Praise for earlier editions of
The European Union: A Very Short Introduction
This up-to-date and accessible guide to the EU, with an authorship team of academic and practitioner experts, will be of benefit to anyone who wants to understand how todays EU works and why it has as many problems as achievements. A very welcome book.
Alex Warleigh-Lack
John Pinder writes straightforwardly and beautifully clearly... He has done an extraordinary job of compressing the history, and the book is absolutely up to date.
Helen Wallace
John Pinder is in a class of his own. He brings clarity and vision to what is too often complicated and obscure. He causes both friend and foe to wonder what a reformed and strengthened Union could achieve for all Europe and for the wider world.
Andrew Duff, MEP, Constitutional Affairs Spokesman,
European Liberal Democrats
... indispensable not only for beginners but for all interested in European issues. Pithy, lucid and accessible it covers recent history, institutions, and policies, as well as future developments.
Rt. Hon. Giles Radice, MP
... it not only lives up to but exceeds the promise of its title. This is in fact The European Union A Very Short, Useful and Straightforward Guide.
Independent on Sunday
William Keegan, Observer

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John Pinder and Simon Usherwood 2013
The moral rights of the authors have been asserted
First Edition published in 2001
Second Edition published in 2007
This Edition published 2013
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ISBN 9780199681693
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Very Short Introductions available now:
ADVERTISING Winston FletcherAFRICAN HISTORY John Parker and Richard RathboneAGNOSTICISM Robin Le PoidevinAMERICAN POLITICAL PARTIES AND ELECTIONS L. Sandy MaiselTHE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY Charles O. JonesANARCHISM Colin WardANCIENT EGYPT Ian ShawANCIENT PHILOSOPHY Julia AnnasANCIENT WARFARE Harry SidebottomANGLICANISM Mark ChapmanTHE ANGLO-SAXON AGE John BlairANIMAL RIGHTS David DeGraziaANTISEMITISM Steven BellerTHE APOCRYPHAL GOSPELS Paul FosterARCHAEOLOGY Paul BahnARCHITECTURE Andrew BallantyneARISTOCRACY William DoyleARISTOTLE Jonathan BarnesART HISTORY Dana ArnoldART THEORY Cynthia FreelandATHEISM Julian BagginiAUGUSTINE Henry ChadwickAUTISM Uta FrithBARTHES Jonathan CullerBESTSELLERS John SutherlandTHE BIBLE John RichesBIBLICAL ARCHEOLOGY Eric H. 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