Alzheimer's For Dummies
by Patricia B. Smith, Mary Kenan, PsyD, and Mark Edwin Kunik, MD, MPH
Alzheimer's For Dummies
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Unless youre a medical student or a doctor, you never expect to become a disease expert, but the minute your family gets a diagnosis, you scramble to get your hands on any and all the information you can find. If youre reading this, you have probably already reached critical mass in your search to become a healthcare advocate for yourself or someone you love. Youre in luck. Alzheimers For Dummies will become your constant companion as you battle this illness.
I have always loved the For Dummies books. My own office boasts copies of Philosophy For Dummies, Internet For Dummies, and a couple of other titles that somehow make me feel a little, well, less like a dummy. I never dreamed I would have to add the Alzheimers book to my collection.
At the young age of 63, my mother our rock, our steel magnolia was diagnosed with early stage Alzheimers Disease. Our family felt alone, frustrated and frightened. To make the ache in our hearts even greater, this news closely followed my mothers painful struggle with her own mothers battle with the same disease. We lost my Granny. I lose a little more of Mom every day. I want so badly to promise my daughter that she will never have to lose me in the same way.
Until I can promise my children that they dont have to worry about me, I fight. I learn. I seek information and I look for ways to help. Recently, I created the Leeza Gibbons Memory Foundation and I am proud to announce the opening of Leezas Places. Leezas Place has been designed to give families, who are struggling with this thief, a safe place for education, energy and empowerment. Our goal is to assist with the day-to-day challenges of coping with this disease and to support both those who have been diagnosed and their caregivers.
Education is one of our primary objectives. There is no upside to keeping your head in the sand. This book is a crucial step in your new fight. Arm yourself with the knowledge waiting for you in these pages. It will help you find answers and resources as you adjust to your new reality.
I promised my mother that I would make her story count and use it to help others. She is in the final stages of the disease now, but she would be so proud to be associated with this series. Id have given anything to have a book like this when we got our diagnosis. I wish you strength, courage and clarity as you read it and hope that you are able to use what you learn to assist you in your fight.
Leeza Gibbons
About the Author
Patricia Burkhart Smith is an award-winning health and medical writer. She wrote for People magazine for six years. She co-reported a 1998 cover story on breast cancer that won the Society of Professional Journalists Peter Lisagor Award for Excellence in Journalism. She also co-reported a 1999 cover story on anorexia that won a second place Time Inc. Luce Award. In addition, Ms. Smith serves as a medical reporter for Houston Northwest Medical Center, which for the past two years has been the only hospital in Houston named to the prestigious annual 100 Top Hospitals in America list. In 1984, Ms. Smith lost her beloved mother to Alzheimers and in 1995, her favorite aunt lost her battle with the disease. The two deaths fueled Ms. Smiths desire to learn as much as she could about Alzheimers and share that information with people dealing with the same problems and decisions her own family faced. Ms. Smith lives in The Woodlands, Texas with her two children.
Mary Kenan, PsyD, is a faculty member with the Department of Neurology at Baylor College of Medicine and is a licensed clinical psychologist. She received her B.A. from the University of Oklahoma and her doctorate in clinical psychology from Indiana State University. She completed her clinical internship and a postdoctoral fellowship in geriatric psychology at the Houston Veterans Affairs Medical Center, where she then served as a staff psychologist. In 1999, Dr. Kenan assumed her current position as the Director of Education and patient/family counselor for Baylor College of Medicines Alzheimers Disease Center. Dr. Kenans clinical interests include the non-pharmacological management of Alzheimers Disease, issues of adjustment and caregiving in chronic illness, the psychology of health and aging, and personality disorders across the lifespan. Dr. Kenan has served as a member of the Patient and Family Services Committee of the Alzheimers Association of Houston and Southeast Texas chapter and she currently holds a appointment to the Texas Council on Alzheimers Disease and related Disorders. She is also in private practice.