Windows 8 For Dummies
by Faithe Wempen
Windows 8 eLearning Kit For Dummies
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About the Author
Faithe Wempen, MA, is a Microsoft Office Master Instructor and the author of more than 100 books on computer hardware and software, including The PowerPoint 2013 Bible and Microsoft Office For Dummies eLearning Kit. She is an adjunct instructor of Computer Information Technology at Purdue University, and her corporate training courses online have reached more than one-quarter of a million students for clients such as Hewlett-Packard, Sony, and CNET.
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I f youve been thinking about taking a class online (its all the rage these days) but youre concerned about getting lost in the electronic fray, worry no longer. Windows 8 eLearning Kit For Dummies is here to help you, providing you with an integrated learning experience that includes not only the book and CD you hold in your hands but also an online version of the course at
. Consider this Introduction your primer .
About This Kit
Each piece of this eLearning kit works in conjunction with the others. Whether you pop the CD into your computer to start the lessons electronically, follow along with the book (or not), or go online to see the course, this kit teaches you how to
Sign in and out of Windows with your user account, and create new accounts as needed so everyone who uses your computer can have his or her own.
Install and run applications, both the traditional desktop type and the new touchscreen-friendly Windows 8 type.
Customize the Start screen and desktop with your favorite pictures, colors, font sizes, and formatting themes.