Beginning Programming All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies
by Wallace Wang
Beginning Programming All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies
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About the Author
I started off as a writer and wound up becoming a computer programmer. Then I wound up circling around again to become a writer about computers. Ive spent most of my life writing about and programming a variety of personal computers ranging from an ancient PC running MS-DOS 1.25 to Windows XP PC to the latest Macintosh computer running Mac OS X Leopard. My only preference for any computer is to use one that works.
I first learned about programming from my high schools ancient teletype terminal that connected to a mainframe computer through a 300 baud acoustic modem that often disconnected me in the middle of my BASIC programming sessions. At the time, I didnt know much about programming. I just taught myself BASIC from a book and illegally gained access to the teletype terminal by using somebody elses password. Later in the year, I actually signed up for a computer class and finally gained legitimate access to the teletype terminal to do everything I had been doing illegally long before.
The first time I wrote a BASIC program on my own, it was a game that simulated flying a nuclear-armed bomber through a variety of anti-aircraft defenses including surface-to-air missiles and jet fighters trying to shoot you down. When this program worked for the first time, I felt like Dr. Frankenstein watching his creation twitch and come to life. To this day, I still experience that same feeling of exhilaration in creating something from an idea and turning it into an actual working program. Only other programmers can understand this strange sense of power and elation that comes from a working program, and its this same sense of wonder and exploration that I hope youll experience as you use this book to explore the world of programming on your own computer.
I may be considered a computer veteran after all these years, but that doesnt mean that I cant still experience that same feeling of satisfaction in typing that final command and watching an entire program work exactly as I wanted. Although Ive written plenty of other books both on computers (Microsoft Office 2007 For Dummies) and far away from computers altogether (Breaking Into Acting For Dummies), I find that programming still fascinates me to this day.
As an author, I hope to help you discover your own path to learning programming, and as a programmer, I hope to provide an overview of computer programming in general. You may not become an expert programmer after reading this book, but if you come away with a greater appreciation for programming, then Ill know Ill have fulfilled my duty as both an author and programmer for this.
This book is dedicated to anyone who wants to learn how to program a computer. Computer programming can be one of the most creative ways to express your ideas so if you have your heart set on writing programs for fun or profit, youve just joined a select group of fellow renegades, entrepreneurs, and hobbyists who find programming an enjoyable intellectual exercise. When lost in the world of programming, you can often elevate your spirit to lofty heights of pleasure and wind up crashing right back down to Earth again when a single syntax error causes your program to crash an entire computer. Welcome to the wonderful world of programming. You deserve to achieve whatever your mind can envision and your programming skills can create.
This is the part of the book that most people skip over since it usually lists a bunch of names that most people have never heard before, so before you can skip over this page, Id like to thank you for buying (or at least reading) this book. If youre interested in learning to program a computer, youve already separated yourself from the masses who are ecstatic when they can just get their computer to work in the first place. As a programmer, you have the power to control how people may use computers in the future, and this power can give you the chance to help others or make someone completely helpless in their agony when trying to use a computer, so use your programming skills wisely.