Table of Contents
Superfood Smoothies
Superfoods with Smoothies for Weightloss
Deborah Lopez and Tammy Walker
Copyright 2013 Deborah Lopez and Tammy Walker
All rights reserved.
Why go on a superfood smoothie diet? Smoothies are a great way to lose weight and to catapult you into a healthier dieting lifestyle. Superfoods are highly nutritious and can help the body to both treat and prevent health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. The nutrient in the superfoods is easily assimilated by the body by eating them rather than having to take supplements. If you get sick you may have to go on prescription medications and don't you think it is healthier to first prevent this from happening through your diet? Nature knows how to take proper care of the body if we allow it. Superfoods are easy to find in every grocery store and they are cost effective, especially if you consider the doctor bills you will save if you just stay healthy.
A healthy person can increase their chances of staying healthy and grow even stronger by going on a superfood smoothie diet. If a person has any health issue, they may can turn it around by going on the diet. It is a great "side effect" of the diet to help overcome certain health conditions. Some health conditions if left unchecked can be very grave in the outcome. It is as simple as eating healthy to help prevent a heart attack. Just knowing that alone should encourage more people to change their diets to a better healthier one.
What is it about superfoods that help our body to treat and prevent ill health conditions? It is because of the nutrients packed in the superfoods, nutrients like anti-oxidants. Beta carotene, vitamin A, C, E and selenium are anti-oxidants and so are CoQ10, ligand, lycopene, flavonoids, lutein, and polyphenols which are all found in abundance in superfoods. These nutrients are responsible for helping the body to build strong bones, strong immune system, which helps to fight off bad infections caused from free radicals.
Superfoods include many different food choices, which make going on the superfood diets so easy because you have a big variety to choose from for your meals. It does not matter which of the superfoods you eat, you can gain the nutrients from all of them. So if there is one you do not particularly care for you can eat of the other choices. You will not find as high a quality of the nutrients derived from the superfoods on any processed foods because you cannot spray on nutrients and it be the same as what nature provides. Nature provides the highest in quality of nutrients in the food.
The list of superfoods includes chocolate, tea, tomatoes, walnuts, yogurt, spinach, beans, kale, pumpkin, oranges, blueberries, broccoli, salmon, turkey, and oats. Most of the recipes within this book will call for these ingredients. If they are not in the recipes, you should include them with your meal plans.
You can find good protein as well as nutrients in fish. Cold water fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring contain high levels of omega 3 fatty acids and give the diet a well-rounded dose of nutrients. Omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial in fighting high cholesterol, brain issues, arthritis, and heart disease. You should include fish in your menu at least two or three times a week, but no more than that. Omega 3 fatty acids are also found in walnuts, eggs, and flax seeds.
You also need to include plenty of fiber in your diet, which works well along with the superfoods. Even some of the superfoods are also high in fiber like beans, fruits and vegetables, but it is good to include extra fiber in the menu. Fiber helps with weight loss too because it helps the body to feel full faster stopping you from eating more. Other foods high in fiber are whole grains.
Help the body to be even stronger and add calcium to your diet. Dairy foods including yogurt (which is a superfood) are high in calcium. Calcium helps to strengthen the bones. Bone issues are common with older adults and they need the calcium. It helps as a preventative to make sure you get plenty of calcium before the bones are brittle. But it can be a good treatment as well.
Chocolate is a favorite of many. The wonderful fact about chocolate and dark chocolate in particular is that it is a superfood and high in anti-oxidants. Many people struggle with a chocolate addiction and perhaps you do not have to give it all up. If you love it, have a little, because a little will give you some very beneficial nutrients.
A diet of superfoods will give your body a huge boost in helping it to be and stay healthy and strong. The nutrients in the superfoods are like giving your immune system muscles to fight off damage caused by free radicals and it even helps the body to treat and prevent conditions like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar. Superfoods are safe for the whole family to consume because they are the best foods from nature. All the recipes in this book contain ingredients that include most of the superfoods listed above. All the recipes are delicious and nutritious and the smoothies offer a great way to lose weight.
Before going on the superfoods smoothie diet make sure you check with your health care provider. Go over the diet plan and make sure your body can handle a smoothie diet. You may wish to go on a complete smoothie diet and drink smoothies for all your meals and snacks, or go on a modified smoothie diet and include solid foods in with the plan. Ask your health care provider about adding exercise to your routine too especially if weight loss is your goal. Dieting and exercise are two of the best ways to lose weight fast and effectively. Make up your mind once you lose the weight to continue to eat superfoods to help manage your weight and health.
Section 1: Smoothie Diet Cookbook
Smoothies are a delicious way of enjoying nature's best in fruits and vegetables. They are a great way to eat a meal in a glass, offering a fast and easy means to preparing and eating. Many people today do not get enough proper nutrition due to busy lifestyles and fast convenient foods are their mainstay. A smoothie offers a fast and convenient way to consume fresh fruits and vegetables without the added preservatives and processed sugars. Even if a person does not like the taste of vegetables, the smoothie will be covered by the flavor of the added fruit, making it easy and pleasant to consume the food.
A smoothie is a drink created from fresh fruits and vegetables with a liquid, from either water or diary or something similar. Other flavors and textures can be added if desired and it helps to make the smoothie a complete meal to add proteins.
The Benefits of a Smoothie Diet, Fruits in Particular
The smoothies included on the smoothie diet are high in nutrients. It gives the body a good amount of vitamins and minerals and even healthful essential fatty acids when certain ingredients are included. This combination is a good way to receive the nutrients necessary to give the body energy. It takes energy to be able to move about and moving about, or exercising, is vital to a healthy body. If the desire it so lose weight, then exercising while going on the diet will help to facilitate both weight and fat loss. Smoothies offer a way to gain all the nutrients necessary in one glass, making it an easy diet to follow without a lot of prep work.
Being dehydrated is a major concern for some people. They do not take the time needed to drink the water their body needs each day. Or they drink junk food drinks that do not give the body any nutritional benefit. Being on the smoothie diet insures the body will stay well hydrated, since the smoothies are primarily liquid created from healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Even if the main liquid of the smoothie is milk or yogurt, those are primarily made from water, so the body derives plenty of water from the drinks.