ph otogr aphs Erin Sco tt
rfr ye r
cookboo k
Conten ts
Welcom e to Air frying
Airfrye r Primer
Airfrye r Tips & Tri cks
Curr y Spiced Meatballs with Lemon-Garlic Yo gurt Sauce (page 39)
W elcome to Airfr ying
Get ready to reth ink e very thing you know about fr ying foods. The Philip s Airf rye r uses pat ented heat -c ircul ati on tec hnol ogy to fr y fresh in gredi ents to cri spy , golden bro wn p erfe ction , all w ith litt le or no oil. Food is exposed t o cons tant, circul atin g heat th at coo ks quickl y and evenl y. Airf rying uses only the sm alles t amou nt of oil but sti ll produc es a nice crisp ex ter ior, so you can eat heal thi er with out gi ving up the dishes y ou love.
The P hilip s Airf rye r is ready to go af ter only a fe w minu tes of preheat ing ti me, giv es you th e option of both preset cook ing progr ams and manu al time and temp eratu re sett ings, a lert s you when your food is ready , and th en keeps it war m unt il serv ing. Large- capaci ty A irfrye rs allow you to cook for a cr owd, an d man y models reac h beyon d fry ing to ach ieve ex pert baking , roast ing, and gr illi ng, to o.
On the p ages th at fo llow, you ll nd a pr imer and plent y of useful tips on how to use the Airf rye r to pre pare li ghter, bette r- for- you v ersions of more th an 20 pop ular di shes, fr om break fast th rough dinner and dessert . T r y C rab Cake Eggs Benedi ct (p age 25) f or a wee kend br unch, and a hot Fr ied Ch icke n Sandw ich wit h Pic kled On ion (p age 30) fo r an unf orgett able lun ch. M ain co urse sele ction s also co ok up li ghter than c lassic ally fr ied ve rsions , such as Cri spy Fish T ac os (pa ge 36), Curry Spiced Mea tballs (page 3 9), an d Salmon Fillet wit h T ap enade (page 35 ). De sserts can be ai r- bake d, such as Chocola te Chi p Cooki e Bars (p age 46) , or air -fr ied, such as Banana Bites wi th Sa lted Ca ramel Sauce (p age 49). Even man y of your favori te sna cks, s uch as Avoc ado Fries (p age 19) , BBQ Popc orn Ch icke n (pag e 12), and Fri ed Pic kles with Spicy Ma yo (pa ge 15) , can now be enjoyed nearly g uilt -fr ee.
Cr ab Cake s Eggs Benedict (page 25)

Airf rye r Primer
Prepar ing health ier f ried, bake d, roa sted, and g rill ed foo ds in the A irfrye r is a simple pr ocess. With just a l itt le pract ice, you ll discov er how eas y it is to cook wi th t his v ersati le appli ance.
Set t he A irfrye r on a st able, hea t-re sistant work surf ace. Plug the unit into a wal l ou tlet.
Using the digit al tou ch c ontrol panel, pres s t he p ower butt on to switch on th e ap pliance, the n us e th e sm art prese ts f or yo ur f avorit e dis hes or set t he t emperatur e us ing the up/d own a rrows. Pres s t he s tart/p ause button on th e bott om cen ter o f th e pa nel. T he se t tem perature will ash until the temp erature is reach ed; allo w at lea st 3 mi nutes for preheating.
Carefully remov e th e cook ing b aske t fro m th e pre heated Airfry er. A dd the f ood to the bas ket , th en s lide the bask et b ack i nto t he A irfrye r. Optional Airf rye r ac cessories can als o be ut ilized at t his point , su ch a s a nons tick baking pan or a d ouble laye r rac k (wh ich e asily slip ins ide the b aske t), or a m etal s nack cover (whi ch r ests atop the bask et to reduce spatt ering a nd pr event overb rownin g).
Set t he c ooking t ime b y pres sing the up/d own a rrows on th e con trol panel. Add a fe w min utes to th e cook ing t ime i ndicated in t he r ecipe, so yo u won t h ave t o res et t he A irfrye r if the food needs to co ok lo nger. If ne cessary , y ou ca n al so c hange the time or te mperature at a ny point during the cooki ng pr ocess. When the tim er g oes o ff, the Airf rye r will a utomatically sh ut o ff.
Unless the recip e di rects otherw ise, che ck th e food hal fwa y th rough the c ooking t ime to ma ke ce rtain it i s c ooking e venl y. See Airf rye r Tip s & Tric ks (pa ge 1 0) for wa ys to e nsure evenl y cook ed fo od an d to preven t over brownin g and smo king.
When t he c ooking i s co mplete, remo ve th e food from the air frye r wit h tongs o r a lo ng- handled spatul a. Wo rk car efully , as t he c ooking accessories will be ve ry hot a nd o pening the appliance will rele ase hot stea m.
Airf rye r Tips & T ri cks
The re cipes in th is boo k were develope d using a Phil ips X XL A irfrye r and Philip s T u rboStar A va nce an d should work well in an y air fye r models , as well as in the C uisinart Air Fry er Oven and hi gh-pe rfor ming counte rto p ovens fe atu ring airfry er modes. Prepa ring food w ith an ai rfrye r is eas y to do. Emplo y the se simpl e tips for usi ng and carin g for your applia nce to maximize your cook ing ex perie nce.
Shake it
Be su re to o pen t he A irfrye r an d sh ake foods around as they f ry in t he m achine s ba ske t. This is e specially import ant f or s maller foods like fries an d ch ips, which can eas ily compre ss. For t he b est resu lts, rotate t he foods ever y 5 10 m inutes .
Dont crowd foo ds
Give f oods plent y o f sp ace s o th e ai r can circula te ef fect ively . That s wh at gi ves you light , cr isp resu lts. A ma x li ne o n th e cooking bask et in dicates maxi mum capacity . Do no t sta ck fo ods; cook l arge amounts in b atches, or u se t he do uble laye r rack access ory . Leave at l east inc hes o f headroom when ll ing t he ba king dish to preven t food from bub bling over.
Give foo ds a s pray
To en sure food s d on t st ick t o the cooki ng baske t, li ghtly sp ray them and/ or th e bas ket with c ooking spr ay or add jus t a b it o f oil .
Keep it d ry
Pat foo ds d ry befor e cook ing (if t hey are marinated, for exa mple) to avo id s platte ring
and e xcess sm oke. If ne cessary , at tac h the splatte r-p roof lid (if your ai rfrye r ha s o ne) to the c ooking bask et. Si milarly , wh en coo king high-fa t foo ds l ike chicke n wi ngs, make sur e to emp ty the fat fr om th e bot tom of th e machine ever y t wo or th ree b atches you co ok.