I: Rice-My personal story
Whenever the word rice is mentioned, it invokes all kindsof deep emotions within me.
My mom and dad used to make fun of me when I was a littleboy. This is because I needed rice for lunch and dinner and would just not eatanything if it wasnt served with rice.
You would have guessed by now that I am from a differentplanet. A planet called India which is located in a solar system calledAsia.
When I was 3 years old, my mom and dad took me to anotherplanet known as the United States of America, more specifically to a countryinside that planet known as Los Angeles where my uncle lived.
The strangest thing I found about this planet was that therewas no rice. My uncle served soups, sausages, pizzas, burgers and spaghetti butno rice!
Is there no food to eat? I queried after seeing anapparently food-laden table, that left my uncle shell- shocked and my parentsnot knowing where to look.
What a Mr. Rice Eater! I was referred to as by that name.
Today, I am no longer that fussy. I can eat anything forlunch or dinner and am fine with anything and everything. Be it soups,sandwiches, pizzas, pastas or rice! May be I have been corrupted by adulthood,changes in lifestyle, living and studying for four years in a planet calledEngland. However, rice continues to have a special place in my heart.
Rice tastes really well with curries especially with my homemade variation of Butter Chicken or British Chicken Tikka Masala. The IndianBasmati rice is my favourite and something I eat at my home by default. But Ialso love the Thai variety known as Jasmine rice which has a very sweetfragrance that tastes absolutely fabulous with the Thai Green or Red or Penangcurry.
This is not to say that I dont like bread. While living inEurope for nearly four years, I had to develop a taste for all kinds of bread.Every bread has its own taste, texture and hardness and I love that. But todayI am going to talk about only rice, my home and comfort food.
I find rice very filling that also gives me good sleep. Bythe way, medical research has established that rice boosts your serotoninlevels making you happy and helping you sleep better. So I am not justimagining things my way!
I am also an absolute defender of rice against Westernonslaught (forgive me for using that term) of claims that rice leads toobesity, or to increased body fat. Mind you I love rice, yet have a flatbelly. That is because I regulate my diet and exercise regularly.
In this background, I present to you over the next chaptersthe nutritional benefits of having rice and the richness of the culturaltradition associated with rice in India. After that you shall be free to savourover thirty really mouth-watering my Home Style rice recipes constituting maindishes, side dishes, snacks and even desserts.
Bon appetit then!
II: RiceWhy Bother?
"A diet that consists predominantly of rice leads tothe use of opium, just as a diet that consists predominantly of potatoes leadsto the use of liquor."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Only rice likes to be drowned.
Charles de Leusse
Doesnt eating rice make you pot-bellied, like those ChineseLaughing Buddha figurines?
Okay. Lets disregard that as one of the old-wives tales.
Because if you look at people who live in villages in anypart of Asia: India, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, Cambodia, etc., whererice is the staple food, you will hardly find anyone who is fat or pot-bellied.
But speaking scientifically, isnt rice so full of uselessstarch, with less than 1% fat and really negligible amounts of protein?
So who really needs rice?
How about 70% of the world?
Or, almost any part of the world which is wet and humid andNOT colder than 21 degree Celsius (70 degree F)?
Including USA and northern Canada?
Now we are talking.
The medicinal and nutritional properties of rice
Rice is popular because it is one of the easiest foods todigest. Being totally gluten free, it is the best food for infants when theyhave to be weaned. For young adults and old people too, who may have wheatallergies or even celiac disease, eating rice would be what every sensibledoctor would prescribe.