Living the Country Lifestyle All-in-One For Dummies
Tracy L. Barr, Compilation Editor
Living the Country Lifestyle All-in-One For Dummies
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About the Author(s)
Pam Allen, coauthor of Knitting For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is creative director at Classic Elite Yarns. Shes also the author of Scarf Style and co-author of Wrap Style, Lace Style, Bag Style, and Color Style (all published by Interweave Press). Her work has appeared in Knitting in America (published by Artisan) and numerous magazines and knitting books.
Tracy L. Barr, author of Cast-Iron Cooking For Dummies, has been part of the For Dummies phenomenon for almost a decade. An avid cook, she was introduced to cast iron as a young girl when her mother inherited a few pieces, and she has since made cast iron the workhorse of her own kitchen.
Howland Blackiston, author of Beekeeping For Dummies, has been a backyard beekeeper for nearly 20 years. Hes written many articles on beekeeping and appeared on dozens of television and radio programs. He has been a keynote speaker at conferences in more than 40 countries. Howland is cofounder and president of, an online superstore offering supplies and equipment for the hobbyist beekeeper.
Kelly Ewing, author of Making Candles & Soaps For Dummies, is a writer and editor. She has coauthored, ghostwritten, and edited more than 75 books on a variety of topics. In her spare time (when she can find it), she enjoys spending time with her kids, reading, walking, writing, scrapbooking, cooking, and doing crafts.
Steven A. Frowine, author of Gardening Basics For Dummies, has a bachelors and a masters degree in horticulture from Ohio State University and Cornell, respectively. He has served on boards of various professional organizations, including the National Gardening Association. He is now president of his own horticultural consulting firm, where he works with various companies in the green industry on writing, photography, marketing, and public relations issues.
Christopher Hobbs, L.Ac., author of Herbal Remedies For Dummies, is a fourth-generation herbalist and botanist his grandmother and great-grandmother were professional herbalists, and his father and great-uncle were botany professors with over thirty years experience with herbs. In 1985, he cofounded the American Herbalists Guild, the only national U.S. organization for professional herbalists.
Michael Hodgson, author of Camping For Dummies, works as a content editor for Planet Outdoors and is a founding partner in GearTrends, LLC ( Michaels articles have appeared in Backpacker, Outside, Mens Journal, Adventure Journal, Field & Stream, Outdoor Life, and The Christian Science Monitor, among other periodicals. He has published 18 books on the outdoors.
Theresa A. Husarik, author of Hobby Farming For Dummies, is a writer, photographer, crafter, fiber person, and animal lover who lives on a small plot far away from the heart of the city. When she is not tending to her brood, (which includes llamas, alpacas, angora goats, cats, dogs, peacocks, and chickens), she can usually be found either behind the computer writing something or in the craft room making something.
Peter Kaminsky, author of Fishing For Dummies, caught his first fish, a 30-pound grouper, on a party boat in the Florida Keys. It was the first time he went fishing, and that grouper won him $45 for the big fish of the day. Kaminsky was hooked. He was Managing Editor of National Lampoon at the time. Soon after, he began to write for Outdoor Life, Field & Stream, and Sports Afield. In 1985, he began his regular contributions to The New York Times Outdoors column.
Leslie Linsley, author of Crafts For Dummies, is the author of more than 50 books on crafts, decorating, and home style. Her work has appeared regularly in national magazines and in newspapers throughout the country.
Jan Saunders Maresh, author of Sewing For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is a nationally known sewing and serging journalist and home economist. After graduating from Adrian College in Michigan, she became the education director of one of the largest sewing machine companies in the country, and then the director of consumer education for the largest fabric chain in the country. Both professional experiences gave her a solid foundation in the home sewing industry, which she continues to serve with her many writing, marketing, and industry consulting projects.