The Little Book of Rootwork
A Beginners Guide to Hoodoo-Including Candle Magic, Rituals, Crystals, Herbs, and More
Paris Ajana
The Hoodoo Goddess
Text copyright 2022 Paris Ajana Melton. Design and concept copyright 2022 Ulysses Press and its licensors. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized duplication in whole or in part or dissemination of this edition by any means (including but not limited to photocopying, electronic devices, digital versions, and the internet) will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
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ISBN: 978-1-64604-187-9
ISBN: 978-1-64604-221-0 (ebook)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2021931510
Acquisitions editor: Casie Vogel
Managing editor: Claire Chun
Project editor: Tyanni Niles
Editor: Renee Rutledge
Proofreader: Barbara Schultz
Front cover design: Chelsea Hunter
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NOTE TO READERS: This book has been written and published strictly for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as medical advice or to be any form of medical treatment. You should always consult your physician before altering or changing any aspect of your medical treatment and/or undertaking a diet regimen, including the guidelines as described in this book. Do not stop or change any prescription medications without the guidance and advice of your physician. Any use of the information in this book is made on the readers good judgment after consulting with his or her physician and is the readers sole responsibility. This book is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition and is not a substitute for a physician.
This book is independently authored and published and no sponsorship or endorsement of this book by, and no affiliation with, any trademarked brands or other products mentioned within is claimed or suggested. All trademarks that appear in ingredient lists and elsewhere in this book belong to their respective owners and are used here for informational purposes only. The author and publisher encourage readers to patronize the quality brands mentioned in this book.
Every day, I give my thanks to my ancestors, especially my beloved Grandma Mary Ree and my dad for passing down the traditions to me.
Thank you to my loves Dorden, Soleil, Nova, Sage, and my dearest mom. I appreciate your love and support every single day.
I love yall forever.
Dear Beautiful Soul,
I am beyond grateful that I have the opportunity to meet with you energetically as you dig deeper into your inner calling. Curiosity is perhaps your soul and spirit communicating, nudging you to rise to the occasion while embracing the process of your awakening. Whether your beloved ancestors directed your movements by whispering in your ears or are sending signals to your third eye, you are here for a reason.
Thank you for being here; I welcome you to your magickal and spiritual journey. We are all spiritual beings with an innate intelligence to receive abundance in all forms in the time and space of our human experience. We can create, build, and live the life we desire and deserve as God has intended for all of us. The key is to learn how to receive and take action through the proper channels, regardless of how smooth or bumpy your path. Enjoy the adventure of enlightenment.
You may have heard stories of your ancestors who practiced hoodoo or felt immediately drawn to a variety of magickal practices. You are here to learn. Embrace that yearning to align your inner truth, magick, and your spiritual beliefs together. It may take time to harness your abilities and learn which materials, techniques, and tools work best for you. It takes patience, diligence, and courage to face your challenges and strengths. Even if you come across an unfavorable outcome, there will be something more fulfilling that is already on its way to you. Sometimes, lessons and repeated lessons are there to clear the obstacles and resolve any karmic debt. Keep in mind always to celebrate the little victories that you achieve and manifest toward you. These little manifestations are just as great as the magnificent ones. If you are open to receive, then it was all in divine timing for you.
As you begin, allow yourself to be open to receive new information for Part 1: Getting Started. Youll learn more about the history of rootwork, basic terminology, and my own experience on my journey. Then, youll learn about must-have materials and tools for your magickal and spiritual journey ahead.
You will then move to Part 2: Beginning Rootwork. This section will focus on creating an altar and sacred spaces in your home and office, and as you travel. Next, youll dive deeper into herb magick and how you can incorporate different herbs to make floorwashes, spiritual baths, incense, powders, and oils. Crystals and stones were not as common in traditional rootwork practices. Only a select few were used for protective amulets and added to mojo bags to increase their powers. Today, crystals and stones are incorporated more frequently in daily self-care routines, rituals, and spells. This specific topic is covered in detail in this book for you to work and build a partnership with the spirit of natures gift to us in the form of a crystal or stone.
Part 3: Intermediate Rootworking will teach you more about amulets, charms, and talismans. Youll start to notice that you may have these types of items already. Sometimes, you are not aware of the magick that you unconsciously practice. Think about the imbued heirlooms that you receive with your beloved ancestors energy and spirit. You care for them and keep them safe. You are aware of how special and unique those items are to you because of that energetic connection. Think of this connection as you learn how the blend of Native American traditions and Christianity with hoodoo came to be. Even if you are not religious, you will grow to understand how the Bible and the power of prayers assisted our ancestors on multiple levels. With this information, youll learn how saints and other spirits can help you with your rituals, spells, and spiritual journey.
As you combine parts 1, 2, and 3, youll be ready to learn how to write petitions and which materials to use. Then youll know which colors influence chemical, emotional, and physical changes to our environment, and even to us. Each color is imbued with powerful energy and is also associated with astrological signs. This information will give you the ability to customize your rituals and spells intrinsically for you and other people.