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Rachel Lee - A Soldiers Redemption (Harlequin Romantic Suspense)

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Rachel Lee A Soldiers Redemption (Harlequin Romantic Suspense)
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When her husbands murder forces Cory Farland into the Witness Protection Program, she has to make a fresh start in a brand-new place. In Conard County, she has no past. Until former Navy captain Wade Kendrick moves in. The enigmatic ex-SEAL reawakens passionand dares Cory to dream of a future.He cant run foreverWade didnt come to the Wyoming small town to play bodyguard. But Cory needs a boarder and he needs a place to decompress. And now the guarded widow is arousing something that goes deeper than his protective instincts. With Corys life under the gun, there isnt anything Wade wont do to keep her safe and claim the love that could redeem them both.

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Cory stole another glance at Wade and wondered at herself.

If ever a guy looked like a bad risk for even something as simple as friendship, he was it. Yet for some reason she was opening up to him. Not much, but enough that she could get herself into trouble if she didnt watch her step.

She ought to be afraid of him, the way she was afraid of everything else. Instead all she could do was notice how attractive he was.

Wonder if that hard line of his mouth would feel as hard if he kissed her.

What that hard body would feel like against her soft curves.

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Dear Reader,

This book was born out of a couple of thingsan experience a friend had and my own study of the difficulties involved with the Witness Protection Program. But these were just the germs of the idea.

Cory and Wades story is much larger and involves a huge measure of healing for them both. Even as Cory is being stalked by a killer, they both have to come to terms with old scars and learn to trust again. When your life has been shattered, and trust ripped away, thats not an easy thing to do.

It doesnt always take much to destroy our sense of security in life, a sense that we must have in order to carry on. But once its gone, getting it back is a huge task and not everyone does it the same way.

I hope you enjoy the story of two people who fight to regain their lost belief that life can be good.


Rachel Lee

A Soldiers Redemption

Books by Rachel Lee Silhouette Romantic Suspense An Officer and a Gentleman - photo 1

Books by Rachel Lee

Silhouette Romantic Suspense

An Officer and a Gentleman #370

Serious Risks #394

Defying Gravity #430

Exiles End #449

Cherokee Thunder #463

Miss Emmaline and the Archangel #482

Ironheart #494

Lost Warriors #535

Point of No Return #566

A Question of Justice #613

Nighthawk #781

Cowboy Comes Home #865

Involuntary Daddy #955

Holiday Heroes #1487

A Soldiers Homecoming #1519

Protector of One #1555

The Unexpected Hero #1567

The Man from Nowhere #1595

Her Hero in Hiding #1611

A Soldiers Redemption #1635

Silhouette Shadows

Imminent Thunder #10

Thunder Mountain #37

Silhouette Books

A Conard County Reckoning

Conard County

The Hearts Command
Dream Marine

Montana Mavericks

Cowboy Cop #12

Worlds Most
Eligible Bachelors

The Catch of Conard County


was hooked on writing by the age of twelve, and practiced her craft as she moved from place to place all over the United States. This New York Times bestselling author now resides in Florida and has the joy of writing full-time.

Her bestselling Conard County series (see www.conardcounty.com) has won the hearts of readers worldwide, and its no wonder, given her own approach to life and love. As she says, Life is the biggest romantic adventure of alland if youre open and aware, the most marvelous things are just waiting to be discovered.

For my dad, who taught me that a person is measured by their dedication to honor, duty and loyalty.
You lived those values, Dad. And they live on in me.

Chapter 1

T he knock on the door, as always, caused Corinne Farlands heart to skip a beat. Some lessons, once learned, could never be unlearned.

But after a year in Conard County, she found it a little easier to go to the front of the house. As always, she twitched the curtain aside at the front window by the door and looked out. She recognized Gage Dalton instantly, with his scarred face and his sheriffs uniform. Gage was her main protector these days.

She hurried to disengage the alarm system, then opened the door and smiled, an expression that sometimes still felt awkward on her face. Hi, Gage.

He smiled back, a crooked expression as the burn scar on one side of his face caused one side of his mouth to hitch oddly. Hi, Cory. Got a minute?

For you, always. She let him in and asked if hed like some coffee.

Im coffeed out, he said, still smiling. Too many cups of Velmas brew and my stomach starts reminding me Im mortal. Velma was the dispatcher at the sheriffs office, a woman of indeterminate age who made coffee so strong few people could finish a single cup. The deputies, however, sucked it down by the pot.

She invited him into her small living room, and he perched on the edge of her battered recliner, his tan Stetson in his hands.

How are things? he asked.

Okay. Not entirely true, maybe never true again, but the bleak desert of her heart and soul were not things she trotted out. Not for anyone.

Emma mentioned something to me. Emma was his wife, the county librarian, a woman Cory admired and liked. She said you were a bit tight financially.

Cory felt her cheeks heat. That wasnt for distribution.

Gage smiled. Husband-and-wife privilege. It doesnt go any further, okay?

She tried to smile back and hoped she succeeded. Things were indeed tight. Her salary as a grocery-store clerk had been tight from the beginning, but now because times were hard, theyd asked everyone to take a cut in hours. Her cut had pushed her to the brink, where canned soup often became her only meal of the day.

Gage shook his head. Ill never in a million years understand how they work this witness protection program.

Cory bit her lip. She didnt like to discuss that part, the part where her husband, a federal prosecutor, had become the target of a drug gang he was going after. The part where a man had burst into her house one night and killed him. The part where the feds had said that for her own protection she had to change her identity and move far away from everything and everyone she knew and loved.

They do the best they can, she said finally.

Not enough. Its not enough to buy you a house, give you a few bucks, get you a job and then leave you to manage. Not after what youve been through.

There was some insurance. Almost gone now, though, and she was clinging to the remains in case of an emergency. Shed already had a few of those with this house theyd given her, and it had eaten into what little she had. And they did do more for me than most. Like a minor plastic surgery to change her nose, which caused an amazing transformation to her face, and the high-tech alarm system that protected her day and night.

Well, he said, Id like to make a suggestion.


A friend of a friend just arrived in town. Hes looking for a place to stay awhile thats not a motel, but hes not ready to rent an apartment. Do you think you could consider taking a roomer? You dont have to feed him, just give him your extra bedroom.

She thought about that. There was a bedroom upstairs, untouched and unused. It had a single bed, a dresser and a chair, here when she had moved in. Her own bedroom was downstairs, so she wouldnt have this guy next door to her at all times.

But there were other things, darker fears. Gage

I know. Its hard to trust after where youve been. But I checked him out. Twenty years in the navy, all documented. Enough medals to paper a wall. Youve met Nate Tate, havent you?

Of course. Shed met the former sheriff. He might have retired, but apparently he still made it his job to know everyone in the county. Shed even had dinner with him and his wife a few times at their house. Of course.

Well, this guy is a friend of his sons. I dont know if youve met Seth Hardin.

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