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Admiral Vice - Operation Neptune : the inside story of naval operations for the Normandy landings 1944

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Admiral Vice Operation Neptune : the inside story of naval operations for the Normandy landings 1944
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In this timeless book, Vice Admiral Schofield describes the great events of June 1944 which, as Captain of HMS Dryad, the Royal Naval shore establishment which housed General Dwight Eisenhowers Supreme Allied Headquarters before the landing, he witnessed at first hand

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Table of Contents Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank all those - photo 1
Table of Contents


The author wishes to thank all those who, in one way or another, have assisted him with the writing of this book. In particular he would like to acknowledge the help received from Admiral of the Fleet the Earl of Mountbatten of Burma, KG, PC, GCB, OM, GCSI, GCIE, GCVO, DSO, DL, the Lord Zuckerman, OM, KCB, FRS, MA, Vice Admiral Friedrich Ruge of the Federal German Navy (Retd), Dr. Jurgen Rohwer, Lady Liddell Hart, Rear Admiral Peter Buckley, CB, DSO, and the Staff of the Admiralty Library, Major General J. M. Moulton, CB, DSO, OBE, Royal Marines (Retd), Mr. Frank Uhlig Jnr, Senior Editor, the US Naval Institute, Miss S. Glover, Assistant Librarian, Ministry of Defence Library (RUSI) and also my wife whose help, as always, has been invaluable.

The author and publishers wish to thank all those who gave permission for quotations to be made in this volume from the books of which they hold the copyright, viz. Dr. Hans Speidel, Dr. J. M. Stagg, CB, OBE, The Editor The Mariners Mirror, Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., Les Presses de la Cit, Barrie and Jenkins, George Harrap & Co. Ltd., Yale University Press, Collins Ltd., A. P. Watt & Sons, A. D. Peters & Co. Ltd., Cassell & Co., HM Stationery Office, Koehlers Verlagsgesellschaft, Weidenfeld (Publishers) Ltd., Hutchinson Publishing Group, Christy and Moore Ltd., Houghton Mifflin & Co., Transworld Publishers Ltd., David Higham Associates.

Appendix One
Details of Special Ships and Craft Employed During Operation Neptune
Short TitleDescriptionRemarks
BYMSBritish Yard MinesweeperFitted with Oropesa and LL/SA sweeps for inshore work.
DUKWA 2 ton six wheeled amphibious truck carrying 25 troopsMaximum beach load 3 tons. Speed on water 6.4mph and on land 50mph.
HDMLHarbour Defence Motor LaunchLength 72ft, speed 12 knots, fitted with asdic. Diesel driven.
LBELanding Barge (Emergency Repair)Self-propelled barges specially fitted out to effect repairs to landing craft. Speed 4 knots.
LBFLanding Barge, FlakFormer Thames Barges mounting 40mm A/A guns. Complement 5. Controlled by Army.
LBKLanding Barge (Kitchen)Converted from LBV(2) and equipped to provide hot meals to crews of ferry craft in the assault area. Cooking capacity 800 men. Oil fired galley.
LBOLanding Barge, OilerFitted with 33-ton fuel tank for refuelling landing craft, etc. Self-propelled. 4 knots.
LBV (1)Landing Barge, Vehicle Mark I.A dumb barge fitted with a ramp.
LBV (2)Landing Barge, Vehicle Mark II.Self-propelled, speed 4 knots. Used for unloading heavy stores.
LBWLanding Barge, WaterAn LBV (2) fitted to carry 33 tons of water.
LCALanding Craft AssualtA self-propelled craft carrying 30 fully equipped troops. Speed 6 knots. Carried by LSI.
LCA(HR)Landing Craft Assault (Hedgerow)An LCA fitted with mortars throwing twenty- four 60lb bombs for clearing a lane through minefields and barbed wire.
LCA(OC)Landing Crafting Assault (Obstacle clearance)An LCA fitted with a horizontal asdic and carrying obstacle clearance units.
LCCLanding Craft ControlUsed by US forces to control the movements of landing craft and fitted with special navigation and communication equipment.
LCELanding Craft (Emergency Repair)Converted LCVP and fitted with emergency repair and fire-fighting equipment. Speed 8 knots.
LCFLanding Craft FlakConverted LCT(3) or (4) fitted with A/A guns to protect assault forces from close range air and E boat attack.
LCG(L)Landing Craft Gun (Large)A converted LCT(3) or (4) mounting two 4.7in guns on a false deck over the hold. Provided close support for assault troops during the assault.
LCM(1)Landing Craft (Mechanised) Mark I.Used for ship to shore ferry service of tanks, armoured cars and MT vehicles up to 16 tons/ or 100 men. Speed 5 knots.
LCM(3)Landing Craft (Mechanised) Mark IIIA large version of the above, capable of carrying a load of 30 tons. Speed 6 knots
LCHLanding Craft HeadquartersA converted LCI(L) and used as a headquarters ship for the local senior officer in the assault area. Speed 12 knots.
LCI(L)Landing Craft Infantry (Large)Carries 200 fully- equipped troops which are disembarked by two brows in under 5 minutes. Speed 12 knots.
LCI(S)Landing Craft Infantry (Small)Carries 96 fully-equipped troops below decks and 18 bicycles on the upper deck. Fitted with 4 ramps. Speed 11 knots.
LCP(L)Landing Craft Personnel (Large)Carries 22 fully-equipped troops. No ramp. Speed 10 knots.
LCP(L) (Smoke)Landing Craft Personnel (Large) Smoke layerAn LCP(L) fitted to lay smoke.
LCP(R)Landing Craft Personnel (Ramped)Carries 25 men. Similar to LCP(L) but ramped. Speed 8 knots.
LCP(S)Landing Craft Personnel (Small)Carries 20 fully-equipped troops. No ramp. Some were modified to serve as ambulance craft. Speed 5 knots.
LCP(Sy)Landing Craft Personnel (Surveying)An LCP(L) fitted out for hydrographic duties.
LCS(L)2Landing Craft Support (Large) Mark IIFitted with light artillery to give close support. Speed 11 knots.
LCS(M)Landing Craft Support (Medium)Fitted to provide close support with machine gun fire and smoke cover. Beachable. Speed 7 knots.
LCS(S)Landing Craft Support (Small)Used as control vessels to lead in DD Tanks. Used only by US forces during Neptune.
LCT(3)Landing Craft Tank Mark IIICarries 55 men and 11 vehicles. Speed 8 knots.
LCT(4)Landing Craft Tank Mark IVSame load as LCT(3). Speed 6 knots.
LCT(5) and (6)Landing Craft Tank Marks V and VISimilar carrying capacity to LCT(3) and (4). Speed 5 knots. Length of LCT(5) 112ft 4in. Diesel.
LCT(A)Landing Craft TankConverted LCT(5), armoured. Could carry 2 or 3 tanks with 95mm guns. Used to provide close support during assault.
LCT(CB)Landing Craft Tank (Concrete Buster)Carries 2 or 3 tanks armed with 17pdr high velocity guns for attacking concrete.
LCT(HE)Landing Craft Tank (High Explosive)As LCT(A) but not armoured.
LCT(R)Landing Craft Tank (Rocket)An LCT(3) fitted with 5in rocket projectors to provide HE drenching fire of an area prior to touch down. Length 160ft. Speed 8 knots.
LCV(P)Landing Craft Vehicle (Personnel)US type assault craft. Ramped. Capacity 36 men or 3 tons dead weight. Speed 8 knots.
LS(D)Landing Ship (Dock)A small mobile floating dock capable of carrying a loaded landing craft in a floodable well. Used for making emergency repairs to damaged landing craft.
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