A Simple and Neutral Summary of the Most
Important Issues in the 2016 Presidential Election
Julian Rudolph and Kyle Hackel
A Simple and Neutral Summary of the Most Important Issues in the 2016 Presidential Election
Understand the Issues Stay Informed Join the Discussion Empower Yourself
2016 Julian Rudolph and Kyle Hackel.
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About the Authors
What is this book about?
This book summarizes the most important issues in the 2016 Presidential election in an unbiased format. The issues are discussed according to what Democrats and Republicans generally believe and the stances that they commonly take on them. We break down the arguments to their most basic level so that they are easy to read and understand. In short, understanding the issues and the most common party-line viewpoints on them will help you understand the election more clearly.
Why is this book important?
Most of us discuss politicsespecially during election time. We all have political opinions, whether were two Senators hammering out the details of a new piece of legislation, college friends debating a controversial topic over a couple of beers, or family members sitting around the kitchen table. But talking politics is often frustrating, confusing and complicated. Its not easy. Why? The truth is that people usually learn about politics in three ways: the news, social media, and by talking to other people. These are not good places to learn about political issues because they are sometimes biased, misleading, or fail to explain the bigger picturenot to mention all of the name calling, attack advertisements, and lies that are part of a Presidential election. The problem is that Americans do not have a source for reliable, unbiased and general political knowledge. Thats where POLITIGUIDE 2016 comes in.
What will this book do for you?
This book gives you, the American voter, a simple, clear and neutral look at the most important political issues of the 2016 Presidential election. It will empower you with information so that you can form sound opinions and perhaps think about the issues in a different way. This book might make you think that your opinions were right all along, or it might make you consider a different perspective. POLITIGUIDE 2016 compares Republicans and Democrats political viewpoints side-by-side on each issue, and points out areas where the two parties actually agree. This book will equip you with the knowledge to hold your own in a political conversation. And best of all, youll get all of this in less than 50 pages.
What the book is NOT meant to do.
This book was not written to sway you toward one party or the other. It does not contain a list of facts, charts, or data designed to justify either sides viewpoint, nor is it intended to be a summary of how all Republicans or all Democrats feel about an issue. After reading this book, you will not walk away with vast political knowledge. We do not discuss individual candidates or current elected officials because this book is about political parties and their general viewpoints, not politicians. Once again, the book only explains the key issues and what the two major parties believe in the simplest form possible. To take our pledge of neutrality a step further, weve arranged the issues in alphabetical order to avoid the assumption that some are more important than others.
So without further ado, lets begin our exploration of the key issues up for debate in the 2016 Presidential election.
To make informed decisions in the voting booth in 2016, youll first need a basic understanding of the two major political parties operating in the United States today: the Democrats and the Republicans. Of course there are many other parties too, such as the Libertarians, the Socialists, the Communist Party, and so on. It seems as if theres a party out there representing almost every interest you can imagine. Theres the Green Party for people concerned with the environment. Theres the Prohibition Party for folks opposed to the sale and consumption of alcohol. Theres even a Pirate Party (Google it; its not what you think) and a Marijuana Party (no need to Google that one; it IS what you think).
Nonetheless, we have chosen to focus POLITIGUIDE 2016 exclusively on the Democrats and Republicans for two reasons. First, it would take a book of encyclopedic proportions to report on todays most pressing issues through the unique lenses of all the different parties in America. None of us has that kind of time. Second, the last President who was neither a Democrat nor a Republican took office more than 150-years agoMillard Fillmore of the now-defunct Whig Party in 1850and Democrats and Republicans have dominated Presidential elections in America ever since. Its a safe bet that they will continue their domination into 2016 as well.