Complete Guide to Bible Journaling
In memory of my mother, Jan Miller,
who instilled in me a deep love for
Gods Word. Her fingerprints of
grace linger on my heart.
ISBN 978-1-4972-0272-6
eISBN 9781607657606
COPY PERMISSION: The written instructions, photographs, designs, patterns, and projects in this
publication are intended for the personal use of the reader and may be reproduced for that purpose
only. Any other use, especially commercial use, is forbidden under law without the written permission
of the copyright holder. Every effort has been made to ensure that all information in this book is
accurate. However, due to differing conditions, tools, and individual skills, neither the author nor
publisher can be responsible for any injuries, losses, or other damages which may result from the use of
the information in this book.
INFORMATION: All rights reserved. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge
and prior consent of the artists concerned and no responsibility is accepted by producer, publisher, or
printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication.
Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied.
WARNING: Due to the components used in this craft, children under 8 years of age should not have
access to materials or supplies without adult supervision. Under rare circumstances components of
products could cause serious or fatal injury. Please read all safety warnings for the products being used.
Neither New Design Originals, the product manufacturer, or the supplier is responsible.
NOTE: The use of products and trademark names is for informational purposes only, with no intention
of infringement upon those trademarks.
Back cover top image by Valerie Wieners-Massie.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Fink, Joanne, 1959- | Yoder, Regina.
Title: Complete guide to Bible journaling / Joanne Fink & Regina Yoder.
Description: East Petersburg : New Design Originals Corporation, [2017] |
Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016054345 | ISBN 9781497202726 (pbk.)
Subjects: LCSH: Spiritual journals--Authorship. | Bible--Illustrations. | Art
and religion. | Drawing--Themes, motives.
Classification: LCC BL628.5 .F56 2017 | DDC 248.4/6--dc23
LC record available at
Fox Chapel focuses on providing real value to our customers
through the printing and book production process. We strive to
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Fair trade principles should also be recognized when dealing with
the creative and artistic community. We are pleased that our business
practices and payments to authors meet the criteria to display
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. In order to earn the seal, all of the
artwork must be original (not clip art or public domain material); the author
must be paid on a royalty basis at fair trade rates (not piecemeal or via flat rates),
meaning the author participates financially in the success of his or her titles; and
the work of contributing artists must be acknowledged in print. DO Magazine:
Color, Tangle, Craft, Doodle,
2017 by Joanne Fink, Regina Yoder, and New Design Originals Corporation,
, an
imprint of Fox Chapel Publishing, 800-457-9112, 1970 Broad Street, East Petersburg, PA 17520.
Printed in the United States of America
First printing
Our deep gratitude to:
The manufacturers who provided products that we
used to create some of the samples in this book:
Caran dAche, Clearsnap, Crossway, Faber-Castell,
Mrs. Grossmans, Sakura of America, Spellbinders,
The Crafters Workshop, and Tyndale.
The talented artists who shared their techniques
and created art for the techniques section:
Gail Beck,
Dorian Eng, Leitha Hunt, Rebekah R Jones, Milagros
Rivera, Korin Sutherland, and Samantha Trattner.
The incredible behind-the-scenes people whose
support helped make this book possible:
Leslie Davis, Connie Denninger, Deena Disraelly,
Suzanne Dunn, Carl Fink, Philip Fleet, Gladys Gonzalez,
Wilma Hostetler, Dana Kaplan, Penny Lisk, Jennifer
Priest, Kristi Sorrell, Darla Stanfield, Dave Thompson,
Jonathan Trattner, Angie Vangalis, Bobbi Ward, Amy
Welday, David Welday, Ella Yoder, and Ernie Yoder.
The wonderful team at Fox Chapel:
Peg Couch, Kati
Erney, Kate Lanphier, Cindy Fahs, Alan Giagnocavo,
Claudia Harrison, Llara Pazdan, Katie Weeber, Ray
Wolf, and especially our amazing editors, Colleen
Dorsey and Melissa Younger, for their numerous and
invaluable contributions to the book.
The Bible journaling pioneers:
Shanna Noel, who
started it all, and the talented artists whose work
graces the pages of this book.
In memory of my friend, Barbi Disraelly,
who walked in faith, reached out in
love, and made a profound difference
in the world. The light of her soul
continues to inspire me.