YourIntermittentFasting Guide:
Fast And Healthy Weight Loss And Effective Fat Burning Through Intermittent Fasting
(Ultimate Fasting Guide)
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Copyright 2019 - HOMEMADE LOVINGS
ISBN: 9783734798641
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Interval Fasting - How to lose weight quickly and effectively through intermittent fasting and burn fat
Surely you have heard the term interval fasting before. Because this nourishing form is particularly with prominent ones particularly in the trend and therefore in the media present. The so-called interval chamfered is a modern nourishing concept, which orients itself at the nourishing way of our ancestors. The special at the interval chamfered is that it does not concern here in the comparison to classical parliamentary allowance what is eaten, but only when food is taken up. Rules and prohibitions as well as hunger have no place with the nourishing way. Therefore interval chamfered means quasi the renouncement of the renouncement - a concept, which enjoys ever larger popularity and also with prominent ones many trailers finds.
Interval chamfered is not a short term diet, but a life attitude. With it it is completely easy to decrease in the sleep and to reduce durably its weight. Everything you need to know about interval fasting can be found in this guide. In the following chapters you will learn how interval fasting differs from classical therapeutic fasting and why it makes sense for almost everyone to eat according to this concept. In addition, we give tips on practical implementation and show the most common mistakes in interval fasting - so you can actually get started right away!
What is meant by interval fasting?
In order to understand how you can lose weight with interval fasting, we first want to explain the concept to you. The term describes a new type of fasting in which meal times and fasting times alternate in a regular temporal rhythm. In contrast to therapeutic fasting, the interval fasting no longer starves for days at a time, but only within certain time windows. The interval fasting is therefore also called periodic or intermittent fasting. There are different variants, with which the meal and chamfering times are individually long. An interval can be distributed over a day or a week.
The aim of this form of nutrition is not to consume any food for a few hours a day. During this time you are not allowed to eat and only unsweetened drinks are allowed. The rest of the day can be eaten normally. However, normal food in this case does not mean that you do not have to pay attention to your diet during this time. Who exaggerates it in this phase with the calorie intake and does not remain in its calorie deficit, will not be able to decrease also with the interval fasting. However, if you follow the basic rules of interval fasting, it is easy to lose pounds without starving.
The interval fasting goes back to our ancestors and was adapted by them. One can assume that people did not always have food before the constant availability of food by cattle and agriculture and therefore had to have forced fasting periods. They were healthy and fit, had athletic bodies and no overweight - so periodical fasting seems to be effective and pays off. This basic idea was now transferred to the interval fasting. For the modern interval fasting there are some different models, from which you can select the suitable model after your own preferences or the daily routine. The most common model is the 16:8 model, where you fast for 16 hours and eat 8 hours a day. The 16:8 method is also the variant preferred by celebrities because it is particularly easy to integrate into everyday life. In our guidebook we will also introduce you to the other possibilities, so that you get a comprehensive picture of the interval fasting.
Which thought is behind the nourishing concept interval chamfered?
As already mentioned, the interval chamfered orients itself at the nourishing way of our ancestors before the cattle and agriculture. Humans are prepared by nature for the fact that the necessary food is not available to them at any time. It survives this hunger however well, because the human body puts on energy reserves in the body for this case. These are stored in organs and tissues and can be used if necessary. Although today as a rule there are no more sudden famines and most people are well cared for, man has retained this survival mode for emergencies. This mode is cleverly exploited by the interval fasting through targeted eating and fasting times. By chamfered, thus the temporary food withdrawal, the energy stores are opened and the metabolism works more effectively.
It is assumed that the blood sugar level will level off due to the regular and extensive periods of fasting and that the body will get the necessary energy from the fat reserves during the fasting phase. In this way, fat burning is effectively promoted and is much more active than eating throughout the day. Who takes for example in the popular 16:8 method 16 hours consistently no food to itself and without sugar-containing beverages renounces, slips into the fat burn. Studies have shown that you can lose weight much faster and better than people who eat throughout the day. Researchers speak of a weight loss of up to 5 kilograms per week. But beware: if you eat even a small snack or a drink containing sugar during the fasting period, stop burning fat immediately!
Effective interval fasting - this is how it works
The basic principle of the interval fasting is quite simple: During certain hours of the day you may eat normally, while during the remaining hours no food and only sugar-free drinks are consumed. During the eating phase you can actually eat without any restrictions, but of course you have to make sure that the food is balanced and healthy. Even with interval fasting, weight loss is only possible if you remain in your calorie deficit.
Above all, it is important that you listen to your body. As soon as you notice that you are hungry and your stomach growls without a break, it is a sign to your body that it needs more energy and cannot cope with the renunciation. Such a situation can occur especially in the initial phase, because the body cannot adapt so quickly to the new diet and has to get used to it slowly. Since starvation is not the purpose of interval fasting, it is recommended in such cases to follow the feeling and instead shorten the intervals accordingly. As a rule, you will no longer feel hungry after just a few days, as the body quickly gets used to the new rhythm. Then you can slowly extend the intervals again.
In addition to the right diet, exercise is also an elementary part of interval fasting. Sport or exercise are always part of this if you want to burn fat effectively and permanently reduce your weight. Optimally suitable for this purpose is additional sport in the morning, since this on an empty stomach the fat burning enormously stimulates and can provide in this way for a still larger weight loss.
Which models are available?
Depending on your own preferences and personal daily rhythm, you can choose from different models which intervals suit you best. Those who work a lot and have to perform physically demanding activities may often forget to eat anyway, but need energy for their performance. Other people find it particularly difficult not to eat in the evening or at night. In these cases you can either change the rhythm accordingly or have to find a method that is compatible with your everyday life. We would like to briefly introduce you to the different possibilities.
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