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Ludwig von Mises - Planning for Freedom

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This book has grown, from thirteen essays to seventeen essays. It is now the largest ever. There are now four additional essays of special merit. Also, for the first time, an analytical and descriptive essay has been added, The Essential Von Mises, by a former student, Murray N. Rothbard, which is extraordinarily helpful. How do you introduce Mises into your thinking? Read these essays, and Rothbards superior analysis, and you will be a better-informed person. Socrates considered ethics to be the queen of all the sciences; if so, economics is the bridegroom. Nobody can afford to be ignorant of economics, unless he is indifferent about having knowledge in the second most important of the social sciences.

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Planning for Freedom
And Sixteen Other Essays and Addresses
Page ii
To reprint articles previously published, we are indebted to:
Commercial and Financial Chronicle, New York, New York
Plain Talk (Reprinted by permission of Issac Don Levine, Editor)
The Freeman, Irvington-on-Hudson, New York
Farmand, Oslo, Norway
Christian Economics, Buena Park, California
Bramble Minibooks
Oakley R. Bramble, Publisher
Lansing, Michigan
Barron's National Business and Financial Weekly,
New York, New York
Henry Hazlitt, Wilton, Connecticut
Mont Plerin Quarterly, Zurich, Switzerland
Gottfried Haberler
Albert Hunold
Page iii
Planning for Freedom
And Sixteen Other Essays and Addresses
Ludwig von Mises
Also: The Essential von Mises by Murray N. Rothbard
Fourth EditionEnlarged
Planning for Freedom - image 2
Libertarian Press P.O.
Box 309 401 Erie Street
Grove City, PA 16127
(724) 458-5861 FAX: (724) 458-5962
Page iv
Copyright 1952, 1962, 1974 and 1980 by Libertarian Press. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. Brief quotations may be included in a review, and all inquiries should be addressed to: Libertarian Press, Post Office Box 309, Grove City, Pennsylvania 16127. This book was manufactured in the United States of America.
First Edition
May, 1952
Second Edition, enlarged with Essay X
May, 1962
Third Printing
April, 1964
Fourth Printing
September, 1965
Fifth Printing
November, 1969
Memorial Edition (Third)
June, 1974
Seventh Printing
June, 1974
Fourth Edition, enlarged by Articles XIVXVII and
Rothbard addition
January, 1980
Eighth Printing
June, 1996

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Von Mises, Ludwig, 18811973.
Planning for Freedom, and sixteen other essays and addresses.
Includes bibliographical references.
1. Economic policyAddresses, essays, lectures.
I. Rothbard, Murray Newton, 19261995 The Essential Von Mises.
1980. II. Title.
HD82.V6 1980 338.9 80-10765
ISBN 0-910884-31-5
Page v
Original Preface
The author of the essays and addresses presented in this volume, Professor Ludwig von Mises, is one of the foremost economists of our age. Inspired in his early career by the work of his teachers, the great Austrian economists Carl Menger and Eugen von Bhm-Bawerk, he has in a series of scholarly investigations systematically analyzed every important economic problem, critically exploded inveterate errors and substituted sound ideas for discarded fallacies. Finally in 1949, in his great book Human Action,* he has integrated the result of his studies in a comprehensive treatise dealing with every aspect of economic theory as well as of economic policies.
In his studies on money and credit Dr. Mises has unmasked the illusiveness of all arguments advanced in favor of a policy of inflation and credit expansion. He has shown how the boom that an "easy money" policy artificially produces must inevitably lead to a slump. He has demonstrated that the almost regular recurrence of periods of economic depression is not caused by any shortcomings inherent in the very nature of the market economythe capitalist systembut, on the contrary, the necessary effect of sometimes well-intentioned, but always ill-advised attempts to tamper with the operation of the market. The advocates of inflation and credit expansion have in vain tried to discredit this doctrine, the so-called Austrian theory of the trade cycle. Eventsthe collapse of the German currency in 1923, the great depression of 1929 and the following years, the troubles brought about by the present inflationhave clearly proved its correctness.
No less important than Dr. Mises' contributions to the problems of money, capital and credit are those of his writings that
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* Third revised edition 1966, Henry Regnery Co.
Page vi
deal with the effects of socialism communism, planning and all kinds of government interference with the market, e.g., price and wage control.
An economist cannot satisfy himself with pure analysis and scientific interpretations of reality. His teachings imply in themselves an attack upon the political parties whose programs they confute. From the very beginnings of his work as an economist Dr. Mises vigorously opposed those tenets and creeds whose application was bound to destroy Europe's civilization and prosperity. He boldly attacked the German Historical School, the forerunners of Hitler's National Socialism, and the Marxians, harbingers of one of the most ruthless dictatorships the world has ever seen. And he fights today in America the ascendancy of the same mentality of all-round regimentation.
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