Praise for Raising a Young Modern-Day Princess
If a godly mom and dad could package themselves into a gift, it would open like the pages of Doreen and Karens book. Their personal stories are uplifting and eye-opening, and their insight about the fruit of the Spirit will be as valuable to the parent as it is to the child. This is an easy read. The hard part will be deciding which tenderhearted, fun-filled, life-changing activity to do first. This will become a trusted resource for any parent who desires to raise a young modern-day princess in a perilous world.
Executive Director, Mothers With a Mission
God is calling families to be intentional in raising their daughters. This new book by Karen and Doreen is a timely resource that will help educate and equip parents in raising godly girls in a world that can be confusing and distracting. Raising a Young Modern-Day Princess is built around practical applications drawn from biblical truths and the authors personal experiences. Each chapter will surely inspire mothers and fathers to pursue their daughters in these busy and challenging times.
National Program Manager, American Heritage Girls
What a wonderful book! Raising a Young Modern-Day Princess is filled with practical ideas to energize your daughters spiritual life. As you celebrate rites of passage in her life, you will create lifelong positive traditions and memories that will help infuse hope and faith. There are fresh ideas on every page.
President, HomeWord
Author of Faith Conversations for Families and Confident Parenting
In Raising a Young Modern-Day Princess, Doreen Hanna and Karen Whiting have penned a soon-to-be classic. This sweet and poignant book serves as a comprehensive step-by-step guide for raising a healthy, godly young woman. It captures the wholesome essence of what makes girls and young women so special. The Dad and Daughter Activities are a treasure and are worth the cost of the book alone. I highly recommend this for anyone raising a daughter.
Author of Becoming the Dad Your Daughter Needs
Ive watched Doreen encourage, inspire, and empower girls to be aware of who they are, reach outside the box, increase their personal pride, and express the greatness they possess. We all need these enhancements to become and remain our very best. Young and all can reach the top with this insight.
CEO, That A Girl Enrichment Tours
Packed with ideas, strategies, and activities, Raising a Young Modern-Day Princess can be your guide for raising your daughter as a beautiful princess in Gods kingdom. Practical and insightful, this book will be a well-worn reference to return to with each parenting challenge you face.
Author of On Edge and Emotional Traps
Teaching children to love and reflect Jesus in todays society challenges the best of parents. Thankfully resources such as Raising a Young Modern-Day Princess exist to make the task easier. This must-have book is a treasure trove of wisdom and practical ideas for parents desiring Gods best for their little girls. I wish it had been available when my two daughters were young.
Author of Tuck-Me-In Talks with Your Little Ones
Raising a Young Modern-Day Princess: Growing the Fruit of the Spirit in Your Little Girl
2016 Doreen Hanna and Karen Whiting
A Focus on the Family book published by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188
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Scripture quotations marked ( ESV ) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright 2001 by CrosswayBibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked ( KJV ) are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version.
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Scripture quotations marked ( TLB ) are taken from The Living Bible [paraphrase], copyright 1971. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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Editor: Liz Duckworth
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data for this title can be found at
ISBN 978-1-58997-866-9
ISBN 978-1-62405-764-9 (ePub); ISBN 978-1-62405-765-6 (Kindle); ISBN 978-1-62405-763-2 (Apple)
Build: 2016-08-12 10:01:11
It is with the deepest gratitude that I dedicate this book to my mother, Ariel Quintana; Lucia Quintana, my late grandmother; and my wonderful friend and mentor, Emilie Horner. Each of you modeled characteristics of a good mother that as a young woman I desired to emulate.
Mom, you modeled faithfulness. My grandma Quintana demonstrated the wealth of kindness in her actions and words. Emilie, you still model today that the joy of the Lord is your strength. Each of you invested yourself into my life and guided me by your words and actions to believe in the person God created me to be, when I couldnt yet see it in myself. You equipped me to become a better woman and mom than I ever thought possible.
Brandy Corea and Kamy Hanna, I am delighted that God chose me to be your mother. My joy and gratitude has overflowed once again, because you both have so willingly given of your time and talents to further the vision God has given me. Thank you, my girls, for contributions that you have written or the stories that I have told about you in the contents of this book. I pray that those who peek into your lives through the words that are penned will be encouraged by your transparency that reveals your childhood frailty as well as your maturing strength and wisdom today.