Be healthy
Instant tips for total health
Infinite Ideas
Previously published in paperback as Be incredibly healthy
8. Porridge power
Porridge is about to become the trendiest consumable since coffee shops reinvented coffee.
In the States customers are already queuing up at a chain of cafes called Cereality to buy takeaway cartons of the stuff. Why? Here are just a few reasons.
It fights off the English
A daily bowl of porridge sustained the ancient Scots through hours of marauding. They knew that if you started the day with porridge, you didnt feel hungry for hours.
It fights off cancer
Porridge oats are packed with a rich source of cancer-fighting phyto-oestrogens, and contain an antioxidant called ferulic acid which seems to actually stop certain cancer-promoting compounds in their tracks.
It feeds your flora
The humble oat boosts your gut flora too (you know, the bugs in your digestive tract that keep food moving through the system). Oats are a good source of probiotics, food for your bodys good bacteria. The more food these bacteria have, the more they multiply and strengthen your immune system.
It helps your heart, your blood, your cholesterol
Chemicals in porridge called avenanthramides stop blood cells sticking to artery walls, preventing the fatty deposits that cause heart disease. A daily serving of oats can also improve your blood pressure control, reduce your cholesterol levels and may even cut the risk of developing diabetes, by absorbing sugar from the gut and cutting the need for large quantities of insulin to be released.
and it wont make you fat
Porridge only masquerades as stodgy comfort food in truth, its the nearest thing weve got to a magic diet pill. People who eat wholegrain-based breakfasts every day are a third less likely to be obese compared to those who skip the meal.
Heres an idea for you
Bring one pint of water/milk/both to the boil. Stir in two and a half rounded tablespoons of oats. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for fifteen minutes, stirring frequently. Add a pinch of salt. Not hard, was it?
Defining idea
The healsome porritch, chief of Scotias food.
9. Geeing up for the gym
The gym can be extremely effective and convenient for your fitness goals. And, no, it doesnt have to be boring.
Have you been down to the gym recently? If not, you may be in for a nice surprise. Most modern fitness centres offer a cornucopia of classes. Go take a look
Which gym?
Find a gym that youll actually go to in order to keep excuses like it not being on your way to/from work at bay. Your motto should be: Location, Location, Location!
What to do?
Most gyms will provide an induction and possibly a session with a trainer make use of this. Decide on your goal and why youre there. Is it for weight loss, for weight gain, to train for an event, to improve fitness or to build strength? Whatever your reason, inform your trainer so they can design a programme specifically aimed at you and your needs.
Include weight-training
Weight training doesnt mean youll end up looking like Arnie. Its a great way to add tone and definition to your body and will increase lean muscle mass, helping you to manage your weight. Using weights has the added bonus of strengthening your bones.
Have a go
Try circuit training for camaraderie, Pilates for inner strength (without having to jump around), yoga for serenity, kick-boxing to get rid of that tension, or dance to boost your sex appeal.
Three little words of advice
- Focus . Get a trainer to show you your ideal training zone, or use a heart rate monitor.
- Drink . A lack of water can affect your strength, stamina and ability to burn fat.
- Rest . As you become fitter you may be able to train longer and harder, but muscles need rest to repair, recover and strengthen. Overtraining can deplete the immune system as well as your mood and energy levels.
Heres an idea for you
Get the right kit. Supportive shoes, a comfortable outfit and, for women, the right bra are a must.
Defining idea
The worst moment in life is the moment you lose faith in your dreams. Never let it happen.
10. Get out more
If you hate the gym, there are plenty of alternatives in the great outdoors.
Some people hate everything about the gym. They hate the smell of them, the machines, the other people and no-one talks to each other because theyre so busy doing exercise. And theres nothing worse than signing up for a year then never going. So instead of heading to your local exercise temple, get out and about.
Out and out good for you
Go and exercise outside. You dont have to be in the midst of the glorious countryside for this one. Your local park will do. Use the park benches to stretch, use steps to run up and use lampposts as distance markers. Let your imagination run wild.
Set goals a good one might be to count the number of times you run round the park, each time trying to improve upon the last. Pick a route where you can see loads of wildlife, cranes, fish, swans and ducks, even if you are in the city. What a pleasure.
The more aerobic your exercise, the better. Aerobic exercise is thought to protect you against all sorts of nasty diseases, including some types of cancers and heart disease, plus it makes your bones stronger. So do some cardiovascular stuff.
- Run, jog or walk for at least 20 minutes each day.
- Power walking stride out when you walk. Get into it by loading your iPod up with some seriously good music.
- Jump higher skipping is a wonderful way to get your ticker really going. Apparently, jumping rope has the calorie-burning capacity of jogging for one mile. But you have to really go for it no weedy jumping allowed.
- Warm up and wind down dont forget to stretch at the beginning and end of your workouts. Warm, stretched muscles are muscles that are less likely to be injured.
Heres an idea for you
Check out psychocalisthenics ( ). This is a form of exercise that revitalises your whole system yet takes just 15 minutes to do.
Defining idea
I am at two with nature.
11. Threes company
The best things come in threes and the worst. Heres a basic guide to carbs, protein and fats.
Curb the carbs?
The body uses carbohydrates (carbs) as its main fuel. Carbs can be divided into two types: fast burning (junk food, processed food, honey, sweet foods) and slow burning (whole grains, fresh fruit and veg, grains). The type of carbs you should curb is the fast-burning carbs because these will give you a surge of energy followed by a nasty crash. And avoid rocket-fuel carbohydrates such as white bread, white rice, cakes, biscuits and sugar. Slow-burning complex carbohydrates, however, should make up about 70% of your diet.
Perfect protein
Protein contains the building blocks (amino acids) that are used for making enzymes, hormones, antibodies and neurotransmitters as well as for repair of the body and for growth. Protein isnt just about huge slabs of juicy steak. Vegetarian sources of protein are important to consider and include beans, tofu, quinoa (a type of grain) and lentils. You should be aiming to get about 15% of your calories through protein, so aim to eat plenty of vegetarian sources, which are less acid forming, and also consider some cheese and eggs, but not in excess. If you eat meat, have it no more than three times a week.
Fear of fat
Its only the wrong kind of fat we should be scared of, not good fats. Saturated fats are not essential for the body to function. With unsaturated fats, there are two types: monounsaturated (olive oil is in this group) and polyunsaturated. Some polyunsaturated fats EFAs are good for your brain and generally make the body work efficiently. You should aim to get about 15% of your calories through good-quality EFAs. Each day, supplement with a pure fish oil and eat plenty of nuts and seeds.
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