New World Order: A Strategy of Imperialism
Copyright 2012, 2016 Sean Stone All Rights Reserved
Published by:
Trine Day LLC
PO Box 577
Walterville, OR 97489
Library of Congress Control Number: 2016950561
Stone, Sean
1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes references and index.
Epub (ISBN-13) 978-1-63424-091-8
Mobi (ISBN-13) 978-1-63424-092-5
Print (ISBN-13) 978-1-63424-090-1
1. Elliott, William Yandell, -- 1896-1979 -- Influence. 2. Rhodes, Cecil, -- 1853-1902 -- Influence. 3. Rhodes scholarships -- History. 4. World politics. 5. Internationalism. 6. Fugitives (Group). I. Stone, Sean. II. Title
First Edition
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Cover by:
Greg Hardesty
Printed in the USA
Distribution to the Trade by:
Independent Publishers Group (IPG)
814 North Franklin Street
Chicago, Illinois 60610
Publishers Foreword
The ghost I saw may be the devil, and the devil has the power to assume a pleasing disguise, and so he may be taking advantage of my weakness and sadness to bring about my damnation. I need better evidence than the ghost to work with. The plays the thing to uncover the conscience of the king.
Hamlet, The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Act 2, Scene 2
E very book has its own journey as do we all. Sometimes traveling together, other times alone, we oft come face-to-face with our fears, our foibles and our futures. For what will be, is always up to us: Actions begat.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna is distraught about upsetting cosmic order (dharma). Wouldnt his overthrowing the establishment cause problems? After all, werent some of the folks sowing the strife his relations and friends? Yes, they werent behaving correctly, but if he opposes them, Arjuna worries that he will be defying the natural-order-of-things and committing sin. In the name of dharma, he argues for non-violence, because by attacking and killing so many important men, who are fathers and husbands, it will damage families and communities, which are themselves vital to the wellness of society. How can he, why should he battle?
First, Krishna, Arjunas charioteer, speaks to him of the eternal nature of the soul, that no action can harm anyones true self:
The learned do not grieve for the dead or for the living. Never, indeed, was there a time when I was not, nor when you were not, nor these lords of men. Never, too, will there be a time when we shall not be
He next explains that action done out of a sense of duty without attachment has no karmic effects, and is the correct action.
Not by nonperformance of actions does a man attain freedom from action; nor by mere renunciation of actions does he attain his spiritual goal. Do your allotted work, for action is superior to non-action. Even the normal functioning of your body cannot be accomplished through actionlessness
And we all have different natures, and these differences dictate different duties different action.
I met Sean as a guest on his Buzzsaw interview show. The topic was my father, who had served in American intelligence for twenty years: OSS, G-2 and CIA. Dad quit the Agency in the late 50s and started to talk to me in the late 60s. He had mostly been an in-house analyst, but during WWII he had also worked in psychological warfare, and then in the early 50s he went covert, even taking the family along as cover.
In 1969 Dad had a profound talk with me. It was the day before my twentieth birthday, and a friend of his, Dr. D.F. Fleming from Vanderbilt, was visiting. My father proceeded to tell me amazing things, all about his intelligence career, before they delved into the issue of psychological warfare. The first thing he told me was that the Vietnam war was about drugs and that there were secret societies involved. He then said that communism was all a sham, and instead, these secret societies were behind it; that it was all a big game. He also told me that they were playing out a lose-scenario in Vietnam. Hunh?
I had no idea or frame of reference about what they were talking about, but soon began a journey to try to understand what I had been told. Leading me to research, then to write and eventually publish books that no one else seemed willing to do.
After my interview with Sean was over, we continued our conversation and he told me of his college thesis. I asked to read it and found out, as Dr. Peter Dale Scott put it: I learned a lot by reading it. Not having even heard of his main subject, William Yandell Elliot before, I encouraged Sean to publish, and here we are.
It took me over twenty years to begin to understand what my father told me. A major revelation was the book, Americas Secret Establishment, by my good friend and mentor, Antony Sutton. He had this to say:
Watch as events unfold. We are observers. They will destroy themselves. We can help a little, but dont get any bright ideas about overturning the system. They have all the bombs, but we have something stronger the truth and freedom of spirit.
Be patient, spread the word among friends, do your little bit. The system will self destruct because it is founded on corruption and untruth.
Sean Stone is definitely doing his little bit. What will you do?
Onwards to the utmost of Futures,
RA Kris Millegan
August 18, 2016
The political work of the Open Conspiracy must be conducted upon two levels and by entirely different methods. Its main political idea, its political strategy, is to weaken, efface, incorporate, or supersede existing governments. But there is also a tactical diversion of administrative powers and resources to economic and educational arrangements of a modern type. Because a country or a district is inconvenient as a division and destined to ultimate absorption in some more comprehensive and economical system of government, that is no reason why its administration should not be brought meanwhile into working co-operation with the development of the Open Conspiracy.
H. G. Wells, TheOpen Conspiracy, 1928
Table of Contents
Statue of Cecil Rhodes at Oriel College at Oxford University. He left money to the college on his death in 1902.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller
W e have an expression in our English-speaking culture, a metaphorical idiom which represents an obvious truth ; but recognizing that the truth carries with it an obvious risk and/or problems, it thus goes unnamed, unstudied, and undiscussed: thats the elephant in the living room , as the saying goes.
This book provides a rewarding journey for those who dont know anything about the topic, as well as for those who think they already know quite a bit; for the average individual it provides the framework of the New World Order, and for the academic and serious researcher this book relates a copious amount of real-world facts which are beyond refute, and which must be considered in formulating a holistic understanding of how the world works up to this point in history.