, seafood, meatballs, and all things deep-fried, on a toothpick.


In the shadow of the 700-year-old cathedral in the Barri Gtic neighborhood - photo 12

In the shadow of the 700-year-old cathedral in the Barri Gtic neighborhood, locals still join hands in a communal circle to dance the sardana .


Parc Gell with its colorful mosaics wavy forms and whimsical statuesis one of - photo 13

Parc Gellwith its colorful mosaics, wavy forms, and whimsical statuesis one of several fanciful sights by Antoni Gaud, the master of Modernisme.


The vibrant and colorful Boqueria Market along the Ramblas evokes deep - photo 14

The vibrant and colorful Boqueria Market along the Ramblas evokes deep passion among Spains devout jamn -iphiles.


In the shape of an animals back with iridescent scales Gaudis Casa Battl is - photo 15

In the shape of an animals back with iridescent scales, Gaudis Casa Battl is a magical place.


Near the busy downtown but a world away the beach at Barceloneta is a balmy - photo 16

Near the busy downtown but a world away, the beach at Barceloneta is a balmy world of sand, surf, snack shacks, and slow sunsets.


The numerous street performers express the spirit of this cityplayful - photo 17

The numerous street performers express the spirit of this cityplayful, nonconformist, spontaneous, and a bit theatrical.

Lively Madrid, both the nations capital and its heart, is Spain on a grand scale, with stately squares and modern skyscrapers. The main square, Puerta del Sol, leads west to the lavish Royal Palace and east to the outstanding Prado art museum and Picassos thought-provoking

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