Increase Your Tremendous Charm and Aura
Megan Coulter
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For my students andfriends, who all selflessly helped me in writing this book. Specialthanks to those who asked, insisted and assisted me in turning myideas into this book form. All Rights Reserved 2012-2015 @ MeganCoulter.
This publication Charisma is all aboutlearning how to control your emotions and how to come out as acharismatic leader. No matter what your age, academic background orprofession is, the fact is that you can learn to be charismatic andradiate your skills. Charisma is a quality that comes from withinand it can be developed. It was a misconception that charisma isin-born quality. But with regular practice and dedication, one canaccess their charisma and thrive.
In this book, I will introduce you with someeasy, step-by-step processes that can help you to develop yourcharismatic personality. You can learn how to appear confidence andhow to deal with stage fright when it comes to charm lots ofpeople. The guide will help you de-stress and relax and becomecharismatic in a healthy and creative way. Charismatic leaders arenot just interesting, but interested too.
There are many examples of charismaticpersonalities we have heard about in the past, such as Gandhi,Martin Luther King Jr. and Winston Churchill. They had ability tocharm anyone and encourage them to do whatever they want. Beingcharismatic is something more than being able to speak withoutanxiety and fear. It is about effective communication that can helpyou influence others.
Chapter 1
What Is Charisma? What Is CharismaticPersonality?
In general, charisma is considered a personalitytrait, but it is actually hard to define. And scholars have triedto define it for centuries. A German sociologist, Max Weber definedcharisma in 19th century.
According to him, Charisma is
A special trait of someones personality whichmakes him something from nothing and others believe that he is godgifted with superhuman, supernatural and exceptional powers.
In simple words, charisma is something like aquality which boosts tendency of an individual to percept himselfas living larger than life.
However, normal people may not believe on itsdefinition and generally admit that it is the quality some peoplenaturally have it and some doesnt. When I ask some charismaticpeople, you may mention FDR, Martin Luther King Jr., MahatmaGandhi, Bill Clinton, President Obama and Ronald Reagan. Inentertainment industry, Oprah Winfrey, Clark Gable, and MarilynMonroe are those who are charismatic.
What Charisma Actually Is?
I have been studying it for several years andconcluded that we have great knowhow of the personal traits makinga person charismatic. Personal Charisma issomething different than charismatic leadershipand charismatic leaders have some of the basic qualities ofpersonal charisma.
Charismatic Personality is agroup of sophisticated and complex emotional and social skills.This way one can influence and motivate the crowd at an intense andemotional level, communicate with them effectively and make sturdypersonal connections.
Being Charismatic
Being charismatic is about paying properattention on how you are interacting with someone. It is theprocess that can make you more appealing and positive towardsothers. A charismatic leader uses his skills to attract peopleand get them on his side, perhaps from his social, ideological andprofessional point of view. Hence, charisma is connected toleadership skills and it is important to be charismatic first tobecome a successful leader.
Whenever I ask someone to name some charismaticperson, they would immediately discuss public figure, such as acelebrity, politician or a leader. No doubt, these people aresuccessful and charismatic too. But you can find many ordinarypeople in your life with extraordinary personality. For example,every school has a student who is all teachers favorite, or aperson who is friendly to everyone in your office, etc.
Being Charismatic Is About -
Being Confident Charismatic people areconfident personalities and are able to appear confident in everysituation. Being charismatic is about being confident enough tointeract in different situations, in front of people and in groups.Along with looking confident while communicating, they also makeothers feel confident and it helps in improving the process ofcommunication. These people are confident without being egotisticaland boastful.
Being Optimistic Along with appearingconfident, charismatic people can also appear positive. This way,they try to find positive in situations, events and people and theyappear cheerful. They can motivate others to change theirperception and see things like they do. They enable people aroundto feel more optimistic. For problem solving and negotiation,optimism and positive thinking are powerful ways.
An Emotional Player It is not important tohave certain acting skills. All you need to appear optimistic andconfident. When it works best, charismatic people are efficient inshowcasing their actual emotions. Usually they are good at actingor masking which can make other people believe what theyperceive.
Being a Good Listener Charisma makes youboth interested and interesting. People want to listen to you andyou should be ready to listen to what they want to say. Charismaticleaders are great storytellers. They explain and speak in a veryengaging way. They convey their message concisely and clearly. Tokeep audience focused and attentive, they sometimes be serious andadd humor. They use relaxed and open body language in small orone-on-one group situations and also use eye contact. They seek forfeedback. They use body language and gestures a lot whilecommunicating with larger groups.
They are likely to show their interest in others,ask open questions to understand their opinions, views and feelingsand provide heartfelt answers. They can be considerate andempathetic to others. Eye Contact, Sincere Smile, and Beingwell-mannered and politeness are enough to get others on yourside.
Being Sensible Charismatic people love tomake effective communication with people who are good at startingconversations. They are likely to be sensible, with completeinsight on current affairs and overall general knowledge. This way,they can make awkward start of conversations or small talk easier.They have expertise in some area and explain a certain kind ofcomplex topic in a way that others understand.
Giving Attention to Detail Attention todetail is the soul of charisma. You should communicate withenthusiasm and passion while showing positive gestures. It consistsof self-confidence, optimism and positive thinking.