Excel 2010 Just the Steps For Dummies
by Diane Koers
Excel 2010 Just the Steps For Dummies
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About the Author
Diane Koers owns and operates All Business Service, a software training and consulting business formed in 1988, that services the central Indiana area. Her area of expertise has long been in the word-processing, spreadsheet, and graphics areas of computing. She also provides training and support for Peachtree Accounting Software. Dianes authoring experience includes over 40 books on topics, such as PC security, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Works, WordPerfect, Paint Shop Pro, Lotus SmartSuite, Quicken, Microsoft Money, and Peachtree Accounting. Many of these titles have been translated into other languages, such as French, Dutch, Bulgarian, Spanish, and Greek. She has also developed and written numerous training manuals for her clients.
Diane and her husband enjoy spending their free time fishing, traveling, and playing with their four grandsons and their Yorkshire Terrier.
To Sunshine: You are pup-a-licious!
Authors Acknowledgments
I am deeply thankful to the many people at Wiley Publishing who worked on this book. Thank you for all the time and assistance you have given me.
To Bob Woerner: Thanks for the opportunity to write this book and for your confidence in me. A very special thank you to Jean Nelson for her assistance (and patience) in the books development; to Jen Riggs for keeping me grammatically correct, and to Joyce Nielsen for checking all the technical angles. And, last but certainly not least, a BIG thank you to all those behind the scenes who helped to make this book a reality. Its been an interesting experience.
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Conventions used in this book
When you need to type something, I put it in bold typeface.
For Ribbon commands, I use the symbol to separate menu options. For example, Choose Insert Picture in the Illustrations group says, Click the Insert tab and then from the Illustrations group, click the Picture button.
In some figures, you see circled items. This is done to help you locate items mentioned or referred to in the text.
This icon points out tips and helpful suggestions related to the current task.
W elcome to the world of Microsoft Excel, the most popular and powerful spreadsheet program in the world. You may ask: What is a spreadsheet program? A spreadsheet program is a computer program that features a huge grid designed to display data in rows and columns. You can use it to perform mathematical, logical, and other types of operations on the data you enter. You can sort the data, enhance it, and manipulate it in a plethora of ways including creating powerful charts and graphs from it. Whether you need a list of names and addresses or a document to calculate next years sales projections based on prior years performance, Excel is the application you want to use.