organize now!
A week-by-week guide to simplify
your space and your life!
Jennifer Ford Berry
Organize Now! A week-by-week guide to simplify your space and your life. Copyright 2010 by Jennifer Ford Berry. Manufactured in China. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. Published by Betterway Home, an imprint of F+W Media, Inc., 4700 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45236. (800) 289-0963. Revised First Edition.
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Library of Congress Cataloging has cataloged the North Light Books edition as follows:
Berry, Jennifer Ford
Organize now! : a week-by-week guide to simplify your space and your life / by Jennifer Ford Berry. 1st ed.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-1-60061-108-7 (hardcover : alk. paper)
eISBN 13: 978-1-4403-1375-2
1. House cleaning. 2. Storage in the home. 3. Orderliness. I. Title.
TX324.B46 2008
648 dc22
Revised First Edition ISBN 978-1-4403-0863-5
Edited by Jacqueline Musser; Designed by Clare Finney; Design and production assistance by Jessica Groneck; Production coordinated by Mark Griffin
Photo by Klix Photography
Jennifer Ford Berry is a life organization expert. She has been professionally helping people get their lives organized, both internally and externally, since 2002. She frequently speaks to groups and businesses on various organizing topics. Jennifer is a graduate of Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. She is also the co-owner of Mothertime Marketplace, a huge semi-annual event for moms and children to clear their outgrown clutter for cash.
Jennifer currently resides in western New York with her husband and two children. Her website is
I would like to thank each and every person who has ever supported my work as an organizer or has helped turn my passion for organizing into a book.
Jamie Markle for believing in my ideas and writing.
Jacqueline Musser, my editor, for her commitment and for pushing me to become a better writer. Working with you was an amazing experience.
To every other person at Betterway Home Books who worked on this book thank you!
To those friends and family members who have genuinely supported this project.
A special thanks to my parents, Randy and Linda, for teaching me that I can do anything I set my mind to.
To my sister Stefanie for supporting my work and helping me to promote my first book.
And my sister Rachel for her loyalty, friendship, and being my confidante.
Finally, thank you God for your favor on this book and for blessing my life.
For my children, Randsley and Bryceton, I hope this proves that if you work hard enough anything can happen. Randsley, your compassion, beauty, kindness and old soul makes me so proud to be your mother. Bryceton, I love your humor, strength and cuddles. You have taught me so much about the bond between mommies and sons. Sweet dreams, my loves.
And for my husband, Josh, who continuously supports my dreams and goals. Your hard work and dedication to our family amazes me. I look forward to making the rest of our dreams come true together.
I have loved to organize since I was a child, but that doesn't mean it doesn't take work for me to stay organized. Even as I write this book, I am keeping up with a house, two young children, two businesses, the flood of paperwork from my daughter's school, bills, volunteer work and spending time with family and friends spread out across the country. We all have moments when we wish we could snap our fingers and have an organizing fairy arrive to put everything back in order, but the reality is that staying organized takes work.
When I started writing this book I thought I should sound like a professional organizer, but then I remembered why I wanted to write this book to begin with I felt people needed a simple, straightforward book to help them get their lives organized. There are way too many books on the shelves that give lengthy advice, paragraph after paragraph about how to get organized. The truth is that people are strapped for time these days and just want to be told (in the quickest way possible) how to get their lives organized.
To enter the mystery of timelessness is to enter the sanctuary of the here, where we are given a chance at every moment to begin our lives again. Not one of us is perfect, and sorrows press upon us all. But, the universe is a merciful one, in which unlimited opportunities for new beginnings are built into the very essence of things.
This book will not remove the work involved in getting organized, but it will give you fast, simple and straightforward guidelines to follow and useful tips to help you stay organized for the rest of your life. As a mother of two, a wife, a business owner and now an author, I know how important time is. I promise this book will not waste your time with long paragraphs of explanation. To make the organizing process even easier, I have broken the book down into categories: Organize Yourself, Organize Your Papers, Organize Your Things, Organize Your High-Traffic Areas, Organize Your Personal Spaces, Organize Your Storage Areas, Organize Your Special Events, and Organize Your Routines.
Each week a series of small goals will be set for you. Focus on one goal until completion and then move on to the next. Remember that these are baby steps, so throughout the week move at a pace that is comfortable for you. There are a number of tips to help you reach each week's goals. If you find these tips helpful, use them. If they don't work for you, follow your own methods to reach your organizing goals. Remember, you know your organizational needs better than anyone else.
Use the book in a way that best meets your needs. You can follow the book straight through or skip around to weeks that address the biggest problem areas in your life.
My hope is that after you complete this book you will be unburdened by your clutter. By doing this I hope you find more clarity so you can see who you really are and start living your life with renewed purpose.
THE basics OF organization
Ways to Conquer the Clutter
Clutter comes in many shapes and sizes. Clutter can be debt, baggage from a previous relationship, weight gain, health issues or those stacks of papers scattered all over the kitchen counter. When sorting, always ask yourself: Do I
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