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Harley Laroux - Paddled by Krampus

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Harley Laroux Paddled by Krampus
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Paddled by Krampus

By Harley Laroux

Copyright 2019 by Harley Laroux

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner

whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


This book is not intended for anyone under the age of legal adulthood. It contains graphic sexual scenes, including fetish, kink, and BDSM-related activities.

This book is intended as FANTASY ONLY.

This book is not intended to be used as a resource for sexual education, or as an informational guide to sex or BDSM.

The scenes within this book are not meant to depict realistic expectations of BDSM or fetish-related activities.

The Kinks/Fetishes Within:

Erotic humiliation, scolding, spanking (paddling/caning), flogging, monster-fucking, extra-large penetration, manhandling, blowjobs, begging, crying, restraint, size difference, creampie/semen, briefly-mentioned age gap.

Also, a pine tree gets involved. You probably shouldnt put pine needles on your genitals. You canif you wantbut you probably shouldntjust read about it instead.

Chapter 1 - A Love Potion for the 16th Century

Alvina didnt try to be a bad girl - it just came naturally.

It came naturally in the way she spoke sweetly to her Masters face, but sold off his expensive potions behind his back. He was so forgetful; he probably would have lost them even if she hadnt stolen them! Selling them was just putting them to good use at least, that was what she told herself when wicked guilt began to creep up on her.

It came naturally when she told her Master again and again that she just didnt understand because magic was so hard ...even though she understood it perfectly well. But she really didnt want to have to take her Wizarding Exams the following year, or start her own job mixing potions or powders or divining for non-magic folk. She would far rather feign her own foolishness. Her Master was so kind and patient, of course he had agreed to give her room and board for another year while she caught up on her studies.

When she told him that she had no idea where his favorite homemade brew had gone, well...that wasnt entirely a lie. Sometimes she got a little too tipsy and drinking it simply slipped her mind.

It was all harmless really: just little tricks, things that hurt no one. A wizard was supposed to be good at tricks, after all, and Alvina had mastered the art. Even the few times she had been caught in a lie, Master Jareth was simply too patient to punish her. He would sigh and shake his head, but the more she cried and apologized, the more awkward he became, until he would simply pat her head and send her off to bed, and never say a word about it again.

When shed first come to him as an apprentice at 18, Alvina had been certain he would be a fearsome Master. After all, he kept a bunch of switches above the mantle, and she had been certain she would feel their sting often. But Jareth had never touched them, not even once, not even when hed caught her in her worst lies. Now the switches were no more of a threat than the wizards numerous clocks and teacups - they were simply part of the decor.

It was Alvinas third Yule season with Master Jareth, and that year, the wizard had brewed up something particularly special: a delicious drink of alcoholic cider, infused with apples, cinnamon, nutmeg, and honey. Jareth had a great knack for magical potions, but when he put his skills to work with his brewing, his talent truly shined. Apprentices like Alvina werent allowed to drink; it was against some wizarding rule - or perhaps Jareth had only told her that in an effort to make her behave. But she had overheard her Master telling a visiting wizard of his concoction, and the effects of it were particularly alluring.

It will be an aphrodisiac unlike any other! A love potion for the 16th century!

Alvina huddled behind a massive tree root as she listened to her Master explain his creation to a traveling wizard, a tall blond feline with a shimmering cloak. The taste, of course, is delectable - unlike a certain Master Ricars last attempt at a love potion, ha! But the real magic lies in the effect: three sips, and the drinker is overcome with arousal. Six sips, and the drinker will orgasm spontaneously.

Spontaneously? the feline looked alarmed. For how long?

Oh, well Master Jareth hmm-ed and hawed for a bit. That really depends on the alcohol tolerance of the drinker, height, weight, and such...if they drank on a full stomach, you know, that can make a difference

Alvina had heard all she needed to. She had to try that potion, before Master Jareth bottled it up and sold it off!

One night, when her Master was fast asleep, Alvina snuck out of bed. Jareths house was built around a massive tree, with many spiraling stairs to get from one room to the next. She had to climb all of them to get to Jareths potion room. The potion room was at the very top of the house, above the highest branches of the tree, so Jareth could look out and observe the planets through the domed glass ceiling. Alvina climbed up stairway after stairway, placing her feet just so , to avoid any creaks and squeaks. She had snuck through the house enough times to know where to step. She made it to her Masters room, where Jareth slept on a large round bed, surrounded by lots of dangling bits and bobs that sparkled and twirled.

She looked in on him sleeping as she passed. He was sprawled across the bed in his white pajamas, his glasses sitting crooked on his slim nose, snoring. He usually forgot to take them off before he slept. He was fifteen years her elder, and his hair had already gone all white. But she had always thought he had a handsome face: high cheekbones and a slim chin, with a kind, eager smile. He was a masterful wizard, but he was forgetful, and far too forgiving. Alvina shook her head, blew him a kiss, and continued upward.

The potion room was filled with all kinds of interesting sounds and smells, and the air tingled with magic. Goosebumps went up Alvina's arms the moment she opened the door, and she was quickly surrounded by the strong smell of lilies. The scent changed day by day: sometimes it smelt of roses, or daisies, or herbs. Jareth kept all kinds of haunted odds-and-ends in there, the kind of things that had a way of watching those who moved through the room. Alvina used to be uncomfortable with the powerful feeling of being watched, but after years of using the potion room as a study, she'd gotten used to it.

Jareth kept his newest brews on the shelves beneath his desk. Six little glass bottles stood there that night, filled with a swirling, glittery brown concoction. Alvina snatched one up with eager fingers. The bottle contained no more than two mouthfuls - surely just enough to give her the desired effect of spontaneous orgasms. With a naughty grin, Alvina took her spoils downstairs.

Besides her bedroom, the living room was Alvina's favorite place to relax, especially at Yule time. The ceiling was tall and peaked, and the tree she and Jareth had chosen to adorn that year reached so far up that Alvina had to tip her head back to see all the way to the top. They had decorated it with sparkling strings of beads, and ornaments tied together with twine, wood, and dried flowers. The room smelled like fresh pine, and a simple spell kept the scents of vanilla, cinnamon, and clove lingering in the air even when no baking was being done. The fireplace burned brightly day and night, so the room was always warm, even as the snow fell outside.

Alvina settled onto the large couch against the wall, beneath the round window. Frost had gathered on the outside of the panes, and she could faintly see the silhouettes of the dark trees outside. The snow had fallen thickly in the past few weeks, so great snow drifts had built up all around the massive tree that supported their home. Tonight, the sky was clear of clouds and the moonlight fell in silvery shafts through the trees so that the snow seemed to glow. Alvina stared out at the landscape, content for a few moments, before she turned her attention back to the swirling brew in her hands.

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