From the Publishers
HURRICANE KATRINA AND 9/11 WERE WAKE-UP CALLS; AUTHORITIES TELL US THAT when disaster strikes, everyone must be able to fend for themselves for at least three days. This book is for those who may have once believed preparedness to be unnecessary but now understand it is an essential foundation for informed and responsible living in the 21st Century.
Author Aton Edwards, Founder of International Preparedness Network, has trained thousands in emergency survival techniques. For us and the many people hes helped, Aton is the last word on preparedness. His methods and recommendations for gear come from years of rigorous testing and personal experience.
PREPAREDNESS NOW! provides readers with a solid preparedness plan and a glimpse into whats needed for emergencies that require more than three days for civilized life to regain normalcy.
We support a self-reliant sensibility and the strength and awareness it provides.
Jodi Wille
Adam Parfrey
Hurricane Katrina has shown us that the country is no more prepared for a terrorist attack today than it was on Sept. 11, 2001. The question is what to do with that information. How do we protect ourselves and our families, knowing that the government is probably not going to protect us?... Preparedness now is more important than ever.
Sally Quinn,Washington Post, 9/16/05
We dont like anticipating disasters. It suggests pessimism and America is largely a nation of optimists. But when you look at the damage inflicted by an accidental storm, you have to think about the sheer havoc that an intentional terrorist attack may produce one of these days. We want to believe that no one will ever use a weapon of mass destruction against one of our cities. But its almost inevitable that someone, someday will. We dont like to hear that. We certainly dont want to contemplate the consequences. But we need to talk about it and we need to plan for it. The very worst thing you can do when confronting a potential disaster is to take the position that itll never happen to us.
Ted Koppel,Nightline, 8/30/05
HOW TIME FLIES! JUST AS WE WERE PUTTING TOGETHER THE EXTREME WEATHER chapter of the first edition of this book, Hurricane Katrina hit. Since then, our country has had the misfortune of experiencing a wide array of disasters, from small to cataclysmic. Every single year brings with it tornados, droughts, floods, earthquakes, and crime.
Youd think that by now our system would have gotten the message and built a solid response infrastructure. But it hasnt.
Weve learned quite a bit about how to respond to and mitigate disasters when they occurbut we still havent taken the necessary measures to protect ourselves from them. Our country remains shockingly unprepared for emergencies of every type, shape, and size.
For example, our borders and ports remain porous. These conditions present potential terrorists with a relatively easy route through which they could smuggle a weapon of mass destruction directly into our largest cities. Or take the rapidly escalating drug cartel violence along the border separating Mexico and the United States, which could erupt into a full-scale war, further compromising security and stability.
Our hospitals and medical professionals still havent been equipped with the resources they will need to handle the staggering number of injuries that could occur after a mega-disaster such as the detonation of a nuclear device, a terrorist attack against a nuclear power facility, or even a Chernobyl-type accident.
Nor are they ready for the tsunami-size wave of grief and chaos that would be created by a large-scale pandemic, a major earthquake in a densely populated city or a bio-weapon attack on a scale larger than the 2001 incidents. Consider what is written in the executive summary of a Congressional report regarding terrorism released in late 2008 titled World at Risk. It states that:
The Commission believes that unless the world community acts decisively and with great urgency, it is more likely than not that a weapon of mass destruction will be used in a terrorist attack somewhere in the world by the end of 2013. The Commission further believes that terrorists are more likely to be able to obtain and use a biological weapon than a nuclear weapon. The Commission believes that the U.S. government needs to move more aggressively to limit the proliferation of biological weapons and reduce the prospect of a bio-terror attack.
With each day that passes, we move closer to this hypothetical situation becoming a reality.
Additionally, we have no plans to prepare for and respond to a threat called a global geophysical event, or GGE. The Royal Society defines GGEs as natural phenomena capable of having wholesale deleterious consequences for the worlds environment, economy, and society. They could come in the form of a volcanic super eruption, earthquake, tsunami (one significantly larger than the Indonesian event), or the impact of a large comet or asteroid.
In 2036, many astronomers believe that the Earth could be hit with a quarter-mile wide asteroid called Apophis, that would impact with the energy of 100,000 Hiroshima-size atomic bombs.
Whatever does occur, one simple fact is crystal clear. Its not a matter of if these calamities will happen but when.
It is the intention of the enlarged and updated edition of this book to help you to be ready when these disasters do occur. When a disaster of any size strikes, you become your own first responder. If it is a large-scale event that produces extreme infrastructural damage, you may be forced to become self-reliant for long periods of time. Being well prepared will not only allow you to confront and survive disasters and emergencies, it will also help to minimize or eliminate property damage, prevent physical injury, emotional trauma, and reduce your fears and anxieties about them.
A self-reliant attitude also assists professional responders, law enforcement, and the military by allowing them to focus their attention on the most desperate and critical situations.
There is an ancient Chinese curse that says, May you live in interesting times. I firmly believe that we are entering into the most interesting period in our nations existence.
Global warming-related climate changes are beginning to take effect, while the world economy is rapidly declining. The Afghanistan conflict is escalating, along with two dozen more major and minor wars around the world. Iran may be developing nuclear weapons, the growing global water and food shortage is worsening, our environment is degrading and natural disasters are increasing in their frequency and magnitude.
This is why I firmly believe that the time has come for all of us to make the commitment to prepare ourselves. This book provides you with practical, real world, time-tested information that you can immediately apply.
The preparedness paradigm has shifted. The time has come for you to shift with it. Not yesterday, not tomorrow: PREPAREDNESS NOW!
Aton Edwards