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Rajendar Menen - The Healing Power of Mudras

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Rajendar Menen The Healing Power of Mudras
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Our fingers have enormous power. With the right positioning for prescribed periods, the fingers of both hands can rejuvenate the body, heal diseases and even slowly, over time, make a spiritual awakening happen. Mudras can be practised in all the ways: walking, sitting, standing, and even lying down! They require no gadgetery, complicated accessories or extra space. They are easy to do, make no demands of extraordinary physical strength, and are completely free. Called the Yoga of the hands, Mudras are an ideal healing tool. They have been known to prevent and cure illnesses and, most importantly, slowly bring about a spiritual regeneration.

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The Healing Power of MUDRAS T HE Y OGA OF THE HANDS How simple positioning - photo 1

The Healing
Power of



How simple positioning of the fingers for prescribed periods everyday
rejuvenates the body, heals disease and slowly
leads to spiritual awakening.

Rajendar Menen

The Healing Power of Mudras - image 2

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ISBN 978-935-05730-9-9
Edition: April 2013

The Copyright of this book, as well as all matter contained herein (including illustrations) rests with the Publishers. No person shall copy the name of the book, its title design, matter and illustrations in any form and in any language, totally or partially or in any distorted form. Anybody doing so shall face legal action and will be responsible for damages.


This book is dedicated to Prabhadevi, Suzanne, Pondicherry,
G-304 Sameer and Hard Disc. There are several fellow
travellers, and the wind, the rain and the sun, and His
grace that made their presence felt every moment of my life
as I continued to enter this vast, uncharted space of natural
healing. May the grace encompass us all

Most important, this book is dedicated to my mother,
who nursed me through crises, weathered my innumerable
idiosyncrasies with stoic calm and gave me the genes to
fight for a better world

Picture 10


Life is a series of endless miracles which keep happening in our lives almost all the time. They happen so effortlessly and without warning that they often pass by unrecognised. They visit the humblest as well as the most powerful, without prejudice or favour, and defy all logic and rational explanation.

This is my fourth book on healing. In a career spanning over two decades as a journalist and writer, and having led a peripatetic life spanning continents, I have been privy to the most mundane, the colossally bizarre, the malignantly morbid, the ludicrously humorous and the profoundly soul elevating. I have spent quality time on the streets and in brothels and the corridors of the dispossessed while attempting to document their angst and joy. Miracles kept happening in their lives and in mine, in fact all around us, but we simply bypassed their pedigree, remained connected to the real world of cause and effect, and pronounced our everyday judgements.

But it was while researching the process of healing that I fully realised the miracles that were happening in our lives almost all the time. Our bodies are a miracle, birth and death are miracles, and the whole process of healing is a miracle. It is easy to pass it all off as holistic healing, the mind-body connection and with other similar jargon. Conventional and alternative medicine men also take recourse in rational explanations, but they know that, beyond a point, remissions happen and healing occurs without easy explanation. It is then passed off as divine intervention.

Over the years I have also experimented with several healing techniques. Most of them work, but for different people and at different times. If they dont work for a particular person, it doesnt mean that the technique or the therapy is wrong. It is just that the person and the time are not right or that the person is not yet ready to be the medium.

I have also been practising yoga and meditation for over a decade and have been privileged to spend huge quality time with several masters. There are several days during the practice when your entire being is elevated and you feel an endless joy floating through you. If you were to jot down the period with pen and paper, the milestones would be no different from the saddest periods of your life or even the most ordinary ones. Yet, there is an inexplicable joy that transports your being into a cascade of sheer ecstasy.

Mudras - as you will read in the book - are simple, free and easy to do. They can be done anywhere and they heal the body. I am not, at any stage, suggesting that you do away with your doctor and his prescriptions. But regular practise of Mudras has been shown to heal conclusively.

Several explanations are offered for the healing that takes place. But as you get regular with the practice, you begin to knock at the doors of an inner spirituality. With time, you are transformed from deep within at the cellular level. You begin to respect your body more and look at all life with new admiration. Slowly, you begin to give in to the powerful and comforting embrace of existence. You know, somehow, that it will take care of you.

Welcome to Mudras, healing, and the new you!

Rajendar Menen


This book would not have been possible without the help of several practitioners of Mudra healing. Not much documentation is available but I tapped all sources I could lay my hands on. A very special note of gratitude to Gertrude Hirschi for her humbling and illuminating insights into the subject. She is blessed and is a true Messiah of healing. It is unfortunate that all these truisms from ancient India need the western world to document, perfect and improve upon. But now that they have done it, let the seeds scatter and pollinate the land. This is sharing at its profoundest.

Understanding Mudras

I t is widely believed that the human structure is a miniature form of the universe that is made up of five elements - fire, air, water, earth and sky. These elements are present in fixed proportions and even the slightest imbalance of any of these can be disastrous.

Vajrapradama Mudra Mudras help normalise the five elements in the human body - photo 11

Vajrapradama Mudra

Mudras help normalise the five elements in the human body. Nature has made the human body self-sufficient, self-contained and almost perfect. But a human being is prone to innumerable pressures. The food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and even our thoughts are in no way compatible with what can be called the ideal way of life. Since there is no equilibrium, as the body and mind are at war with so many external and internal pressures, we fall ill. Our bodies are in a constant state of flux, recharging and rebalancing all the time. When there is an imbalance we fall ill.

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