Tears for My Master - Cats First Punishment(A BDSM Short)
By Lara Simon
Smashwords Version
Copyright 2012 Lara Simon, all rightsreserved
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No, Im so sorry Mr. Stowe, it wont happenagain, said Cat, blushing from the verbal beating her boss hadjust given her.
Dont let it, her boss replied, his deep,powerful voice raspy with thinly veiled anger. Cat studied hisflushed face quickly, looking down at her desk as he strodeconfidently back into his office and slammed the enormous, heavyoak door. Her reaction was the most difficult part to process--instead of feeling embarrassment at her failure; Cat became awareof the flush of blood that rushed to her hardened nipples pressingagainst her lace bra and out into her silk blouse and her hot andincreasingly wet groin. She was turned on. All of her fantasies atnight at home alone of seducing Knox Stowe always involved--to somedegree-- his anger. She touched herself thinking about that smoky,impatient tone in his voicethe enraged gleam in his eyes. Whatswrong with me? She thought, knowing that she hadnt rescheduled themeeting on purpose, somehow wanting and needing the stern Mr. Stoweto reprimand her.
It had to be something with the new position;she rationalized, looking around at her plush office on theseventy-ninth floor of the Hudson Building in downtown Seattle. Thejob had come to her as part of what could be described as a kind ofhappy accident. Cat had graduated from Oregon State University inthe spring, just a short month before Knox Stowes long-timeadministrative assistant had retired and moved to Tucson to liveout the rest of her days in the warm, dry sunshine of the Arizonadesert. Cat, full-name Catherine Adele Harper, had just moved backto Seattle to live with her parents, and was working part-time at alocal coffee shop while she was sending resume after resume out tojust about every reputable corporation in the greater Seattle area.It just happened that the Stowe Holding Company had been her firstcallback.
When Cat had first entered the office shedbeen in a quiet state of shock. The sheer opulence of the operationwas beyond anything shed seen in her three brief collegeinternships or imagined in her wildest dreams. Shed been usheredin from the glass-walled security desk by a stunningly tall andmodel-esque blonde with a high, tight ponytail, a designer blackbusiness suit and even higher heels to the private elevator thatwhisked personnel and clients alike to the three top floors of thehigh-rise that Stowe Holding Company occupied.
Cat remembered her pounding heart and stifledbreath as she was guided past the sleek reception desk, a monolithof stainless steel mixed with gleaming marble and the threegorgeous women, all young, beautiful, and seemingly busy withimportant tasks, manning it. After they walked down a long,plush-ly carpeted hall lined with glass walls through which onecould glimpse multitudes of young, attractive and smartly-dressedprofessionals, avoiding eye contact with her, the unimportantpotential employee, busy on conference calls or typing on theirbrand new Mac computers, they finally reached the desk, now herdesk, in front of the massive door leading into Mr. Stowes office.After they entered, she was left by her stunning chaperone in asoft leather chair inside, waiting for his highness to enter anddecide if she was worthy of the position. She remembered her jawdropping at the floor-to-ceiling views of Elliot Bay, the Seattleskyline and Pike Place market. The windows were wrapped all the wayaround the massive room, which Cat reasoned was at least twice thesize of the first floor of her family home, and she could see allthe way from Queen Ann hill to the north to the Seahawks stadiumand SoDo to the south. She remembered biting her nails nervously asshe waited, listening to the howling wind whipping around theheights of the elegant heights of the building, for the mysteriousman would become her new boss.
When shed first seen Knox Stowe, somethingnew inside of Cat had begun to stira new kind of feeling, afeeling that she absolutely, unconditionally needed him. It wentbeyond attraction-- although he was devastatingly handsome, hisperfect athletic build, the carefully chosen and expensive suit,the sleek black Italian leather shoes and his face, that face thatCat saw every night in her dreams. Knoxs strong, square jaw led upto full, sensuous lips, which he pursed in anger when he got badnews on a business deal or was frustrated with a client. Hismesmerizing eyes were a metallic grey color, something Cat hadnever seen before, and the way the color played off the constantgrey of the Seattle sky that made most people look tired and wane,made Knoxs eyes gleam with an alluring and constant energy andintensity. This new feeling was obsession, addiction, a compulsivedrive to be near to him, to please him, to possess him. The sheerpower of the emotion made Cat nervous, but excited. For the firsttime in her life, she really felt alive.
He walked into the room wordlessly and satdown at the executive desk in front of her, studying her. Sheremembered not being able to raise her eyes to meet his, regardlessof how much interview training shed had at the University careercenter that eye contact was vital to making a that ever-importantpersonal connection with a potential employer. She felt herdelicate pale cheeks flushing with pink, as they always did, givingaway her nervousness, and waited for him to speak first. It tookseveral minutes, as he was perusing her resume silently, but Cathad a feeling that he wasnt really interested in its contents. Itwas more like somehow he was looking straight through the paper anddirectly into her consciousness. Shed blushed further, feeling hercheeks glowing hot and red, and begged her body not to give awaythe turmoil of emotions she was feeling. Cat reached up and tuckeda strand of her palest strawberry-blonde hair behind her ears.
How old are you, Catherine? was the firstthing hed asked her. She gulped.
Twenty-two, she said, beginning to babble,and everyone just calls me Cat. I just graduated from school inthe springmy birthday is in August. Realizing that she wasprattling on, further revealing her nerves, Cat bit her lip hard,causing a jolt of pain to rush through her body, but successfullystopping herself. She finally looked up at Knox, watching her, andtook another deep breath. When she finally met his eyes, she seemedto physically shrink in his glare, and realized that she wouldhappily do whatever this man asked of her.
Good, he said distracted. He tilted his jawslightly, thinking. You seem qualified for the position. Id likeyou to start on Monday, he hit a button on his desk and spoke tosomeone unseen. Maggie, he said, please take Ms. Harper down toHR and get her set up for a Monday start-date.
Certainly, Mr. Stowe, came the respondingvoice from some unseen speaker. Knox got up and walked around thedesk until he was standing a foot away from Cat. Her body tingledwith his closeness, and she breathed his masculine scent in deeplybefore she realized that he was waiting for her to get up. When heescorted her to the door, Cat remembered her manners and tried toput out her hand to shake his, thanking him for the opportunity,but wouldnt take it. Hed avoided touching her, instead openingthe door for her and ushering her out into the hall, thenunceremoniously slamming it behind her. Shed stood there blinkingfor a second in disbelief at what had transpired, before an older,gentle-looking woman named Maggie approached her and took her downto HR to fill out stacks of IRS paperwork and a very thicknon-disclosure agreement binding her to secrecy lest she leave thecompany and take a position at a competitor. Finally afterseemingly endless mounds of paperwork, Cat had been dismissed. Whenshe walked out of the building onto 5th Avenue, Catleaned up against the cold concrete of the building, just out ofthe rain and put her hand to her chest as she took a few deepbreaths, giving herself a silent lecture. You need a job, Cat, andthis is a good one, she told herself, so it was time to put anyphysical attraction that she had for Knox, no waitMr. Stowe, awayand comport herself in a mature and professional manner.
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