Table of Contents
Clean Eating
Clean Eating Recipes for a Healthy Clean Diet
Deena Shelby
Copyright 2013 Deena Shelby. All rights reserved.
The Clean Cookbook Introduction: How to Know your Body is Healthy
Have you ever wished that someone would write a cookbook that gives just the facts? All diets put an emphasis on their particular type of foods and how they are beneficial, but many real factors are often eliminated, in order to promote a specific diet. Look no further. The Clean Cook Book is designed to present not only facts about the food you eat, but give you real choices in giving your body the cleanest foods possible, and obtainable. Learn how flour, sugar, bread, and milk, are not always what they appear, and can contribute to a decrease in the function of your system.
In addition, discover how processed and genetically modified products have no real nutrition in the anatomy of humans, but were simply created to preserve and extend shelf life. Once you realize how one, two, or all of these foodstuffs can play a part in limiting a long and fruitful life, the real fun begins. Recipes that are unique, tasty, and great for your body, are categorized and presented with detailed instructions. Isn't it time that you made a conscious decision about what is healthy and what is not? Gather the information, use the list of substitutes, and know that you are doing all that you can to offer your body the nutrients it requires.
Let's Get Real
Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, seafood and fiber-rich grains, all sound like a great start to eating healthy. But, let's be realistic. Who has the resources, money and time to track down all of these nutritious foods on a daily basis? Wouldn't we all love to live next door to a fresh market that could provide us with all the foods that diets insist that we need? The fact is, most of us try to pick up fresh items, when available and not too pricey, but the rest of the time, it's canned foods and cheap boxed pastas. Learn how to use what is available and to take advantage of those fresh foods when you can. Also, discover 10 healthy tips, in this informative book, for a cleaner way of eating.
Mind Controlling Foods
No, this is not a weird, conspiracy theory as to why we cannot lose weight. Nor is it a way to train your mind into being submissive over sweets and breads. It is simply an explanation as to how the human anatomy works. No one can argue the fact that your mind controls your hunger, or that it tells you what is tasty and what is rotten. There are certain chemicals that cause the brain to search for what the body needs. You hear a lot about hormones today and this is because hormones is the control center that tells your mind exactly what your body needs. Become introduced to these chemicals, how they interact with the brain, and why fad diets never seem to work.
Foods that Send Negative Messages
Some people have allergies that prevent them from enjoying certain foods. Shell fish, peanuts and milk are good examples of products that can have negative reactions to certain individuals. It does not take very long for a person with food allergies, to realize that they have to live without food that causes them misery.
In a world where processed foods have become a way of life, it can be difficult to steer clear of all products that have been chemically altered. In some cases, processed foods are actually good for you. Take milk, for instance. Through pasteurizing, dangerous bacteria is eliminated for safe consumption. However, most foods use processing for convenience. Knowing the difference between safety and convenience, when shopping, will help you to make wise meal choices.
Once you know what the real facts are about the foods you eat, a plan can be put into action. A 5-day planner is also included to get you on the right track to feeling better, living longer, and yes, even losing weight. Be prepared to get inspired, get reconnected with your body's needs, and enjoy terrific meals from a book filled with tantalizing foods. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and beverages, will taste better, give you more energy, lose those last impossible 10 pounds, and not crimp your budget, After a while, heavily processed foods will begin to taste like cardboard, just like they do to your body.
Chapter 1: The Clean Diet
There are several renditions of clean dieting on the book shelves today. Some are written by physicians, experts in nutrition or personal trainers. Cleansing programs, cutting out junk foods, and eliminating processed foods, are a few of the diets that are promoted. While all of these suggestions have merit, weaving these solutions into one's daily life can be a bit uncomfortable. There should be nothing complex or restraining about a new way of living with food. If your body is deprived of certain addictions, food will be foremost on your brain, and that is no fun.
Most of us know that fresh vegetables, fruit and lean meats are good for us. But our brains tell us that potato chips and chocolate cake are too good to let go. The whole point of a clean diet is to wean your food desires off of garbage, that do nothing but pollute your system. Your entire life has probably evolved around eating unhealthy foods and stopping cold turkey, doesn't work.
Wants and Needs
Remember when microwave ovens or cell phones were first introduced? These are items that clearly define the difference between wants and needs. Ask yourself if either one of these are absolutely necessary to live a full and fruitful life. Of course they aren't, but marketing and peer pressure have set the tone by mixing up wants and needs. Have you ever had a craving for something natural, like an apple, fresh green beans or a melon? This is your body trying to signal your brain that your body is hungry! This is not a want, but a need that has been ignored for way too long.
As we age, our taste in foods change. This is not from the aging process but from an addiction to fast food, chemicals used in processed items, and a slower metabolism that wants some form of comfort. Perhaps you have developed a case of indigestion from certain foods, or find that those desserts that you once loved, make you groggy. Everything is a signal from our bodies that they need nutrition and this is their reminder that is not going to go away. Many people have lost their sense of taste from not eating vitamin-enriched vegetables and fruits. Deep fried foods is one of the worst culprits for robbing your taste buds of flavor. You are feeding your body refined flour that has been dipped in reused vegetable oil. What is inside the coating becomes irrelevant, compared to the fat that beats any type of nutrition to your stomach.
Your taste in foods has not really changed. What has changed, is your body's unwillingness to tolerate being fed foods that clog arteries, eat away at stomach and colon linings, and raise havoc on your hormones and immune system. Once you begin cutting back on chemically-laced foods, you will notice how much better a chicken breast tastes, over a rare steak, or strawberries over chocolate cake. These are signals that your body has had enough abuse and wants to repair itself. It is never too late to take that first step toward healthy eating. You will find yourself actually enjoying a meal, with no repercussions of stomach pain, headaches, being listless, or possibly creating food allergies.
Keep your Freedom of Food
Some popular diets use ingredients that sound foreign to you, because they are. Finding the right blends of seasonings and herbs to cover the taste of tofu, can be a real adventure. The recipes that you are about to find in this book, are nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, some of the recipes that you find, may resemble old fashioned dishes that you used to find at family reunions. Now that is something to look forward to.