By Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.
The Energy Loan Shark:
Chronically exhausted and hooked on quick hits of caffeine and sugar
Side Dishes
Feed Me Now or Ill Kill You:
When lifes stress has exhausted your adrenal glands
Side Dishes
The Happy Ho-Ho Hunter:
Sugar cravings caused by yeast/candida overgrowth
Side Dishes
Depressed and Craving Carbohydrates:
Sugar cravings caused by your period, menopause, or andropause (male menopause)
Side Dishes
Side Dishes
You are what you eat. And with food processors adding more than 140 pounds of sugar to our diets each year, plus another 18 percent of our calories coming from white flour (which acts like sugar in our body), we eat a lot of sugar!
I understand why you reach for a quick sugar fix to keep you going. Ive done it myself. But even though that piece of chocolate cake, brownie, doughnut, or energy drink perks you up and gives you energy, that initial high is replaced by a dip in blood sugar that leaves you wanting more. I like to say that sugar acts as an energy loan shark. In effect, it takes away more energy than it gives. Eventually, your credit line runs out, and you find yourself exhausted, anxious, and moody.
Since recovering from chronic fatigue syndrome driven by sugar addiction more than 30 years ago, I have counseled thousands of patients who have felt the disastrous effects of sugar consumption on their health, including:
Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
Chronic pain of many kinds
Decreased immune function
Chronic sinusitis
Irritable bowel syndrome and spastic colon
Autoimmune disease
Metabolic syndrome with high cholesterol and hypertension
Heart disease
Hormonal problems
Anxiety and depression
Candida and yeast infections
The good news? These conditions are all treatable. Its just a matter of taking charge of what you eat. This is a lot easier to do once youve treated what is driving your sugar addiction, as we discussed in Beat Sugar Addiction Now!.
As a physician, it has always amazed me how the body can feel great if given the nutritional support it so desperately needs. When you eat in a way that balances your blood sugar and give your body the right vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it craves, you can eliminate the sugar roller-coaster and feel energized all day long. For example, the omega-3 essential fatty acids found in cold freshwater fish such as salmon improve brain function and elevate your mood, so you dont need sugar or caffeine for a lift. Eating walnuts improves heart health, repairing some of the damage a high-sugar diet can do to your cardiovascular system. Broccoli improves immune function, offsetting sugars immune-suppressing effects. I think eating healthfully is fun, delicious, and makes you feel your best. Thats what youll find the Beat Sugar Addiction Now! Cookbook is all about.
In Beat Sugar Addiction Now! you learned the importance of kicking sugar addiction and how to do it by first identifying which type(s) of sugar addict you are. You then learned how to get off of the sugar roller coaster by using a combination of diet, vitamins and minerals, other supplements, and simple lifestyle changes.
The four sugar addiction types are:
Type 1: Sugar as an Energy Loan Shark. Chronically exhausted and hooked on quick hits of caffeine and sugar.
Type 2: Feed Me Now or Ill Kill You. When lifes stress has exhausted your stress-handling adrenal glands.
Type 3: The Happy Ho-Ho Hunter. Sugar cravings caused by yeast/candida overgrowth (often associated with nasal congestion, chronic sinusitis, or spastic colon).
Type 4: Depressed and Craving Carbs. Sugar cravings caused by your period, menopause, or andropause.
This cookbook will teach you all about which nutrients are the most important to healing your particular type(s) of sugar addiction. Youll discover how these nutrients work in the body, what specific foods contain them, and to how to create meals using the recipes here.
The 120 delicious, nutritious recipes created by the wonderful holistic nutritionist Deirdre Rawlings, Ph.D., N.D., and the specific information she gives about each one, will help you beat sugar addiction by keeping your blood sugar levels balanced and ensuring you get the nutrients you need to help you avoid or recover from sugar-related health problems. These delicious and satisfying recipes will supercharge your recovery and enable you to eat well, without excess sugar, as a natural part of your healthful lifestyle.
Lose Weight by Breaking Sugar Addiction
In addition to feeling great, looking great is a side effect of this program. Many people find that by cutting out sugar, they are finally able to lose weight. Instead of the usual yo-yo dieting, where you lose 50 pounds and gain 100, this program will help restore a healthy metabolism so your weight comes off graduallyand stays off! In addition, Ive created a BSAN Weight Loss supplement program for each sugar addiction type to make dropping excess pounds easier.
Once you have treated your type of sugar addiction for three months using the recipes in the corresponding section of this cookbook, your metabolism will usually return to a healthy-enough place that you can enjoy all of the recipes in this book. Once your sugar addiction has cleared, if you would like to lose a little more weight, you can follow a simple Can-Do diet my wife, Laurie, offers at the end of the book. You can also use it intermittently whenever you want to shed a few pounds.