Praise for
Holding Fast
Karen James has taken a tragic event for her and her family and used it to shine a light on the life of a man that uplifted those he touched. Its a compelling story that is sure to inspire!
Pro Football Hall of Fame member (2006)
As a child living in Portland, Oregon, I could see the beautiful 11,239-foot snowcapped summit of Mount Hood from my bedroom window. I often wondered what it would be like to climb to the top. Years later when I heard the news reports that Kelly was missing on the mountain, I knew its subfreezing temperatures and eighty-mile-per-hour winds would make it a brutal place to be stranded. Kelly James was a mans mana man of purpose. He was passionate not just about mountain climbing, but also about making his life count. When Kelly learned his church would study The Purpose Driven Life, he jumped at the opportunity. Without consulting Karen, he spontaneously volunteered their home to host a 40 Days of Purpose small group. When he saw a need, Kelly acted without hesitation. If youre tired of no-risk living, read this powerful story. It will grab you from the first page and wont let you go.
author of
The Purpose Driven Life
In my thirty-three years of law enforcement, I have never met families like these. Something very special happened on the mountain between the rescuers and the James, Hall, and Cooke families. Karens description of what happened on Mount Hood is the most accurate I have heard to date. With what our investigation revealed and her insight into her husband and their friend Brian Hall, she has done an amazing job of putting the pieces together. Karens story is about mountain climbers, mountain rescue, relationships, and never giving up.
Hood River County, Oregon
Karen Jamess moving account of her beloved Kellys tragic death on Mount Hood reveals how human love can transcend tragedyeven death. After losing the love of her life, Karen ironically found the perfect Love that Kelly so passionately embraced. Her touching story of tragedy, heartbreak, and ultimately, triumph will inspire you to hold fast to all those you love.
wife of country singer Alan
Jackson and author of
Its All About Him
Karen James will take you on a journey you will never forget. Its an adventure and love story rolled into one with a very important life message. I remember hearing the heartbreaking news that mountain climber Kelly James had been found dead in a snow cave on Mount Hood, but I couldnt help but wonder what really happenedthis is the untold story!
Pro Football Hall of Fame member (1985) and Executive Chairman, The Staubach Company
Before Kelly James lost his battle on the mountaintop, he took his wife, Karen, to the moon! This is a great love story that captured the attention of our whole nation in December 2006. After the chilling pain of defeat, the readers heart will be warmed by Karens strength and victory.
author of
Same Kind of Different as Me
When Kelly was alive he watched out for Karen and the kids; now he watches over them. He went from a human being to a superbeing.
author of
Same Kind of Different as Me
As Karen and Kellys pastor, the news that one of our family members was missing hit us hard. Our congregation prayed and prayed that the three climbers would make it home for Christmas. While Kelly did not survive that awful storm, I am convinced he did make it home for Christmas. This book will tell you not only what happened on the mountain but, more important, what happened in the lives of so many who roped their lives together during and after the tragedy. My prayer is that this inspirational story will deeply touch and help motivate others to keep their eyes on the true summit!
Senior Pastor,
Fellowship Bible Church, Dallas
This is an inspiring personal and heartfelt look at the tragic climbing trip on Mount Hood that took the life of Karens husband and his two climbing partners in December 2006. From the moment she received the first phone call indicating there was trouble on the mountain, Karen James tells the story of her family, her husband, and the rescue efforts that captured the attention of the media. Karen takes the reader into her life and not only retraces the family bonds and personal experiences that have kept her looking forward, but also pieces together the details of the climb that likely led to her husbands death on Mount Hood.
Hood River Crag Rats
Karens description of the December 2006 Mount Hood tragedy is the most detailed and inspiring I have heard. Karen provides an intimate and behind-the-scenes view of what transpired on the mountain and what her family had to endure. This is a heroic tale of a climb gone terribly wrong and how a family and its faith can survive the worst of catastrophes.
Rescue Leader,
Portland Mountain Rescue
2008 by Karen Oddy James
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Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc .
Published in association with The Idea Agency and Rosenbaum & Associates Literary Agency, Brentwood, Tennessee.
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Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy B IBLE : N EW I NTERNATATIONAL V ERSION . 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
James, Karen, 1963
Holding fast : the untold story of the Mount Hood tragedy / Karen James.
p. cm. ISBN 978-1-59555-175-7 1. Mountaineering accidentsOregonHood, Mount. 2. James, Kelly.
3. MountaineersUnited StatesBiography. 4. James, Karen, 1963 I. Title.
GV199.92.H64J36 2008
796.52209795'61dc22 2008031654
08 09 10 11 12 QW 5 4 3 2 1
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To the love of my life, Kelly James,
thank you for taking me to the moon and back.
Love Forever, Karen
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
Hold Fast
To everyone whos hurting
To those whove had enough
To all the undeserving
That should cover all of us
Please do not let go
I promise there is hope
Hold fast
Help is on the way
Hold fast
Hes come to save the day
What Ive learned in my life
One thing greater than my strife
Is His grasp
So hold fast
Will this season ever pass?
Can we stop this ride?
Will we see the sun at last?
Or could this be our lot in life?