Location-Based Marketing For Dummies
by Aaron Strout and Mike Schneider
Foreword by BJ Emerson
VP Technology, Tasti D-Lite
Location-Based Marketing For Dummies
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About the Authors
Aaron Strout is the head of location-based marketing at WCG, a global agency offering integrated creative, interactive, and marketing communications services to clients in healthcare, consumer products, and technology. At WCG, Aaron not only focuses on helping customers with mobile location-based marketing and social media but also helps provide a social voice for the company.
In his current role, Aaron is a frequent speaker and blogger, podcaster, and social networker. Prior to joining WCG, Aaron spent time as the CMO of social media agency Powered Inc., VP of social media at Mzinga, and director of interactive at Fidelity Investments.
In addition to his knowledge of the interactive and social media landscape, Aaron has more than 17 years of online marketing and advertising experience, with a strong background in integrated and online marketing. Aaron is a founding member and former president of Boston Interactive Media Association (BIMA) and a member and former board member of the Massachusetts Innovation & Technology Exchange (MITX).
Mike Schneider is Senior Vice President and Director Digital Incubator for Allen & Gerritsen, ranked by Advertising Age as one of the Top 50 independent advertising agencies in the U.S. The DInc is an emerging technology lab responsible for building products and engaging digital experiences rooted in ROI while helping define what's next for the agency and the industry.
Mike has spent his career solving problems using technology with a focus on marketing and analytics. He began his career building enterprise-class, database-driven applications and data warehouses. Opportunities to get his hands on world-class technology projects and management consulting opportunities brought him to organizations like Ernst & Young and Oracle. In 2004, he took his CRM and analytics expertise to Hill Holliday where he built the database marketing practice and also ran the digital technology practice. His client roster includes: Cognos, CVS, Dunkin' Donuts, Fidelity Investments, Dell, Gillette, Georgia Pacific, Hannaford, Liberty Mutual, LPL, MFS, Murphy USA, Pfizer, Sears, Spike TV, xFinity, and WBUR.
Mike has crafted paid-, owned-, and earned-media strategies, built award-winning communities, and designed and implemented location-based, customer segmentation, content management, and customer relationship management solutions. He also writes for several blogs, including a technology and social media blog called Digital Before Digital. He was recognized in 2010 as a Boston Business Journal 40 Under 40 honoree. He is the host of a web show called Tech Interruption ( http://techinterruption.com
Authors' Acknowledgments
Aaron Strout: They aren't kidding when they say writing a book is hard. But as the old adage goes, what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger. Boy, do I feel strong.
In completing this book, it is a good feeling to be able to look back and thank all of the people that made it possible. That list certainly starts with my beautiful and loving wife, Melanie, and continues right on through to my three wonderful children, Olivia, Benjamin, and Audrey, who may have thought it was cool when I first told them I was writing a book but by the end of the process were quite unimpressed. I'd also like to share the love with my mom and dad who did a bang-up job of raising me and taught me right from wrong, and to my brother John and sister Heather, who are as good a pair of siblings as one could ask for.