By WolfgangRiebe
Published byMind Power Publications at Smashwords
Copyright 2013 by Wolfgang Riebe
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Welcome to thisseries of mini books on 50 Home Business Ideas with Arts &Crafts! Yes here are 50 ideas covering a wide range of fields andtopics. They are mainly ideas that you can run from your home. Inother words, ideas that involve a spare room, converted garage orextra space somewhere in the home, and that you could in essence doin your pajamas!
Many businessprofessionals dont realize how relaxing, inspiring and creative itcan be to use your artistic talents to make extra income. Intodays rush around crazy world, hardly anyone spends time to relyand have a hobby anymore. Those select few who have taken up someform of artistic creative expressionism are making some really goodmoney from this. Do you come from an artistic family? Are youcreative? Do you enjoy making things and creating your owndesigns?
Yes manyartists are struggling, but many also make lots of money. Why?Because they are also business people. Combine your business skillswith your creative artistic abilities and you could have a reallysatisfying new career.
50Ideas...that's just less than US$0,2c per idea!
Much researchhas gone into finding practical and realistic ideas that willhopefully appeal to a broad range of people. I have really tried togive a fair spectrum of suggestions and trust that you will be ableto find at least one good idea out of the fifty. If not, let theseideas at least stimulate your mind to think about some businessventures of your own, or even come up with a combination of ideas.Remember, not all ideas are going to be up your alley, but even ifonly one idea is - that's $0,99 really well spent!
In all fairnessyou also need to realize that there are no 'secret' magic formula'sideas out there. For the majority of people on this earth goodhonest hard work is what pays. If you bought this book expecting a'Million Dollar' idea, and discovering the next 'Get Rich Quick'scheme where you can sit on your butt and watch the money roll in dare I suggest you were maybe just a touch nave?
Don't get mewrong, there are most definitely 'Million Dollar' ideas in thisbook. However, the reality is that only a select few people willsee the opportunity and actually make the effort to do somethingwith them. Are you going to be the one that does? Or are you goingto continue to make excuses in life and blame others for yourfailures? Think of any profession... most people make a living andone percent are usually hugely successful. Yet it's the sameprofession in the same area with the same education what makesthat one person so different from the others? It's called attitude!Your attitude will determine the value of this book to you!
I do believethat if you find an idea in these pages that you can 'connect'with, and are passionate about it, you have won half the battle. Ofcourse you also need to deliver an exceptional service, and beprofessional in your dealings with all your clients - then there isno reason why you cannot build up a million dollar business in thelong term.
Furthermore,please remember that these are ideas only! The title of the bookletsays, 'Ideas.' Not business plans, strategies and complete businessmodels, but ideas! Much of your success will rely on your attitude,service delivery and business skills. The aim of this book is toplant the seeds in your mind. It is up to you whether you waterthem and make these ideas grow! I therefore strongly suggest thatyou read up or attend a few courses on business skills so as togive you that edge.
Lastly, I cantweak your interest and give you the ideas only. What you do withthem is up to you! As a speaker and a trainer I always like to makepeople think and see the positive side of any situation. Thus Iwould like you to consider the following question if a successfulforward thinking man like Sir Richard Branson (The man with theVirgin brand) were to tackle any one of the ideas in this book, doyou think he would make a success of it or not?
I would putmoney on it that he would!
It's hisattitude and his business skills! So... what is stopping you? Gofor it!
Aprons makegreat gifts as well as novelty gifts if you come up with uniquedesigns and funny sayings. Also, restaurants and restaurant chainsmay well have need for tailor-made aprons. You need a pattern, asewing machine and some clever ideas. It's something you don't seea lot of today, so if you can come it at a good price with a uniquedesign, I see no reason why this should not be a good market.
Candle makinghas been around for years. I remember as a child my mom makingcandles in old yogurt cups. Today the this craft has become so muchmore advanced and candle designs have become works of art. Whereasin the olden days we had candles for blackouts - today it's morefor creating a nice mood. Even scented candles are hugely popular.Once again, using your imagination you can become very creative,from adding dry leaves to glitter into the process. The sky is thelimit here. Go price decent table candles in your local supermarketand you will be shocked at how expensive they have become. Hence ifyou can make them at a competitive price and come up with your ownunique brand there is a potential market. Initial outlay will beminimal and there is enough information freely available on theInternet to teach you everything you need to know about candlemaking.
Every car isdifferent so I would target a limited number of models and brandsto start with. In fact I suggest you do a market research of the 5or 6 most popular brands of vehicles in your area, and then youdesign seat covers and boot liners for these models only. You willneed an industrial overlocker to finish off the covers and liners,plus a reliable supplier. As many supermarkets sell cheap car seatcovers, I would recommend starting off with the boot liners andbuilding a name through this. As soon as people realise that yourname stands for quality and uniqueness, they will be more apt tospent more money on a quality made seat cover. Remember, mostpeople have at least one car. I often collect stuff from thenursery or hardware store and end up putting a blanket in my boot.A custom made boot liner is definitely something I would considerbuying and am sure that most other people would too.
Recently Ibought a small kitten and if you know cats, they scratch oneverything. Hence I looked for one of these cat trees/towers. I wasstunned at the prices! With off-cut wood and off-cut carpet I couldmake the same thing for next to nothing. Just do a search on Googleand look at the hundreds of pictures and designs. Approach a lumberstore and ask for their off-cuts. Do the same with a carpetcompany. Go ahead and start building cat tree. With a bit ofcreativity and keeping in mind that cats enjoy sitting high up andlooking down on the world around them you can start a boomingbusiness.
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