Racing Towards Judgment By David Wilkerson
A message of trial and triumph from the bestselling author of THE CROSS AND THE SWITCHBLADE
The Sequel to the book The Vision
Complete and Unabridged
I know I have seen the appearance of the finger of God against this nation.... My directions are simply to cry aloud and share these warnings in every way possible.... I know people will call me an alarmist, a sensationalist, and a preacher of doom and despair. Even well-meaning ministers and church leaders will refute the message as not from God before they have shut themselves in the secret closet of prayer to see if these things really be true....
David Wilkerson
Other Spire Books By David Wilkerson
The Cross And The Switchblade
Beyond The Cross And The Switchblade
Hey, Preach... Youre Comin Through!
The Little People
Man, Have I Got Problems
Parents On Trial
Twelve Angels From Hell
The Vision
Racing Toward Judgment
Spire Books, A Fleming H. Revell Company
Old Tappan, New Jersey
Scripture quotations not otherwise identified are the authors paraphrase of indicated reference, based mainly on The Living Bible.
Scripture quotations identified TLB are from The Living Bible, Copyright 1971 by Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois 60187. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations identified KJV are from the King James Version of the Bible.
Excerpt from Recessional from RUDYARD KIPLINGS VERSE: Definitive Edition. Reprinted by permission of Mrs. George Bambridge and Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Racing Toward Judgment A Spire Book
Published by Pillar Books
for Fleming H. Revell Company
Spire Edition published November 1976
Copyright 1976 by David Wilkerson Youth Crusades
All Rights Reserved
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 76-22933
ISBN 0-8007-8276-3
Printed in the United States of America
SPIRE BOOKS are published by
Fleming H. Revell Company
Old Tappan, New Jersey 07675, U.S.A.
I really dont care what people think about this book, pro or con. All I know is that God holds me responsible to proclaim the message He gives me.
I hear the sound of a trumpet. It is Gods awesome warning that our nation is racing toward judgment. Let all the prophets of the positive talk up a boom. Let ministers and politicians peddle their optimistic gospel. As for me, I see black days of holy retribution and judgment just ahead. With an inner peace and joy that only God can give, I deliver this message with no apologies. This is a doomsday book! We Americans like to shut out all bad news. We rebel against ugly words like doom, gloom, recession, depression, judgment. But that doesnt change a thing. Like it or not, America is racing toward judgment.
There is absolutely nothing new about warning of coming earthquakes, drought, and financial chaos. Scientists on the West Coast are screaming out their warnings of major quakes they believe are coming very soon. Drought conditions already exist. Hundreds of farmers are even now headed for bankruptcy. New York and at least fifteen other major cities in America are on the brink of bankruptcy. Labor unrest, racial hatred, and runaway inflation are all time bombs that can abort recovery at any moment. We may have already reached the point in this country (crosscurrents of society are flowing so fast) that recovery is now beyond the reach of human ingenuity.
I am not a prophet, and I refuse to allow anyone to put that tag on me. But I am a watchman. Just one of many in this nation who now warn Americans to get ready for persecution and judgment. I have no sense of destiny, and I am not motivated by dreams or impressions. I have spent months studying my Bible, learning how God deals with societies and nations that forget Him. It was that long look back into historical prophecy that prompted my look into the future. Gods methods of judgment may change with each generation, but His justice never changes. Now I dont have to say, This, I prophesy. I can, with confidence, say, This is what God will do, based on the record of His Word.
A few years ago I wrote a book entitled The Vision. In it, I warned about many of the calamities that are befalling this nation and the world even now. The book created controversy among Christians everywhere. Many read only the first half of the book and threw it down. They were scared, angered, or unbelieving. If they had taken the time to read the rest of the book, they would have understood the real message I was preachingnamely, that God has everything under control. And that Christians have nothing to fear.
It is even more important for true believers to read all of this book. If you read only about the judgment and terror of the Lord and get turned off, you will miss the message completely. I want Christians to be able to lay this book down, after absorbing its full contents, and breathe this prayer: Live or die, we are the Lords. I want Christians to prepare for the future with joy, confidence, and hope.
I want those who are not ready to meet God to read this book with a reverential fear. And I pray that fear will lead to repentance and restoration.
Judgment is coming on America. Get ready.
Chapter 1, The Partys Over
1. Judgment Is Coming
Please dont put this book down until you have read every word. Your life may depend on it. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Read carefully the following prophecy:
Unbelievable disasters are roaring down upon us like a whirlwind from the outer limits of the universe. Awesome calamities will soon fall on this nation and mankind will be terrified. This nation will stagger like a drunkard. Days of crushing confusion and terror will cause mens hearts to fail them for fear. Many parts of this country will languish, crops will wither, crime will become nearly uncontrollable, laws will be twisted and defied, and the economy will totter on the brink of total collapse.
The upraised fist of God is poised, ready to destroy pride and to condemn the self-acclaimed greatness of our nation. The peoples of this land are going to suffer for their blatant sins. The Commander of the armies of Heaven will soon come forth to shake this nation like a tent in a storm. The world will witness the curse of God against those who have twisted and forsaken His everlasting commandments. The joys and pleasures of life will soon be turned into mourning. The merrymakers will weep and sigh. Singing, happy days will give way to a time of mob rule, chaos in city streets, homes and shops locked up tight to keep out looters, and life will fall to its lowest ebb.
Priests and people, masters and slaves, buyers and sellers, lenders and borrowers, bankers and debtorsnone will be spared. The land will be looted and its spirit crushed. Prophets of peace will go up and down the land deluding victims with foolish counsel that all is well.
Now then, I am sure your first reaction to the above prophecy may turn you off. You may be thinking to yourself, Its just another doomsday sermon! Another prophet of calamity trying to scare people! The truth of the matter is that history repeats itself. The predictions of coming calamities are not mine at allthey are the warnings of the prophet Isaiah directed at his society, centuries ago.
This fearless prophet saw a frightening vision of approaching calamities and cried out:
... God is telling me what He is going to do. I see the land plundered and destroyed. When I hear what God is going to do, my stomach constricts with burning pain; sharp pangs of horror come upon me ... my mind reels: my heart races; I am gripped by an awful fear. I can no longer sleep and I lie awake, trembling. (Isaiah 21:2-4)
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