Indira Gandhi strived for certain ideals during her life time and she gave up her life for those ideals. To pay tributes to her, let us take the pledge that we would strive to maintain the unity and integrity of the country through communal unity, brotherhood and religious tolerance. We will prove that the citizens of India are one and will always remain one. This will be our true tribute to Indira Gandhi.
Human beings consider themselves to be very powerful. The magnificence of the mountains and their high and peaceful peaks enable us to see our activities and ourselves in the right perspective. They enable us to see how small and unimportant we are, and despite our powers of destruction and creation, how helpless we are against the powers of nature. But still, we have something special and that is our invincible spirit. It is on the basis of this invincible spirit that men and women become capable of changing the impossible into the possible. These words of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, who was the personification of an invincible and magnificent spirit, open many doors of contemplation and introspection.
Many people in this world try to become great, but most of them are not able to achieve this greatness; while there are some people to whom greatness comes by itself. This statement is completely true for Mrs. Indira Gandhi. She was always successful in accomplishing any task that she set out to do. The secret of this success was her determination, untiring effort, and dedication.
Gifted with farsight, imagination, and determination, Indira Gandhi had the unique ability to understand the reality and to take the correct decision based on this understanding. Indira Ji always knew the accurate answers to all questions of national and international importance. The nationalisation of banks, land reforms, nuclear explosions in Pokhran, launching of satellites in space, the 20-point programme are some of Mrs. Gandhis immortal works. In January 1966, after taking over as the Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi had said in a broadcast on All India Radio- I will follow the policy of peace and friendship with all the countries.
I will follow the policy of independent thinking and independent work for our country. The principles of the Indian foreign policy, which are in accordance with the highest traditions of the country and which protect our national interests, will guide me always. I will always remain committed to strengthening the forces of international peace and to increasing international cooperation. During her tenure as a leader, she tried relentlessly to convert this plan into reality.
Indira Gandhi thought that till there was inequality in the world- whether it was in this country or in the other countries-it would be difficult to even think of world peace. Following this philosophy, Indira Gandhi made many plans based on socialism to remove inequality from the country. On an international level, she made the demand for an international economic arrangement so that the industrially undeveloped nations would also get enough resources for development and the economic and political pressure of the developed nations would not cripple them.
Mrs. Indira Gandhi always opposed any kind of reservation for women. Her belief was that women did not need reservation based on pity, but instead needed a just and democratic participation in the working of the country. From the living example of her personality, her ideologies, and her work for the common man, Indira Gandhi brought to an end this misconception forever that a womans destiny was only to be a speechless person caged within the four walls of the house.
A fountain of affection and sympathy used to flow in Indira Jis heart for the poor people, backward classes, tribals, and the people living in far-flung areas. Her belief was - Our biggest enemies are poverty and backwardness. Till we are able to defeat these enemies, our country will not become empowered in reality.
She had declared a war against poverty. On 15 August 1966, delivering a speech from the ramparts of the Red Fort, Mrs. Gandhi had said - We are fighting a war on our borders and we are fighting another war, which is equally important, within our country. This war is against poverty and backwardness. To be able to win this fight, she asked the citizens to adopt new ideas and to discard superstitions completely.
On the one hand Indira Gandhi fought with the problems on a political and social level and, on the other hand, she took the country forward on the path of science and technology. The progress that the country made in the areas of science and technology during her rule surprised and amazed the whole world.
Indira Gandhi had realised that technology was a powerful means of bringing about social change. She had said - There is a very big challenge in front of our scientists today and that is to assure the common people that our science and technology are for them only.
Today, Indira Gandhi is not with us, but her vision and aspirations for the India of the future are with us. Indira Gandhi was the symbol of political maturity. She was a crusader for peace and cooperation. She was a person who was committed for the welfare of the nation. She was the owner of a multifaceted personality. To introduce the young generation of India to the ideology of Indira Gandhi, the former Prime Minister of India, we present a glimpse into her immortal life.
Meena Agrawal
Those were the initial years of the 20th century and the whole world was going through major changes. In such a volatile period, Indira Gandhi was born on 19 November 1917 in Anand Bhavan at Allahabad.
The Nehru family used to stay in Anand Bhavan.
The Nehru family has a unique history of struggle and achievement.
The year was 1857, which was a time of change not only for India but the entire world. In those days, on the banks of a stream in Delhi lived a family, which had come from the valley of Kashmir and had settled there. At that time, the head of the Nehru family was Gangadhar Nehru, who was the kotwal of Delhi. The Mughal empire, which was on its last legs, controlled Delhi. Another event that took place in 1857 was the first movement for independence. Very quickly, this movement was suppressed and the oppressive activities of the white soldiers started. Gangadhar Nehru did not consider it appropriate to live in Delhi in such an atmosphere and he came and settled in Agra. They had not been long in Agra when one day, suddenly, Gangadhar Nehru died at the young age of 34. Gangadhar had two young sons on whom the burden of running the family befell. About three months after Gangadhars death, a third son was born in the house whom his widowed mother, Indrani, gave the name, Motilal.
This was the same Motilal with whom the destiny of India was entwined inextricably. His son, Jawaharlal Nehru, and his granddaughter and the protagonist of our book, Indira Gandhi, became the Prime Ministers of India later.
Motilal Nehru was very intelligent from his childhood and very soon he achieved success in life. When he was 36 years old, he came to Allahabad and bought Anand Bhavan and lived there for the rest of his life.