Know How to Get intoPhotography and Become a Professional Photographer
Patrick Powers & KnowItExpress
Copyright 2016 N2KPublication
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Capturing the Moment
Timeless Art
They say a picture is wortha thousand words, and in some cases...more than that.
Whether you want to capturea moment with friends, develop your artistic side, or make somemoney with your photosthen photography is right foryou!
And the good news is, youdont even need a fancy camera! Sure, a decent camera has itsadvantages, but ultimately your own eye will determine the quality of thephotograph.
Photography is an art andrequires just as much creativity as painting, but in differentways. As with all arts, you can hone your skills. Just learning afew simple tricks will greatly improve your photography.
Even if you currently knownothing about photography, if you follow what will be discussed,you'll soon be a well-equipped, adept photographer.
So lets start exploring theskills, tricks, and art of photography.
Before We Begin
Now there is one veryimportant thing you need to contemplate before we begin: what kindof photographer do you want to be?
This has nothing to do withwhether you want to go into this as your profession or not. No,what you need to consider is what you want to take photos ofprimarily.
Your answers to each ofthese questions will help you determine what equipment to purchaseand what skills to hone as you strive to becoming an accomplishedphotographer.
Things To Keep In MindThroughout
Here's a brief list ofthings to keep in mind while you hone your photography skills. Eachone is brief and memorable with a quick explanation followingit.
1.) A great camera willNOT make a great photo unless it's used by a great photographer. So don't useyour money on the most expensive camera you can find. First; learnthe craft and buy more expensive equipment as you needit.
2.) Beginners areabsolutely capable of taking great photos if they have the passion. Onceagain, photography is an art. So if this is something you have aninterest and passion for then youll go far with it
3.) Read the manual for your camera,many times. You need to know everything about your equipment, so besure to know the manual for your camera front to back.
4.) Take pictures of thingsyou know or care about. Take time to think about what you want tophotograph. It will help feed your passion.
5.) Don't try to learneverything at once! What we'll cover is a good head start, butthere is always more that you could learn. For now, just focus onthe basics. The rest you can pick up as you go along. Photographyis essentially learning by doing.
6.) If you've just started,don't worry about building a portfolio. As you gain more experienceyou'll take better photos, so give yourself time to get better anddon't worry about not having material. It'll come toyou.
7.) Quality over quantity.Don't try to take as many photos as you possibly can. Especially atfirst, take the time to set up your photos so that you take as manyexcellent photos as possible.
8.) Take the time to studythe work of photography masters. If you dont know where to start,check out artists such as Margaret Bourke-White, Alfred Stieglitz,Man Ray, Paul Strand, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Ansel Adams, andEdward Weston.
9.) Great photographs areabout feelings as much as anything else. Think about the mood thatyou want to set with your photos and set up your subjectsaccordingly.
10.) Remember, your first10,000 photographs will be your absolute worst! It's ok to be abeginner. Just keep at it and you'll be an expert in notime.
Selecting the Camera
A Photographer'sBaby
When getting a new camera,the most important thing to consider is what you want to use itfor.
Different cameras comeequipped for various specialty uses. Our advice is to get a goodcamera with standard capabilities as a base, and then build on tothat camera with attachments as you need them.
Now our advice for all theabsolute beginners is to start with the camera you already have,whether on your phone or a cheap disposable camera (it may be oldfashioned, but the basics are the same). These cameras probablyaren't what you thought you'd be starting with, and they wont bewhat you end up using. But you'll be much better off using thecamera on your phone, or one that only cost you a few dollars,while you get the hang of taking photos and before you invest in amore expensive camera.
What if you decide thatphotography isn't your thing? Well, there you go; hence, start withsomething small and move on from there. This will also give youmore time to figure out what kind of photography appeals to you themost and in what situations you like taking pictures. So when itstime to buy a better camera, youll be armed with moreinformation!
If you know that photographyis what you want to pursueor perhaps youve always like takingpictures and have finally decided to get serious about ithere aresuggestions on what to look for when buying a newcamera.
This is not a list of thebest cameras out there: there are so many different brands andbuilds of cameras and they change each year, making it a "Top Ten"list less than helpful. Instead, consider what you should look for.We'll stick to what generally makes a good camera and then pointyou to websites that can help narrow down a specific choice foryou.
Pretty much everyone uses adigital camera these days, so thats what well discuss here. Olderstyle cameras that use film are still available but are really onlyused for hobby or niche purposes.
Camera CriteriaChecklist
![When youre looking for anew digital camera there are certain things you want - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/335907/tmp_557e5b1f3dd8000c08aee567e86b6277_rObJBo_html_m2b3aa0a6.jpg)
When you're looking for anew digital camera, there are certain things you want to look forin its capabilities, weaknesses, and strengths. Heres a checklistof sorts to help you consider carefully before you buy.
1.) Don't overspend - This is hugelyimportant, especially because many people forget this one. DO NOTlet yourself think that the most expensive camera is thenecessarily the one you should get. Go for something decent that iswithin your budget, and don't feel the need to go past that budget.There are plenty of good cameras out there. One of them will fityour needs for a price that's within your range.
2.) Pick a camera that feels right -Okay, so this sounds like something out of fiction"the wandchooses the wizard!"but there's actually truth to it. Mostimportantly, you should pick a camera that feels comfortable inyour hands and against your face. You should feel like the camerais an extension of your eye. Consider the shape, size, and weight,keeping in mind that youll want to be carrying it around a lot.Its not necessarily worth paying for an expensive camera thats soheavy that you never want to bring it with you!
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