For the pets:Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, the bantam hensCaspar, the bearded dragonHajikucheek, the mynah birdStarlight, the Shetland ponySticky, the stick insectHammy, Peace, Love, Justice, Beauty, the hamstersHengist and Horsa, the gerbilsAudrey, Max, Mika and Lulu, the ratsGeoffrey, Sally, Abigail and Gabriel, the goldfish
There are very many reasons why you might want to knit yourself a pet: maybe you arent allowed that ferret that youve always craved; your goldfish has moved on to the Great Goldfish Bowl in the Sky; there isnt any room for a pony in your house; your cat might take too much interest in a real mouse. The knitted pet avoids many of the problems of the real pet, giving you lovely woolly companionship with none of the drawbacks. The knitted pet is perfectly house-trained, never nips, will not escape and will never die, and you will also have the satisfaction of knowing that you made it yourself.
Knit Your Own Pet is a book for the beginner knitter. We have made our patterns simple so that they can be easily achieved. Some of our pets are quicker to knit and smaller than others and we have given each a rosette rating, from one to three, to help you decide where to start.
It would be a good idea if you are a very new knitter to begin with a one-rosette pet, something very simple like the Mouse or Goldfish, which are small and quick to make and will give you a great sense of achievement. You can then move on to tackle something a little harder like the Cornsnake or Guinea Pig, which are also one-rosette pets and so still easy, but will take a little longer. Then you can move onto the Simple Cat and Dog, which are larger and are two-rosette pets. Finally, when you have practised on all those, you can make the Shetland Pony and Ferret, which are the most complicated in the book and both three-rosette, but are still not very difficult. You can change yarns to make your pets in different colours to ours, and if you use thicker yarn and bigger needles, youll get a bigger pet. Bear in mind that if you want to give a pet to a small child, its best not to give those that have to have pipecleaners, like the Canary: you can get by without using pipecleaners in most of the animals if you make sure to stuff the legs firmly.
We hope that youll enjoy making the pets as much as we did. Joanna and Sally
How To Knit
If you are a total beginner knitter, then we are quite envious, as a lot of pleasure awaits you as you learn to knit. You might find holding the needles and yarn a bit awkward at first, but practise just knitting rows with some spare yarn before you start on the simplest project in the book (we suggest the ), and youll soon get the hang of it. To help you get started the basic knitting techniques are shown on the following pages; there are also lots of good video tutorials on the Web if youd like to see knitting in action. We have given each of our pets a rosette rating, from one to three, to help you decide where to start.
| Easy pets, a good place to start |
| Larger pets, more of a challenge |
| The most complicated pets |
Slip Knot
To cast on you need a slip knot, which will always count as the first cast-on stitch.
Hold the working (ball) end of the yarn in your right hand and wrap it around the fingers of your left hand.
Hold the working (ball) end of the yarn in your right hand and wrap it around the fingers of your left hand.
Put the tip of a knitting needle, held in your right hand, through the loop around your fingers. Wrap the working end of the yarn round the needle and pull the needle, and the yarn wrapped around it, through the loop around your left hand. Keeping the yarn on the needle, slip the loop off your left hand. Pull gently on the ends of the yarn so that the loop tightens around the needle.
Holding The Needles And Yarn
Try this popular way of holding the knitting needles and the yarn.
Hold the needle with the stitches on in your left hand.
Wrap the yarn around the little finger of your right hand and then come up between your index and second fingers. Hold the other needle in your right hand in the same way as you would hold a pencil. The right-hand index finger is going to control the tension of the yarn, so it is important to keep the yarn slightly taut around this finger.
Cable Cast On
The first step is to create the number of stitches needed on the needles.
Make a slip knot about 10cm (4in) from the end of the yarn. Hold the needle with the slip knot in your left hand and the other needle in your right hand.
Put the tip of the right-hand needle into the front of the stitch on the left-hand needle (remember that the slip knot is the first stitch). Bring the working yarn under and around the point of the right-hand needle. Pull the yarn taut so that it is wrapped around the tip of the right-hand needle. Bring the tip of the right-hand needle, and the loop of yarn wrapped around it, through the stitch and towards you.
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