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Throughout the guide, weve flagged up our favourite places a perfectly sited hotel, an atmospheric caf, a special restaurant with
. Weve also included suggestions for when you feel like blowing the budget look out for our Treat Yourself boxes. You can select your own favourites and create a personalized itinerary by bookmarking the towns and cities, sights, venues and activities that are of interest, giving you the quickest possible access to everything youll need for your time away.
If Nicaragua is one stop for you on a longer trip around Central America, here are some ideas about what to see along the way. For further detail, check out our Central America on a Budget guide.
1 Belizean cayesand atolls Snorkel, scuba dive or fish off the hundreds of cayes which form part ofBelizes spectacular Barrier Reef.
2 The MayaMountain Caves, Belize Well-preserved jungle caves, once used in Maya rituals, offer up-closeencounters with ancient history. Those at Actun Tunichil Muknal (ATM)provide one of the most spectacular archeological experiences in CentralAmerica.
3 Tikal,Guatemala Arguably the most impressive Maya ruin in Central America, this ancientcity is dominated by six temples and surrounded by thousands of otherstructures, all surrounded by jungle.
4 GuatemalaHighlands With its volcanoes, mountain ranges, lakes and valleys, this is one ofGuatemalas most beautiful areas.
5 Bay Islands,Honduras To catch a glimpse of the elusive whale shark, head here in October orNovember or simply spend days sailing or fishing on a remoteisland.
6 San Salvador,El Salvador At the foot of a volcano, El Salvadors buzzing capital is a heady mix ofgalleries, museums and nightclubs.
With its elegant colonial buildings, Granada is Nicaraguas architecturalgem, an ideal base for exploring nearby lakes and volcanoes.
This magical island, formed by two volcanoes, sits in the middle of afreshwater lake. Theres jungle rainforest teeming with monkeys as well asbeaches and mountains to explore.
9 Monteverdeand Santa Elena, Costa Rica These nature reserves are known as cloudforests because of their highaltitude. Take a canopy tour to see lush vegetation and hundreds of wildlifespecies.
10 ParqueNacional Corcovado, Costa Rica Most people come to the park in search of rare animals like ocelot andtapir, and there are also deserted beaches, waterfalls and rainforests toexplore.
11 Bocas del ToroArchipelago, Panama Famed for surfing and snorkelling, this diverse archipelago has it all:tropical rainforests, beaches and mangroves, contrasting cultures, and thechance to dance on the sand until dawn.
12 San Blas Archipelago, Panama Strung out along the Caribbean coast, the vast majority of these islandsare uninhabited. Come here to get away from it all.
From Guatemala to Panama, Central America Highway 1 runs for more than 1000kmpast beaches, cities and jungles. The following sites are all en or just off route.
1 Quetzaltenango, Guatemala This beautifully sited city, a popular spot for learning Spanish orvolunteering, is ideally placed for a leisurely tour of thehighlands.
2 San Salvador,El Salvador El Salvadors buzzing capital is rarely peaceful. But with its CentroHistrico, green outskirts and politicized museums, it repays avisit.
3 San Vicente,El Salvador Climb El Salvadors second-highest volcano, eye the famous clock tower andrelish the stunning drive to this relaxed city.
4 Choluteca,Honduras Steamy, substantial city containing one of Hondurass finest old colonialquarters.
Just off the highway in a gorgeous bay washed with rolling Pacific waves,this gringo-friendly beach town offers surfing, turtle-watching, fishing andplenty of nightlife.
6 San Isidro,Costa Rica Hike up Mount Chirrip, Costa Ricas highest mountain, from the tinyvillage of San Gerardo, or simply explore the lush countrysidesurroundings.
7 Panama City,Panama Both a base for visiting the nearby wildlife and famous canal and asparkling, cosmopolitan city, this is one of the regionsmust-visits.
1 CayeCaulker, Belize It may lack postcard-perfect beaches, but this laidback spot pulls in theyounger crowds for its island-style nightlife and brilliant watersports including snorkelling, diving, kayaking and kiteboarding.
2 Lvingston,Guatemala Carib cuisine, punta rock and reggae make Lvingston a great place toparty and an intriguing contrast to Guatemalas latino interior.
3 Bay Islands,Honduras This 125km chain of islands off Hondurass Caribbean coast is a perfectdestination for world-class (and affordable) diving, sailing andfishing.
4 Ro PltanoBiosphere Reserve, Honduras This UNESCO World Heritage Site on the remote Mosquito Coast preserves oneof the finest remaining stretches of Central American rainforest.
Once a haven for pirates, this tiny, unspoilt island offers swaying palmtrees, white-sand beaches and warm, clear water the perfect place torecharge.
6 ParqueNacional Tortuguero, Costa Rica While turtle-watching is the big draw at this coastal national park, atrip along the Tortuguero Canal in a dugout canoe comes a closesecond.
7 PuertoViejo de Talamanca, Costa Rica One of the liveliest backpacker towns in Central America, Puerto Viejoalso boasts one of the best surf breaks on the Caribbean.
8 Bocas del ToroArchipelago, Panama This once-isolated region offers opportunities to explore reefs andrainforests, sample diverse cultures and sip cocktails at sunset.
9 Guna Yala Archipelago, Panama Part of the autonomous Guna region, these idyllic offshore islands offer afabulous beach holiday and the chance to sample a unique culture.
1 BelizesBarrier Reef Running the length of Belizes coastline, this network of coral and cayes the second largest in the world is home to a dazzling array of marinelife.
2 CockscombBasin Wildlife Sanctuary, Belize An excellent trail network provides exhilarating glimpses of tapirs,anteaters and, for the lucky few, jaguars.