Excel 2013 Power Programming with VBA
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About the Author
John Walkenbach is the author of more than 50 spreadsheet books and lives in southern Arizona. Visit his website: http://spreadsheetpage.com
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Welcome to Excel 2013 Power Programming with VBA . If your job involves developing Excel workbooks that others will use or if you simply want to get the most out of Excel you've picked up the right book.
Topics Covered
This book focuses on Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the programming language built into Excel (and other applications that make up Microsoft Office). More specifically, it will show you how to write programs that automate various tasks in Excel. This book covers everything from recording simple macros through creating sophisticated user-oriented applications and utilities.
This book does not cover Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO), a technology that uses Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C#. VSTO can also be used to control Excel and other Microsoft Office applications.
As you may know, Excel 2013 is available for other platforms. For example, you can use Microsoft's Excel Web App in your browser, and even run Excel on ARM-based Windows RT devices. These versions do not support VBA. In other words, this book is for the desktop version of Excel 2013 for Windows.
What You Need to Know
This is not a book for beginning Excel users. If you have no experience with Excel, a better choice might be my Excel 2013 Bible, which provides comprehensive coverage of all the features of Excel and is meant for users of all levels.
To get the most out of this book, you should be a relatively experienced Excel user. I assume that you know how to
Create workbooks, insert sheets, save files, and so on
Navigate through a workbook
Use the Excel Ribbon user interface
Enter formulas
Use Excel's worksheet functions
Name cells and ranges
Use basic Windows features, such as file management techniques and the Clipboard
If you don't know how to perform the preceding tasks, you could find some of this material over your head, so consider yourself warned. If you're an experienced spreadsheet user who hasn't used Excel 2013, Chapter 1 presents a brief overview of what this product offers.
What You Need to Have
To make the best use of this book, you need a copy of Excel 2013. Although most of the material also applies to Excel 2003 and later versions, I assume that you're using Excel 2013. Excel 2007 and later versions are radically different from their predecessors, but the VBA environment hasn't changed. If you plan to develop applications that will be used in earlier versions of Excel, I strongly suggest that you don't use Excel 2013 for your development work. Rather, use the earliest version of Excel that your target audience will be using.