In An Inconvenient Book , Glenn Beck tackles the biggest issues America currently faces, from illegal immigration to global warming to terrorism. In offering his solutions, Beck combines a level of hard-hitting honesty with a biting sense of humor and plenty of research to find unique resolutions that aim to open readers eyes while also entertaining them along the way.
Glenn Beck is a conservative pundit who hosts the nationally syndicated radio show, The Glenn Beck Program , as well as a prime-time television show on CNNs Headline News . He is the author of The Real America and the publisher of Fusion magazine.
Summary of An Inconvenient Book (Glenn Beck)
Literary giant Stephen King believes Glenn Beck is Satans mentally challenged younger brother. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. describes Beck as an advocate for corporate-fascism. And Comedy Central s Jon Stewart thinks Beck is the perfect pundit for pod people. Who is Glenn Beck? And why are all the right people on the Left so ticked off by him?
An Inconvenient Book represents a point view on life and current events from iconoclastic conservative Glenn Beck, a former dipsomaniac who managed to find the right woman, turn his life around, and become one of Americas most universally-beloved TV and radio personalities. Ok, maybe that last claim is a bit of a stretch, but two out of three isnt bad.
They say the road to wisdom is paved with excess. If thats true, then Glenn Beck (GB) and his traveling companion, Jack Daniels (JD), wracked up many miles on the highway to sagacity before JD drove the two of them into a ditch. At the time, Becks life was so messed up he thought Sagacity was a town in New Jersey, but thanks to the intervention of Tania, the woman who helped GB kick JD, Glenn was able to get his act together.
Beck had some work to do before he could convince Tania to marry him (thats because Tania is way, way smarter than Glenn is). As Beck recounts, She understood that unless we shared a common faith, unless we had something deep, meaningful, and spiritual to help guide us, wed never make it. Beck went along with this, visiting church after church in search of a faith, simply because he thought it was probably the only way to continue his relationship with Tania. But then, something remarkable happened as Beck began to realize that committing to God actually did strengthen his relationship to the woman he loved. Now, Beck realizes he and Tania will be together for life.
Now that alcohol and pornography no longer dominate Becks life yes, at one point Beck admits his day-to-day life made Robert Downey, Jr. seem like a Boy Scout in comparison he has become a keen observer and commentator on the social issues and current events of our day. From global warming to faith and family to immigration and national security, Beck offers wit, wisdom, and common sense on the issues than concern all Americansor at least those Americans who have something in mind besides Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.
Global Warming, Storming, and Conforming
Theres a scientific consensus that a lot of people want to live in Miami, Florida. Havent these people seen Al Gores movie, An Inconvenient Truth , which predicts that these citizens will soon require scuba gear to go shopping at their favorite strip mall? Or, could it be that a lot of people think Al Gores hyperventilating talk about global warming is a lot of hot air?
Just to be clear, it does appear that the earth has warmed, slightly. It also looks like man is responsible for part of this warming. However, natural changes are also playing a part in the warming. We all have to remember that change is the only constant when it comes to climate.
An Inconvenient Truth drowned audiences with charts, statistics, and alleged facts, but the apocalyptic deluge Gore forecasts actually would require water levels to rise 17 times higher than even water levels predicted by a UN report. Further, the computer models that make these predictions are far from infallible and if the assumptions that go into them are wrong by even a fraction of a degree, then the forecasts they make will be junk. As the saying goes, garbage in, garbage out. Weve seen this movie before; a few decades ago a lot of scientists were getting hysterical about a global cooling crisis, which turned out to be a lot of half-baked hooey. The bottom line: its tough enough predicting next weeks weather, let alone the climate decades from now.
In the 1970s, environmentalists were telling us another ice age was around the corner. The culprit, as far as they were concerned, was CO2. But scientists, the media, and activists have a tendency to shut down dissenting views, so its no wonder that it has become a heresy to challenge the view that CO2 now causes global warming. A careful look at graphs showing CO2 and warming moving in tandem reveals an inconvenient fact: in many instances, temperature rises occur before CO2 rises. As one expert observed, to say that CO2 is the primary cause of temperature change is like saying lung cancer causes smoking.
Government prescriptions to cure global warming would be worse than the disease. Put simply, when government tries to fix things, it invariably creates new problems without solving the original one. Just imagine, for instance, the mess wed be in now if we had tried to solve global cooling all those years ago.
When it comes to global warming, the less government does the better. Private enterprise is already investing in innovation and cleaner forms of fuel. And these energy technologies will hit the market when they make sense. The best government can do is offer tax breaks and other incentives to let capitalism work its magic. In spite of what we want to believe, the earth is not a Lexus that we can climb into, turn the climate control to a comfortable 70 degrees, and leave it there till the end of time. Our climate has millions of variables and we are far from understanding how everything works. Clean energy will be good for a lot of other reasons and if global warming were to turn out as dreadful as the environmentalists believe, then cleaner forms of energy will help address this too. In the meantime, if it gets hot, go ahead and turn the AC on.
Radical Islam: Politically Incorrect
You have to be careful mentioning Islam and extremism in the same sentence; people might think you are a hatemonger. GB believes that Islam is a religion of peace and the vast majority of Muslims are peace-loving people. However, Islamic extremists the kind that want to impose their version of Islamic rule on the rest of the world have hijacked a great religion. Unfortunately, radical Muslims have used fear and intimidation to discourage ordinary Muslims from speaking out against the monsters who have perverted their religion.
Ironically, Islamic radicals aim to turn our greatest strength (our freedoms) against us. In particular, they relish the fact that an atmosphere of political correctness (PC) prevents us from condemning extremist violence done in the name of religion. Indeed, as one radical cleric put it, We will use your democracy to destroy your democracy.