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Arin Murphy-Hiscock - The Pregnant Goddess: Your Guide to Traditions, Rituals, and Blessings for a Sacred Pagan Pregnancy

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Arin Murphy-Hiscock The Pregnant Goddess: Your Guide to Traditions, Rituals, and Blessings for a Sacred Pagan Pregnancy
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Copyright 2020 by Simon & Schuster, Inc.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Murphy-Hiscock, Arin, author.

Title: The pregnant goddess / Arin Murphy-Hiscock, author of The Green Witch.

Description: Avon, Massachusetts: Adams Media, 2020. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2020002003 | ISBN 9781507213834 (hc) | ISBN 9781507213841 (ebook)

Subjects: LCSH: Pregnant women--Religious life. | Pregnancy--Religious aspects. | Mother goddesses. | Neopaganism--Customs and practices

Classification: LCC BV4529.18 .M87 2020 | DDC 299/.94--dc23

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020002003

ISBN 978-1-5072-1383-4

ISBN 978-1-5072-1384-1 (ebook)

Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book and Simon & Schuster, Inc., was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed with initial capital letters.

This book is intended as general information only, and should not be used to diagnose or treat any health condition. In light of the complex, individual, and specific nature of health problems, this book is not intended to replace professional medical advice. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions in this book are intended to supplement, not replace, the advice of a trained medical professional. Consult your physician before adopting any of the suggestions in this book, as well as about any condition that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Consult your physician regarding reliable sources for herbs and oils. The author and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this book.

Contains material adapted from the following title published by Adams Media, an Imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.: Pagan Pregnancy by Arin Murphy-Hiscock, copyright 2008, ISBN 978-1-59869-397-3.

Picture 4 Dedication Picture 5

This ones for Pasley, Jeff, and Devon, who were there for us throughout my pregnancy and who continue to support us throughout the joys of parenthood, and for Tallis, who helped her mother review the book.

Picture 6 Acknowledgments Picture 7

I say it every time, but its worth repeating: No one ever writes a book in a vacuum, and my support system has, as usual, been invaluable to me. Janice and Ceri in particular were strong and encouraging throughout the writing of the first iteration of this book in 2006 and 2007, and its the better for their efforts.

Specific thanks go out to Pasley and Colleen, who read the book in manuscript form while they were pregnant and gave me supportive feedback. It was an unlooked-for honor to be able to share the work with them when they needed it, and to share parts of it with Andrea L. as well. Im grateful to Scarlet for always keeping her library available to me and for obtaining the Dundes book for me not once but twice! Thanks also go to Anne-Pandora, Kristin, and Andrea L. for responding to a query about their experiences, and for assuring me that I was on the right track.

My editor Andrea went to bat for me over and over to eventually secure the release of the first edition of this book as an ebook, finally allowing it to be available to readers after a long delay.

For this new edition (and first print release!), Rebecca Tarr Thomas and Brett Palana-Shanahan have been absolutely wonderful to work with, as always.

And of course, I wouldnt have been able to write about the spiritual aspects of pregnancy without Ron and Will, who gave me the opportunity in the first place.

Introduction Picture 8

When a woman is pregnant, she becomes the very essence of the Goddess: she who carries life within her, she who will rebirth new life created from old.

Apart from the many physical changes, there is a whole other dimension to pregnancynamely, that you are transitioning from one state to another, as well as creating life. The Pregnant Goddess will address these aspects of pregnancy and birth from a uniquely neo-pagan perspective, using rituals and meditations to help you attune to the energies that shift throughout your pregnancy.

Inside youll discover:

  • How to handle working with energies responsibly while pregnant
  • How to deal with emotional changes
  • Rituals to protect your pregnancy and baby
  • How to use your faith to address unexpected events
  • Which herbs and oils are safe to use while pregnant and which should be avoided
  • Tips for preparing your home and life for your new arrival
  • How to make time for your spiritual practice after the baby is born

Of course, your medical professional will be the key person to work with to get a handle on the physical changes that are, or will soon be, occurring in your pregnancy. But your doctor cant necessarily help with the spiritual struggle youll be working through. In the midst of such an incredible life-changing event, youll need to turn to your gods and goddesses, your faith, and your practice to make sense of the spiritual shifts and fluctuations that pregnancy brings along with itand this book will show you how to do just that.

In these pages you will find the comfort, relief, and guidance you will need to embrace your inner goddess; she will help you carry yourself with ease into this next exciting stage of life.

Chapter 1 Preparations and Beginnings

P regnancy can be an intimidating experience. No matter how many books you read, no matter how much anecdotal advice you hear from other women who have been pregnant, going through it yourself for the first time, or any time at all, is a big deal.

It is important to think of pregnancy as a process, not a condition. One doesnt catch pregnancy and then recover from it. Pregnancy changes you and your life on a deep level. You can never go back. It is a life-changing experience, one that seems to last forever and yet is over so quickly.

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