Praise for Inventor Confidential
I have known Warren for many years through the 501(c)(3) non-profit United Inventors Association and have worked with Warren through the National Pro Bono Patent Council. He has dedicated a tremendous amount of personal time and resources to educating inventors and representing their interests in Washington, DC. His grassroots innovation perspective, as well as the advice he provided when I was running the US Patent and Trademark Office, have always been both highly credible and extremely helpful. Warrens new book Inventor Confidential offers a tremendous new and authentic resource for Americas inventor community.
David Kappos,
Former Director of the US Patent and Trademark Office and Law Partner, Cravath, Swain, and Moore
Warren and I have worked closely together for many years. He was the person primarily responsible for building our unique Open Innovation Program at Lifetime Brands. I might add that we launched the groundbreaking program in very challenging economic times while introducing many thousands of inventors to the company through outside product reviews and profitable licensing agreements.
Dan Siegel,
President, Lifetime Brands (LCUT)
I know Warren well and can vouch that he is uniquely committed to helping inventors advance their products to market while selflessly dedicating a great deal of his time to the 501(c)(3) non-profit inventor mission. His inside knowledge of corporate Open Innovation programs and licensing is very impressive.
Mike Lindell,
Inventor and CEO of My Pillow
Makers have a great deal in common with inventors. Warren does a terrific job of exploring the overlap between the two groups, which provides a realistic roadmap for monetizing their most innovative efforts.
Dale Dougherty,
Founder of Make magazine and Father of the Maker Movement
Warren is a good friend and strong advocate for inventors. I know firsthand the traps and treachery that befall unwitting inventors. This book illuminates the path with essential knowledge for inventors to succeed.
Josh Malone,
Inventor of Bunch O Balloons, the #1 summer selling toy
Warren and I go way back to our time together on the United Inventors Association Board. The UIA was on shaky ground back then, and Im very certain that without Warrens commitment and leadership, this important 501(c)(3) non-profit that helps educate inventors at no cost would more than likely not exist. Todays inventors owe Warren a debt of gratitude.
Steve Greenberg,
Host, Gadget Nation, NBCs Today show
Warren was an integral part of my launching Misto, the Gourmet Olive Oil Sprayer. He brought energy, enthusiasm, creativity, and a special knowledge of the housewares industry.
Tom Risch,
Inventor of Misto, the Gourmet Olive Oil Sprayer
Warren has been a big supporter of Make48 since season one and a mentor on several of our TV episodes. We have spent many hours together discussing the state of innovation in America. His book does a great job of identifying the many risks facing inventors today and guiding them through the maze of product development and going to market, whether through licensing or private manufacturing and selling direct.
Tom Gray,
CEO of the PBS TV Series Make48
Warren has spent a great deal of time in Washington, DC, advocating for inventor rights. We have walked the halls of Congress together many times meeting with elected politicians and their staffs. His non-profit work and unique relationship with many folks at the US Patent and Trademark Office has also been very helpful to inventors.
Charles Sauer,
Inventor, Advocate, and Author of Profit Motive
In the US inventor community, there are only a handful of experts whom I trust to be honest and provide high-level knowledge to support my clients. Warren is one of those experts. Twenty-five years in the industry and a heart for protecting inventors from scammersI can vouch for Warren without reservation.`
Kedma Ough,
Small Business Super Hero and Author of Target Funding
Warren is one of the primary people responsible for the Inventor Spotlight Pavilion at the National Hardware Show growing into the largest inventor booth event in the country. Between product-pitch panels, speakers, and educational sessions, this area has become a vibrant showcase feature for our entire show.
Rich Russo,
Director at Reed Expo and the National Hardware Show
Warren has been a terrific friend over the years and has traveled to Chicago many times on his own dime to speak to our nationally renowned inventor organization. He always seems to have time to help everyone, without charging!
Calvin Flowers,
President of the Chicago Inventors Organization
Warren is the most resolute advocate for inventors and champion of innovation I have known in my career. His knowledge of intellectual property protocol is extensive, particularly when it comes to the hurdles faced by the independent inventor community. His participation for many years on the Pro Bono Advisory Council has been invaluable to ensuring that patent pro-bono programs truly meet the needs of their constituents. I am grateful to call him a friend and be able to work alongside him in the push for innovation in America.
Jim Patterson,
Patent Attorney and Founding Partner of Patterson Thuene of Minneapolis and National Patent Pro Bono Advisory Council Chairman
As a member of the United Inventors Association Board of Directors, I have worked with Warren on several terrific USPTO events, and Ive witnessed his passion for providing invaluable and credible resources to inventors. As a patent attorney and inventor advocate, it is encouraging to see Warren share his knowledge about product development, licensing, and intellectual property with the inventor community. Warren has a keen eye for recognizing the next big thing! I admire his dedication to the independent innovation community.
Andrea Hence Evans,
Patent Attorney, Owner of EvansIPLaw, Former US Patent and Trademark Office Examiner, and Author
Warren and I have spoken often together at educational inventor events around the country, as well as participated on many new product-pitch panels. He has put a ridiculous amount of time and resources into the United Inventors Association. I know this because I have served on the UIA Board for many years. No one I know is more involved in the well-being of the US inventor community.
Scott Hynd,
QVC On-Air Product Expert with more than $1 billion in TV sales worldwide
What a gift this book is for inventors and innovators of all types! Warren has given us a comprehensive, highly readable, and entertaining guide to the world of invention, showing the full range of opportunities and pitfalls for the people creating the next economy.
Bo Burlingham,
Author of Small Giants and Finish Big
2021 Warren Tuttle with Jeffrey A. Mangus
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Published by HarperCollins Leadership, an imprint of HarperCollins Focus LLC.
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