Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher has a quote that is perfect for the opening of this book, and it goes by Man is by nature a political animal!. This can be taken in many ways, but for us the most important is that man is by nature a sociable being, meaning that we need to interact with each other so we can survive and thrive easier than if we did not. Life in the ancient ages was not as easy as it became in the last two hundred years! It was literally a very dangerous place to be and you could get yourself in trouble, or even killed, quiet easily and without much effort. The best two inventions ever created by humankind are the laws and law enforcement, without them we would still be living in a jungle like state where everyone of us would do as he/she pleased and we would have no security whatsoever. Laws and law enforcement came as a necessary measure to protect each and every individual in society, and that is why people are so scared of wars and chaos, as if these two would happen, both law and law enforcement would be suspended, well, at least in practice which is what counts. When I got married, my wife was 23 years-old and I was moving to a new job, and right after the wedding when we travelled so we could join our new companies, the first thing she told me was not to trust anyone at work, she said that if we can not trust anyone in life in general, hat would we say about work, where everybody is a competitor or, at least, a potential competitor. Keep this in mind while you go through your corporate journey, as it as true now as it was since the beginning of time.
What Is Office Politics?
Office politics is generally defined as actions and behavior involving competition for status or power in the workplace. Please notice that it is actions and behavior, and not mere thoughts and ideas. It is also defined as the use of power and social networking within an organization to achieve changes that benefit the organization or individuals within it. Influence by individuals may (and I add, must) serve personal interests without regard to their effect on the organization itself. The best leaders are the ones who look after the interests of their organizations and its employees and customers, and also shareholders, and put these all above his/her own interests. However, this is so rare to find, that you could only hear about by hearsay, as most of us, if not all, have our personal hidden agenda! Yes, everybody would like to rise to the top, no one wants less power and influence, we all want more. It is not about greed, but ambition. If we did not want more consistently, we would have been extinct by now, however, of course, there is a limit to ambition and that is what our world elite does not want, and actually refuses to understand. They do want more not only for ambition but also for greed and to dominate the world.
In ancient times, when kings, queens, emperors, and princes used to rule the world, they had assistants who until now are known as ministers. They could use almost all means to reach their ends except force and violence. All their moves had to be covered up as if they were the most innocent of beings, they had to act with subtlety and never show anger or despair for power. Had Adolf Hitler won the Second World War, democracy would not have spread at such an amazing and grandiose rate, but indeed he lost, thanks to heaven. Since democracy is now the dominant value among most people and states across the globe, we also should be using of it, or at least show the world around us that we value democracy at all costs, it is the fever of our age and we have to abide by it. But if you have worked for at least one month in a company or any other organization that has a clear hierarchy, you must have noticed that managers, executives, and CEOs are everything but democratic, instead, they are the most tyrannical leaders the world has ever seen, yet they pose as being the most liberal and democratic of leaders. I was once interviewed by the General Manager of a five-star beach resort, and I was really astonished by his behavior towards me, which I guess at that time was a part of his personality, which makes it even worse. He asked me a few questions and looked at me with an attitude as if I was the smallest of mosquitoes, and he made it clear to me that he was not listening to me as I was speaking. I do not need to tell you he did not offer me the job, and I would not have taken it anyway if he did. I just gave you this example to illustrate what world are we living in, it is a place where if you become powerful, some people think they now have the authority to step over less powerful people. Unfortunately, that is the truth.
Now instead of lamenting our ill fate in being born at these times, why not fight back and acquire all the knowledge these powerful people have and employed against us, so we can be powerful like them and use it for both our own interests and to advance the lives of our loved ones and those in need? We have to learn all the strategies and tactics used by the 1% so we can try to rise as much as possible. This book will show you how!