Reviews of Mike Saunders
Mike really immerses himself in understanding the corporate strategy and needs before architecting a solution.
I have been particularly impressed by his passion for all things entrepreneurship and digital, his knowledge and skills in this space as well as his ability to present complex topics effortlessly (he is a superb speaker).
BENJAMIN SCHODERER, Yum! Restaurants International
Mike is energetic, direct, ambitious and has a strong opinion. He presents well and gets the point across with ease.
I just felt I needed to thank you for your guidance and your insight into life coaching me. It has been instrumental in my planning and the steps forward. We havent chatted in a while but its important for me to thank you for your valuable insight and wisdom. I am perfectly on track and you have been an integral part of that influence so for that I thank you.
Its simply beautiful the way Mike delivers learnings with storytelling and honesty.
BRENT SPILKIN, Business Coach and Author of WTF What the Freelance
Mike has spoken at our events, inclusive of our 2018 Annual Convention and Property Exhibition which garners close to 1 400 delegates in attendance. The delegates were positively captivated with his vast array of knowledge about his subject matter and he is concise, vibrant and interesting and keeps his audiences enthralled.
He is not conventional, nor is he traditionally corporate in style or approach, but thats what makes him effective and engaging.
GARY GUELI, Director, AutoMatrix
Mike is an insightful and gifted person who will bring you cutting-edge thinking when it comes to both understanding and navigating the future of information and communication technology.
KEITH COATS, TomorrowToday
A man who uses his frenetic energy and mischievous curiosity, to process complexity, and spell it out for us in usable lessons.
JOHN VLISMAS, Comedian and Business Consultant
by Brett StClair
Having spent ten of my twenty-five years in technology working with businesses across the planet from Google, YouTube, AdMob and then moving into the traditional corporate space reinventing Barclays Africas digital transformation and rebuild for three years I have been privileged to see how modern digital business grows at scale and the mistakes weve made in traditional companies to compete against these giants of the industry.
I have known Mike for just over ten years. I had just wrapped up my second start-up, a mobile media business, and was on my way to join Silicon darling AdMob. Mike had just started DigitLab, which has since become a highly respected digital agency in South Africa. We are both passionate about the disruptive forces of technology and about unlocking value for the end-user using the technology platforms. Weve spent countless hours sharing strategies and approaches wed learnt working with some of the biggest brands in Africa.
Mike and I also have a shared passion for knowledge sharing and spend much of our time speaking at conferences. Its been a privilege to watch him become one of Africas leading keynote speakers on disruptive technologies. Mike has published two incredible books, with Renowned topping my Top Ten list, which helps ordinary people build powerful and influential personal brands using social media and the digital economy.
Mikes passion led him to build an incredibly successful digital agency that advises and develops innovative digital solutions for its clients. Hes worked both locally and internationally on the ground level building start-ups, as well as on the top-level advising C-suite executives. Hes a big thinker with a clear philosophy that technology should be humancentric. Hence the reason for this, his third book.
When it comes to technology books, so many authors have concentrated on niche areas of specialisation. Very few provide an overarching guide to transform your business on a digital plane. Mike is uniquely positioned and experienced to share his secret sauce a complete framework for human-centred digital transformation. It brings a much needed human element into the Fourth Industrial Revolution conversation because, as he says, technology fails unless it means something to someone.
This book considers all business types and sizes. It will guide you through the maze of sophisticated technologies to solve actual customer problems. It is the first book that examines what it takes to build and run a business while digitally transforming to compete in this modern, ever-evolving marketplace.
Mike is a straight talker, one who does not beat around the proverbial bush. Time is valuable, and it is rare to see the kind of advice that large consultancies charge millions of dollars for available in a light-hearted fun read that will position you and your business to win in digital.
part one
The Challenge We Face
Yesterday I woke up as Stacey gently placed my fourteen-month-old on the bed next to me. It was Fathers Day and Stacey had brought Benson for some good morning cuddles before we started our day. Always a special moment full of human connection and emotion as Bennie slowly wakes up and gets moving.
A few minutes later Zac, my seven-year-old, appears for his morning cuddles. However, his are slightly different. Zac is always excited to prey on my slow wake-up process by suggesting he play games on the iPad instead of bugging me to wake up and make breakfast. We limit iPad time in our house, so Zac loves to make the most of my weak sleepy state every Saturday and Sunday morning.
Next step. Wake up, shower, dress the kids, pack the car with the baby pram, presents, snacks and children. Roughly 45 minutes later Stace and I are on our way to the shopping centre to enjoy a family breakfast to celebrate Fathers Day. We dont normally do breakfast in shopping centres; we find them a bit dull and artificial. However, we had picked this centre because of the night before.
It was about 9pm and we were busy with some urgent work for our business when Staceys MacBook Air crashed after a system update glitched. We booked the machine in for repairs online and changed our days plans to work around the repairs.
Back to Fathers Day, we settle our kids at the restaurant and order breakfast. I then take the laptop upstairs and drop it off at the technician for repairs and rejoin my family for breakfast. Breakfast with kids is not the most relaxing exercise but it is one that is full of emotion. We go from loving gestures and commenting on how beautiful our family is, to frustration that the kids arent eating and complaining how stressed we are as we try to balance work and parenting commitments. In the midst of this emotional roller coaster we manage to fill our stomachs and our hearts during this quality family time.