Rosen's Emergency Medicine
Concepts and Clinical Practice
Eighth Edition
John A. Marx, MD
Formerly Adjunct Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Chair Emeritus, Department of Emergency Medicine, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, North Carolina
Senior Editors
Robert S. Hockberger, MD
Professor of Clinical Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
Chair Emeritus, HarborUCLA Medical Center, Torrance, California
Ron M. Walls, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
Michelle H. Biros, MD, MS
Professor, Emergency Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School and Hennepin County Medical Center; Vice-Chair of Research, Emergency Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School; Associate Research Director, Hennepin County Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Daniel F. Danzl, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky
Marianne Gausche-Hill, MD
Professor of Clinical Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at University of California at Los Angeles; Vice Chair and Chief of the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Director of Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medical Services Fellowships, Department of Emergency Medicine, HarborUniversity of California at Los Angeles Medical Center, Torrance, California
Andy Jagoda, MD, FACEP
Professor and Chair, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and Medical Director, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York, New York
Louis J. Ling, MD
Professor of Emergency Medicine and Pharmacy, University of Minnesota Medical School; Medical Toxicology Consultant, Hennepin Regional Poison Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Senior Vice-President, Hospital-Based Accreditation, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, Chicago, Illinois
Edward J. Newton, MD
Professor of Emergency Medicine, Keck School of Medicine; Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Los Angeles County and University of Southern California Medical Center, Los Angeles, California
Brian J. Zink, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University; Physician-in-Chief, Emergency Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital, The Miriam Hospital, and Hasbro Children's Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Rosen's emergency medicine : concepts and clinical practice / editor-in-chief, John A. Marx; senior editors, Robert S. Hockberger, Ron M. Walls ; editors, Michelle H. Biros [et al.].8th ed.
p. ; cm.
Emergency medicine
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-1-4557-0605-1 (hardcover : alk. paper)
I.Marx, John A.II.Rosen, Peter, 1935- Emergency medicine.III.Title: Emergency medicine.
[DNLM:1.Emergencies.2.Emergency Medicine.WB 105]
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We, the authors and editors, dedicate this edition of Rosen's Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice to our late, beloved colleague, John Andrew Marx, who died suddenly and unexpectedly in his sleep on July 1, 2012. The loss of John, as mentor, friend, colleague, and leader, has left an enormous void in our lives and in the lives of countless others in our field who were inspired or counseled by his incisive intellect and sedulous devotion to scientific rigor. This book was born in 1983, when Peter Rosen's dream of a compendium of the biology of emergency medicine, written by those who study, teach, and practice it, was realized with the publication of the first edition. For three subsequent editions, Peter guided, cajoled, and willed the book to completion, all the while grooming John as his obvious and worthy successor. John became editor in chief for the fifth edition and remained so through this eighth edition, on which, in characteristic fashion, he had discharged his duties fully and flawlessly, prior to his untimely death. As editors, we are proud to have shared this vision, Peter's vision, which became John's vision, with one of the most influential and inspiring physicians of our time. Although he did not live to hold a bound copy in his hands, John guided every aspect of this book from beginning to end, and we know that he was particularly proud that, with this edition, he had served as editor in chief for as many iterations of the book as had Peter and that he felt a sense of completeness and of the inevitability of a timeless legacy on reaching that milestone. Although John achieved professional success beyond description and received virtually every conceivable honor and recognition, including the highest awards from each of our three major societies, he remained a humble, devoted emergency physician, deeply rooted in his love for his patients and for his colleagues and trainees. He was endlessly proud of his children, Shelby and Connor, whom he loved without bound, and who were his favorite topic of conversation. He was inspired, supported, and nurtured by his wife, Karin, with whom he was deeply in love, and from whom he received the gifts of extraordinary happiness and peace. We both are humbled and honored to be able to set these final few words to paper and to gently convey this great work to posterity on behalf of our dear friend and beloved editor, John Andrew Marx.