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Prepping means being prepared for any disaster that may occur in the future. It is the process of actively preparing for any disaster or emergency. Natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods, can occur as well as man-made disasters, such as terrorism. Our preparation gives us three major advantages when a disaster strikes.
When a disaster strikes, people rush to markets and hardware stores searching for provisions, fixtures, tools, medical supplies, etc. You may forget what you require due to your fragile state of mind during a disaster, and the items you need may have already been sold by the time you return to the stores. Thus, prepping gives us the advantage of having a head start on others.
If you already have a lot of supplies and the necessary medicines, items, and provisions, you probably don't need to worry about getting more supplies. Also, if disaster strikes, you will have a handy kit with all the necessary items, making it easier to flee during such events. As a result, having everything under control increases your chances of survival. Furthermore, you will only have to worry about minor details when you prepare rather than searching for supplies.
Another issue with disasters is that you may have to survive without technology or electricity. You can meet these unforeseen events by having a handy survival kit and being well prepared. It will also lessen your reliance on emergency services.
Another advantage of prepping is that you will have to live without modern conveniences on which we humans are inherently dependent. We have become overly reliant on technology and power in recent years. We also take them for granted, assuming that there will never be a time when we will need them. Thus, prepping will assist us in overcoming such dependency and difficulties when a disaster strikes.
You must understand the fundamentals of prepping and ask yourself why you must prepare for any situation. Modern-day preppers attempt to prepare for a specific time when life becomes difficult. They intend to be self-sufficient and independent enough to face any challenge, no matter how difficult. These challenges could take the form of almost anything or everything, and they all fall under the SHTF umbrella. It could be as simple as a harsh winter, an earthquake, or a pandemic. Everything that interferes with your usual way of life is a challenge for you. Every prepper takes the initiative to prepare for all risks unique to them or their location.
Prepping is the process by which preppers adapt to be capable of dealing with almost anything that violates the peace around them. The approach promotes anticipating and planning for potential risk factors and the necessary needs to overcome them. As a result, this is the best way to mitigate the adverse effects of a disaster or emergency that the SHTF situation may cause for your livelihood. Prepping promotes the idea that 'Change' is a constant in life. Everyone who considers caring for their families in a disaster without relying on government assistance is a prepper. All governments launch counter-measures to natural disasters and pandemics to keep people safe in the modern era. They are also preparing on a large scale rather than focusing on a single individual.
Prepping is the process of preparing for survival without the use of complex infrastructure. It is the action that promotes being ready to face life before, during, and after an apocalyptic event. You may have heard most of the time during natural disaster alerts when people raid grocery and essential stores right before storms, tsunamis, and other such events. However, preppers plan for such common problems far in advance. They have the idea and consideration to have water, food, first aid, and other supplies that one might require due to the inaccessibility of grocery stores for the next few days or weeks. Preppers risk stockpiling pantry items, bottled waters, battery lamps, candles, first-aid kits, antibiotics, generic medications, and other similar items. The most fundamental level of prepping is gathering all the items required for a camping or outdoor trip.
An important consideration is how you will obtain the items you require. Food, water, fuel, and shelter are all included. If you live in an area where growing your food will be difficult or impossible due to the climate, consider moving to a more suitable location if you are passionate about farming. Many people have gardens for growing food, but they do not live in climates that allow them to garden all year. This means that if you rely on your garden for everything, the same winter freeze that kills it could also kill you. Learning how to preserve food by canning or smoking will be critical if this is the case. If you live in an area where hunting is permitted, learning how to hunt and gut a deer will provide you with a backup plan if necessary.
Getting enough food and clean water can be difficult when you have to rely on yourself for everything. A first-aid kit, essential medicines, and a first-aid class will come in handy here. These should be addressed as soon as possible to ensure you understand how to treat injuries following an accident or other event. Many classes on first-aid are available through the Boy Scouts, churches, and other organizations. If having the supplies isn't enough to pique your interest in learning these skills, consider how much it will cost you to keep going to the doctor when there isn't anyone else for miles.
In this book, you will learn the fundamentals of smoking and salt curing for preppers. Our goal is to teach you the fundamentals of smoking. Once you've mastered the fundamentals, you can progress to more complex techniques and recipes. We've included tips on improving your smoking skills, whether cooking your first brisket, learning how to use an injection marinade, or creating the perfect candied salmon or smoked chicken. Lets get started!
Chapter 1: Understanding Smoking and Salt Curing
Smoking Meat
Smoking is the process of flavoring, cooking, or preserving food by exposing it to smoke produced by burning or smoldering plant materials such as wood, mainly hardwood wood. Food smoking is practiced both commercially and at home. The meats are hung or placed on racks in an enclosed area, preventing smoke from escaping and penetrating the foods. Steam pipes are sometimes used in commercial smoking to supplement the wood fire.
Because it is antimicrobial and antioxidant, smoke is used to preserve foods. Smoking is most likely the oldest method of food preservation, emerging shortly after the discovery of fire. Because of the use of chemical preservatives, smoking as a preservative has declined in popularity, but it is regaining popularity because it is considered natural. The most commonly smoked foods are meat and fish, but cheeses, nuts, vegetables, and beverages such as tea and whisky are also smoked. In Scandinavia, smoking fish is popular, whereas ham is famous in Europe and the United States.