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Rockridge Press publishes its books in a variety of electronic and print formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books, and vice versa. DISCLAIMER: This cookbook is unofficial and unauthorized. This book is not authorized, approved, licensed, or endorsed by Suzanne Collins, her publishers, Scholastic Press, Lionsgate Entertainment Corporation, or the producers, writers, distributors and licensors affiliated with Lionsgate Entertainment. TRADEMARKS: Rockridge Press and the Rockridge Press logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Callisto Media Inc. and/or its affiliates, in the United States and other countries, and may not be used without written permission.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Rockridge Press is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. ISBN: Print 978-1-62315-187-4 | eBook 978-1-62315-188-1 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I n the Hunger Games trilogy, the characters fought, salivated, and sacrificed, all in the name of food. So what better way to immerse yourself in the world of Panem than through your taste buds? Food and the need for food are used as secondary characters throughout the Hunger Games trilogy. Panem occupied its own post-apocalyptic world and, in a sense, also had its own food groups: foods hunted or foraged for basic survival, humble dishes made in the District homes, and Capitol foods that were meant to impress more than nourish. The foods presented in Catching Fire range from simple game meats to elaborate party fare and all of these foods, from the modest to the ostentatious, are represented in Catching Fire Cookbook .
In Catching Fire the second book of the Hunger Games trilogythe story continues with Katniss and Peeta returning home as the victors of their Hunger Games. This part of the trilogy follows Katniss as she tries to return to a normal life and is instead thrown back into the Arena. Catching Fire and food share the same universal theme: survival. From the inspired to the authentic, these recipes will transport you back into the world of Catching Fire and the 75th Hunger Games. Many dishes, such as Tiny Plum Tarts, are directly mentioned in the book, while others are inspired by the different scenes that transpire. For more adventurous fansthose who dont mind hunting for their mealthe cookbook offers recipes that are literally on the wild side, with fare such as Charred Tree Rat and Spit-Roasted Goat.
These dishes would be a tantalizing feast for most of the inhabitants of Panem, although they are unusual by todays standards. In , Snows Suckling Pig is an over-the-top dish typical of President Snows parties. you will find recipes inspired by many of the themes, characters and events of the second book of the Hunger Games trilogy. These include Rues Cold Carrot and Yam Puree and Tiny Plum Tarts. boasts dishes such as Charred Tree Rat and Hazelles Authentic Beaver Stew. Cooking and eating the foods of Catching Fire Cookbook allows fans to delve back into each scene if the story in a whole new way.
When a craving for the world of Catching Fire strikes, tear off a piece of Mellarks Cinnamon Bread or enjoy a bowl of Capitol Lamb Stew with Plum Dumplings and transport all of your senses back into the world of Panem. RETURN TO DISTRICT 12 AND TOURING PANEM Youve got to go through it to get to the end of it. GREASY SAE, CATCHING FIRE BY SUZANNE COLLINS, CHAPTER 1 WHEN PEETA AND KATNISS RETURN to District 12 as victors, they expected a better life. In some ways, they got it, but only for a very short time. Soon they had to leave again for yet another Hunger Games and District 12 wouldnt be there when they returned.
HAZELLES HEARTY BEAVER STEW SERVES 4 Gales mom whipped up a hearty beaver stew from a rare beaver that Katniss was able to trap.
Gale would have appreciated this stew after a day in the mines. Beaver had once been a fairly common dish in rural Appalachia (where District 12 is located). Not everyone traps beaver, so weve substituted it for beef in this recipe. 2 TABLESPOONS VEGETABLE OIL 2 POUNDS LEAN BEEF, CUT INTO 1-INCH CUBES 1 PINCH SALT 1 PINCH GROUND BLACK PEPPER 2 TABLESPOONS ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR 1 ONION, DICED 1 (8-OUNCE) CAN TOMATO SAUCE 1 BAY LEAF 3 LARGE POTATOES, CUT INTO LARGE CHUNKS 4 CARROTS, CUT INTO LARGE 1-INCH SEGMENTS 3 STALKS CELERY, THICKLY SLICED CUP BEEF BROTH 1 BUNCH PARSLEY, CHOPPED (FOR GARNISH) Heat oil in a pot over medium heat. Place the meat in a bowl, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with flour and toss to coat. Add meat to pot and brown meat on all sides.
Fill the pot with enough water to cover the meat and mix in onion, tomato sauce and bay leaf. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, then cover and simmer for an hour, or until the meat is tender. Stir in the potatoes, carrots and celery. Add the beef broth for extra flavor. Continue cooking over low heat for 45 minutes, until vegetables are fork tender. Remove bay leaf before serving.
Garnish with a little parsley in the center of each bowl. FINGER-THAWING HERB TEA SERVES 4 Katniss got a lot of comfort from being in Gales home and being around Hazelle, Gales mother. It was fitting that Hazelle gave Katniss this tea to warm her hands and insides after coming in from the cold. This tea is also excellent for helping you through a cold or flu. Dissolve one tablet of vitamin C in the tea while its hot. 3 GREEN TEA BAGS 1 QUART PLUS 1 CUP WATER, DIVIDED CUP SUGAR 1-INCH PIECE GINGER, SLICED, PLUS MORE FOR GARNISH 1 TEASPOON ORANGE ZEST Put the green tea bags into a teapot and pour in 1 quart boiling water. 3 GREEN TEA BAGS 1 QUART PLUS 1 CUP WATER, DIVIDED CUP SUGAR 1-INCH PIECE GINGER, SLICED, PLUS MORE FOR GARNISH 1 TEASPOON ORANGE ZEST Put the green tea bags into a teapot and pour in 1 quart boiling water.