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Marcia Santore - Electricians: A Practical Career Guide

Here you can read online Marcia Santore - Electricians: A Practical Career Guide full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2021, publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, genre: Home and family. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Electricians: A Practical Career Guide: summary, description and annotation

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Welcome to the electricians field! If you are interested in a career as an electrician, youve come to the right book. What exactly do these people do on the job every day? What kind of skills and educational background do you need to succeed in this field? How much can you expect to make, and what are the pros and cons of these various professions? Is this the right career path for you? How do you avoid burnout and deal with stress? This book can help you answer these questions and more.

Electricians: A Practical Career Guide, which includes interviews with professionals in the field, covers the following areas that have proven to be stable, lucrative, and growing professions:

  • Residential electrician
  • Commercial electrician
  • Electrical contractor
  • Electrical inspector
  • Automotive electrician
  • Marcia Santore: author's other books

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    Marcia Santore is an author and artist from New England. She enjoys writing about interesting people and the fascinating things they do. Shes written on many topics, including profiles of artists, scholars, scientists, and businesspeople. She has also illustrated and published several childrens books. See her writing website at www.amalgamatedstory.com and her artwork at www.marciasantore.com.


    Eric Evitts has been working with teens in the high school setting for twenty-three years. Most of his career has dealt with getting teens, especially at-risk students, to find and follow a career path of interest. He has developed curriculum for Frederick County Public Schools focusing on anti-bullying and career development. He is currently a counselor at South Hagerstown High School.

    Danielle Irving-Johnson, MA, EdS, is currently the career services specialist at the American Counseling Association. She exercises her specialty in career counseling by providing career guidance, services, and resources designed to encourage and assist students and professionals in obtaining their educational, employment, and career goals while also promoting the importance of self-care, wellness, work-life balance, and burnout prevention. Danielle has also previously served as a mental health counselor and clinical intake assessor in community agency settings assisting diverse populations with various diagnoses.

    Joyce Rhine Shull, BS, MS, is an active member of the Maryland Association of Community Colleges Career Affinity Group and the Maryland Career Development Association. She presently serves as an academic advisor in higher education and teaches professionalism in the workplace as an adjunct professor. Her experience also includes two decades of management and career education of vocational courses and seminars for high school students.

    Lisa Adams Somerlot is the president of the American College Counseling Association and also serves as director of counseling at the University of West Georgia. She has a PhD in counselor education from Auburn University and is a licensed professional counselor in Georgia and a nationally approved clinical supervisor. She is certified in Myers Briggs Type Indicator Strong Interest Inventory and in Strengths Quest administration.

    Adkins, William. How to Get Certified as a Residential Electrician. Chron. Updated February 12, 2019. https://work.chron.com/certified-residential-electrician-14017.html.

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    Home Stratosphere. 23 Types of Electricians (Based on Specialization and Certifications). www.homestratosphere.com/types-of-electricians.

    IATSE Local 4. Theatrical Electrician Handbook. Brooklyn, NY: Theatrical Stage Employees, Local No.4, IATSE, 2011. www.iatselocal4.org/Docs/Study_Guides/Theatrical_Electrician_Handbook_Rev2.pdf.

    IBEW. Leveling the Playing Field: Pre-Apprenticeships Open Doors to the Middle Class. February 12, 2019. www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/20Daily/2002/200212_Leveling.

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    Kelly, Kate. Vocational Education in High School: What You Need to Know. Understood Accessed August 19, 2019. www.understood.org/en/school-learning/choosing-starting-school/finding-right-school/vocational-education-in-high-school.

    Knox, Nora. LEED: Ive Got a Question! Taking a LEED Professional Exam. U.S. Green Building Council. May 29, 2014. www.usgbc.org/articles/ive-got-question-taking-leed-professional-exam.

    Lee, Chris. A Quick Rundown of Electrical Contracting Trade Associations. Esticom. February 17, 2017. www.esticom.com/quick-rundown-electrical-contracting-trade-associations.

    Locsin, Aurelio. What Is the Difference between an Electrician and Electrical Engineer? Career Trend. Updated December 31, 2018. https://careertrend.com/difference-between-electrician-electrical-engineer-12215.html.

    Ma, Jennifer, Sandy Baum, Matea Pender, and C. J. Libassi. Trends in College Pricing 2019. New York: College Board, 2019.

    Manchester Community College. Electrical Technology. www.mccnh.edu/academics/programs/electrical-technology.

    Miller, Scott. What Is a Low Voltage Electrician? (License and Training). Vocational Training HQ. Last updated May 28, 2020. www.vocationaltraininghq.com/what-is-a-low-voltage-electrician.

    Minnesota Board of Electricity. Electrical Licensing Basics. www.dli.mn.gov/workers/electrician-or-electrical-installer/electrical-license-experience-and-education.

    National Center for Construction Education and Research. NCCER Craft Licensing Map. 2020. www.nccer.org/news-research/reciprocity-map.

    National Fire Protection Association. National Electrical Code, 2020. Boston: Cengage, 2020.

    Salt Lake Community College. Electrician License Renewal. www.slcc.edu/continuinged/programs/electrician-license-renewal.aspx.

    Samarasekera, Rukesh. LEED Credits, Prerequisites, and Points: How Are They Different? U.S. Green Building Council. March 6, 2017. www.usgbc.org/articles/whats-difference-between-leed-credit-leed-prerequisite-and-leed-point.

    Schnute, Steve. Electrician Tools: A Master List. Ask the Electrical Guy. https://asktheelectricalguy.com/electrician-tools-list.

    . How to Become an Electrician: Complete 5-Step Guide. Ask the Electrical Guy. https://asktheelectricalguy.com/how-to-become-an-electrician.

    South Dakota Electrical Commission. Licensing. 2020. https://dlr.sd.gov/electrical/licensing.aspx.

    Staci, Kristel. Electrical Design Principles for LEED Building Design. Blue and Green Tomorrow. July 11, 2018. https://blueandgreentomorrow.com/environment/electrical-design-principles-leed-building-design.

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