Published by The Childs World
Copyright 2023 by The Childs World
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ISBN Information
9781503858503 (Reinforced Library Binding)
9781503860193 (Portable Document Format)
9781503861558 (Online Multi-user eBook)
9781503862913 (Electronic Publication)
LCCN 2021952695
Printed in the United States of America
Cynthia Amoroso holds
undergraduate degrees in English
and elementary education, and
graduate degrees in curriculum and
instruction as well as educational
administration. Cynthias past roles
include teacher, assistant principal,
district reading coordinator, director
of curriculum and instruction, and
curriculum consultant. She has
extensive experience in reading,
literacy, curriculum development,
professional development, and
continuous improvement processes.
Cynthia enjoys reading, writing,
gardening, traveling, and spending
time with friends and family.
Have you ever stuck up for someone or
something ? Maybe you had a friend
who needed help. Perhaps you had
a favorite sports team no one else
liked. Loyalty is believing in something
or someone and standing up for them.
Loyalty is being faithful .
Loyalty is being faithful to others and standing up for them.
Maybe your friend got in an
argument with another girl. The other
girl said something mean to your friend.
You showed loyalty to your friend by
standing up for her. Maybe the other
girl did not like that! But you showed
your friend she can count on you.
Loyalty means sticking up for your friends.
Maybe you are on a baseball team.
You do not always win. Sometimes the
other kids do not play well. Sometimes
you do not play well, either! But you
stay loyal to your team. You cheer
during the teams games.
You tell everyone they
did a good job.
A loyal person
is someone who
is trustworthy
and faithful.
Loyalty is rooting for your team, even when you do not win.
You like your school. The teachers do
a good job. The other kids are great.
Maybe some other schools have nicer
buildings. Maybe they have nicer
playgrounds. But you are loyal to your
own school. You are proud to be a
student there!
You can show loyalty by telling others about your school.
You and your sister are playing a game
with other kids. Your sister makes a big
mistake. Everyone gets mad at her.
They say mean things. Your sister runs
home. The other kids keep playing
without her. You want to keep playing,
too. But you feel bad for your sister.
You want to be with her. You show
loyalty to your sister by going home.
Loyalty to your family means being there when they need you most.
You like to visit your friends house.
He lives in a nicer neighborhood than
yours. Your neighborhood sometimes
gets messy. You show loyalty to your
neighborhood by helping to keep
it clean. You follow the rules and
laws. You think of ways to make your
neighborhood even better.
Loyalty can make your neighborhood a great place to live!
You are proud of your country. You take
off your hat and you put your hand over
your heart when you sing the anthem .
You feel loyal to your country.
You respect your country.
Loyalty to your country
is called patriotism .
When you show
loyalty, you show
that you care
about and value
others. People
know they can
count on you.
People show loyalty to their country in many different ways.
People have lots of different beliefs.
They have different beliefs about the
world. They have different ideas about
how things should be done. Some
people might agree with your beliefs.
Other people might not. It is OK for
people to believe in different things.
You can show loyalty to your own
beliefs by standing by them.
People have many different ways of showing loyalty to their beliefs.
Being loyal is not always easy. But it lets
people know who you are. It lets them
know what you believe in. It lets them
know that you care.
People will trust you
when they know
you are loyal.
Being loyal does not
mean you always
have to agree with
someone. It means
that you respect
someone even if you
disagree with them.
Loyalty helps us keep strong friendships.
anthem (AN-thuhm) An anthem is a national song.
argument (AR-gyoo-ment) Having an argument
means disagreeing in an angry way.
faithful (FAYTH-ful) When you are faithful to
something, you stick with it.
favorite (FAY-ver-it) When you like something best, it
is your favorite.
patriotism (PAY-tree-uh-tiz-uhm) Patriotism is a
feeling of love and respect for your country.
What does it mean to be loyal to your school ?
Give an example from your own experience.
Has a friend ever stood up for you in a difficult
situation ? What happened ? How did you feel
about your friends loyalty to you ? Have you ever
stood up for a friend ? How did it make you feel
about yourself ?
If a friend said something you strongly disagree with,
would you stay loyal to them ? Why or why not ?
What might you say to your friend ?
Jacoby, Sarah. Can I Sit with You ?
San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books, 2021.
Krekelberg, Alyssa. We Need Each Other: Being a Good
Friend . Mankato, MN: The Childs World, 2021.
Moua, Doua, and Kim Holt (illustrator). Today Is
Different . Minneapolis, MN: Lerner, 2022.
Visit our website for links about loyalty:
Note to Parents, Caregivers, Teachers, and Librarians: We routinely verify our Web links to
make sure they are safe and active sites. So encourage your readers to check them out!
being faithful,
sports teams, ,