The Owners Guide from Puppy to Old Age
Choosing, Caring for, Grooming, Health,Training and Understanding Your Cockapoo Dog
By Alan Kenworthy
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Once youve read this book, you will have allthe information you need to make a well-informed decision aboutwhether or not the Cockapoo is the breed for you, and you will knowhow to care for them at every stage of their life.
As an owner, expert trainer and professionaldog whisperer, I would like to teach you the human side of theequation, so you can learn how to think more like your dog andeliminate behavioral problems with your pet.
While it is somewhat harder to point topredictable characteristics in a hybrid dog like a Cockapoo, thisis a breed in transition. I have no doubt it will be accepted as astand alone breed in years to come, which will only support thefurther genetic development of this exceptional pairing.
In the meantime, there are more and moreresponsible breeders producing excellent Cockapoos. This is not afad breed, but a truly exceptional companion and one to which Ilook forward to introducing you.
I will try to acquaint you with all the prosand cons of life with a Cockapoo and to provide insight into caninehusbandry for those people who have not lived with a dogbefore.
Read carefully and make your decision with acritical eye toward your time and lifestyle. I firmly believe thatno adoption of any animal should be based on any primaryconsideration other than the welfare of the living creature thatwill become your sole responsibility. If you can care for aCockapoo, I promise, the Cockapoo will care for you.
In writing this book, I also sought tips,advice, photos and opinions from many experts of the Cockapoo dogbreed.
In particular I wish to thank the followingwonderful experts for going out of their way to help andcontribute:
Shannon Wallace of OZ Cockapoos
Malinda DeVincenzi of Darby Park Doodles
Rebecca Goins of MoonShine BabiesCockapoos
Cristine Smith of Shady Lane Cockapoo's
Jackie Stafford of Djs CockapooBabies
Jamie of Cute Cockapoos
Helen Downing of Family LoveKennels
Christy Shanklin of Christys Cockapoos
Phil & Adam Berthold of HomesteadCockapoos
Debbie Cowdrey of Starlo'sCockapoos
Jessica Sampson of Legacy Cockapoos
Stephen & Julia Charlton of JukeeDoodles
Annette Courtney of AnnettesCockapoos
Kirstin Pollington of Milky Paws
Sylvia Hook of Sylml Cockapoo
Ali Haynes of TiddybrookCockapoos
Joanna Johnson, Lincolnshire, UK
Justine Watts of Just Dogz
Chapter 1 All About the Cockapoo
The breed known today as the Cockapoo (orCock-a-poo) was the result of chance matings of Cocker Spaniels andPoodles in the United States in the 1950s. The resulting litterswere so irresistibly cute that by the 1960s, the dogs werebeginning to attract attention.
![Photo Credit Stephen Charlton of JukeeDoodles In subsequent decades as the - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/387671/tmp_19b831e29afa3097c6c087d616428d22_jFYfkF_html_m7608e393.jpg)
Photo Credit: Stephen Charlton of JukeeDoodles
In subsequent decades, as the breed gained aninternational following, other variations on the name werepopularized for instance, Spoodle in Australia and Cockadoodle inSweden. For the purposes of this discussion, however, well stickwith Cockapoo.
As the Cockapoo mix began to be intentionallycultivated, two types of Poodles emerged as frontrunners in thebreeding pool: the Miniature and the Toy. Using these dogs, thecrosses tend to be roughly the size of the Cocker Spaniel parent orjust fractionally smaller. In the UK, generally the Cockapoo is12 bigger than its parents.
The Cocker Spaniel half of the equation alsointroduces a degree of variance because American Cocker Spanielsare slightly smaller than their English counterparts and have alonger coat. In the UK, they actively use the English WorkingCocker Spaniel, the English Show Cocker Spaniel and the AmericanShow Cocker Spaniel, all of which have distinctively different coattypes.
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